path: root/src/git/log.rs
//! libgit2 log parsing

use crate::git::{tree::FileNode, Repo};
use git2::Oid;
use std::collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet};

/// A file-commit referenced graph thing
/// git is _weird_!  It's essentially just a glorified key-value store
/// and it shows.  There's no utilities to figure out how thing are
/// related, and all the actual graph things in git are sugar on top
/// of this store.
/// In order to make sense of anything in a repo we need to quite
/// heavily parse the log.  This type here is the result of this
/// parsing: you can ask it smart questions like "when did this file
/// change" and it will tell you (sort of).
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub(crate) struct CommitGraph {
    /// The correct order of commits in the log
    order: Vec<String>,
    /// List of all files, and the commits in which they were touched
    file_refs: BTreeMap<String, Vec<String>>,
    /// Map of commit IDs to metadata
    commit_refs: BTreeMap<String, CommitNode>,

pub(crate) struct CommitNode {
    id: String,
    author: String,
    message: String,
    touches: BTreeSet<String>,
    time: i64,

fn build_diff_log(repo: &Repo, log: Vec<(String, Vec<FileNode>)>) -> Vec<CommitNode> {

/// Walk through all commits from a given ref and build a commit graph
pub(crate) fn create_commit_log(rev: String, repo: &Repo) -> CommitGraph {
    let mut walker = repo.get_inner().revwalk().unwrap();
    let mut commits = walker
        .map(|oid| {
            let oid = oid.unwrap();

    let mut initial: Vec<(_, _)> = commits
        .map(|commit| {
            let id = format!("{}", commit.id());
            (id.clone(), repo.get_tree(id.as_str()))

    // split off rest of the diffs and dissolve the len(1) vec
    let log = initial.split_off(1);
    let previous = initial.remove(0).1;

    let mut order = vec![];
    let (commit_refs, file_refs) = log.into_iter().fold(
        (BTreeMap::new(), BTreeMap::new()),
        |(mut cm, mut fm), (cid, current)| {
            let commit_id = format!("{}", cid);

            let d = repo
                .diff_tree_to_tree(Some(&previous), Some(&current), None)

            // Store the commit to preserve order

            // For each file, store this commit as one that touched it
            let touches = d.deltas().fold(BTreeSet::new(), |mut set, delta| {
                let file_id = format!("{}", delta.new_file().id());

            // From the commit, build a metadata object
            let commit_u = repo
            let author_u = commit_u.author();
            let commit = CommitNode {
                id: commit_id,
                message: commit_u.message().unwrap().to_owned(),
                author: format!("{} {}", author_u.name().unwrap(), author_u.email().unwrap()),
                time: author_u.when().seconds(),

            // Insert the metadata object
            cm.insert(cid.clone(), commit);

            // We pass both the modified maps into the next commit
            (cm, fm)

    CommitGraph {