path: root/home-manager/modules/services
diff options
authorKatharina Fey <kookie@spacekookie.de>2019-10-05 12:06:29 +0000
committerKatharina Fey <kookie@spacekookie.de>2019-10-05 12:42:50 +0000
commit1148b1d122bc03e9a3665856c9b7bb96bd4e3994 (patch)
tree1a9586de593790e236349d5caa0abdff7f3f6856 /home-manager/modules/services
parent919d4e75699aa4ba456fd2d3d416a0522c9c7294 (diff)
parent8bddc1adab0f7a51476f819fa2197353e8e1d136 (diff)
Add 'home-manager/' from commit '8bddc1adab0f7a51476f819fa2197353e8e1d136'
git-subtree-dir: home-manager git-subtree-mainline: 919d4e75699aa4ba456fd2d3d416a0522c9c7294 git-subtree-split: 8bddc1adab0f7a51476f819fa2197353e8e1d136
Diffstat (limited to 'home-manager/modules/services')
46 files changed, 4735 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/home-manager/modules/services/blueman-applet.nix b/home-manager/modules/services/blueman-applet.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..186dc7454f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/modules/services/blueman-applet.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+ options = {
+ services.blueman-applet = {
+ enable = mkEnableOption ''
+ Blueman applet.
+ Note, for the applet to work, 'blueman' package should also be installed system-wide
+ since it requires running 'blueman-mechanism' service activated via dbus.
+ You can add it to the dbus packages in system configuration:
+ services.dbus.packages = [ pkgs.blueman ];
+ '';
+ };
+ };
+ config = mkIf config.services.blueman-applet.enable {
+ systemd.user.services.blueman-applet = {
+ Unit = {
+ Description = "Blueman applet";
+ After = [ "graphical-session-pre.target" ];
+ PartOf = [ "graphical-session.target" ];
+ };
+ Install = {
+ WantedBy = [ "graphical-session.target" ];
+ };
+ Service = {
+ ExecStart = "${pkgs.blueman}/bin/blueman-applet";
+ };
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/home-manager/modules/services/compton.nix b/home-manager/modules/services/compton.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c227f0a8c07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/modules/services/compton.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+with builtins;
+ cfg = config.services.compton;
+ configFile = pkgs.writeText "compton.conf"
+ (optionalString cfg.fade ''
+ # fading
+ fading = true;
+ fade-delta = ${toString cfg.fadeDelta};
+ fade-in-step = ${elemAt cfg.fadeSteps 0};
+ fade-out-step = ${elemAt cfg.fadeSteps 1};
+ fade-exclude = ${toJSON cfg.fadeExclude};
+ '' +
+ optionalString cfg.shadow ''
+ # shadows
+ shadow = true;
+ shadow-offset-x = ${toString (elemAt cfg.shadowOffsets 0)};
+ shadow-offset-y = ${toString (elemAt cfg.shadowOffsets 1)};
+ shadow-opacity = ${cfg.shadowOpacity};
+ shadow-exclude = ${toJSON cfg.shadowExclude};
+ no-dock-shadow = ${toJSON cfg.noDockShadow};
+ no-dnd-shadow = ${toJSON cfg.noDNDShadow};
+ '' +
+ optionalString cfg.blur ''
+ # blur
+ blur-background = true;
+ blur-background-exclude = ${toJSON cfg.blurExclude};
+ '' + ''
+ # opacity
+ active-opacity = ${cfg.activeOpacity};
+ inactive-opacity = ${cfg.inactiveOpacity};
+ menu-opacity = ${cfg.menuOpacity};
+ opacity-rule = ${toJSON cfg.opacityRule};
+ # other options
+ backend = ${toJSON cfg.backend};
+ vsync = ${toJSON cfg.vSync};
+ refresh-rate = ${toString cfg.refreshRate};
+ '' + cfg.extraOptions);
+in {
+ options.services.compton = {
+ enable = mkEnableOption "Compton X11 compositor";
+ blur = mkOption {
+ type = types.bool;
+ default = false;
+ description = ''
+ Enable background blur on transparent windows.
+ '';
+ };
+ blurExclude = mkOption {
+ type = types.listOf types.str;
+ default = [];
+ example = [
+ "class_g = 'slop'"
+ "class_i = 'polybar'"
+ ];
+ description = ''
+ List of windows to exclude background blur.
+ See the
+ <citerefentry>
+ <refentrytitle>compton</refentrytitle>
+ <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>
+ </citerefentry>
+ man page for more examples.
+ '';
+ };
+ fade = mkOption {
+ type = types.bool;
+ default = false;
+ description = ''
+ Fade windows in and out.
+ '';
+ };
+ fadeDelta = mkOption {
+ type = types.int;
+ default = 10;
+ example = 5;
+ description = ''
+ Time between fade animation step (in ms).
+ '';
+ };
+ fadeSteps = mkOption {
+ type = types.listOf types.str;
+ default = [ "0.028" "0.03" ];
+ example = [ "0.04" "0.04" ];
+ description = ''
+ Opacity change between fade steps (in and out).
+ '';
+ };
+ fadeExclude = mkOption {
+ type = types.listOf types.str;
+ default = [];
+ example = [
+ "window_type *= 'menu'"
+ "name ~= 'Firefox$'"
+ "focused = 1"
+ ];
+ description = ''
+ List of conditions of windows that should not be faded.
+ See the
+ <citerefentry>
+ <refentrytitle>compton</refentrytitle>
+ <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>
+ </citerefentry>
+ man page for more examples.
+ '';
+ };
+ shadow = mkOption {
+ type = types.bool;
+ default = false;
+ description = ''
+ Draw window shadows.
+ '';
+ };
+ shadowOffsets = mkOption {
+ type = types.listOf types.int;
+ default = [ (-15) (-15) ];
+ example = [ (-10) (-15) ];
+ description = ''
+ Horizontal and vertical offsets for shadows (in pixels).
+ '';
+ };
+ shadowOpacity = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ default = "0.75";
+ example = "0.8";
+ description = ''
+ Window shadows opacity (number in range 0 - 1).
+ '';
+ };
+ shadowExclude = mkOption {
+ type = types.listOf types.str;
+ default = [];
+ example = [
+ "window_type *= 'menu'"
+ "name ~= 'Firefox$'"
+ "focused = 1"
+ ];
+ description = ''
+ List of conditions of windows that should have no shadow.
+ See the
+ <citerefentry>
+ <refentrytitle>compton</refentrytitle>
+ <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>
+ </citerefentry>
+ man page for more examples.
+ '';
+ };
+ noDockShadow = mkOption {
+ type = types.bool;
+ default = true;
+ description = ''
+ Avoid shadow on docks.
+ '';
+ };
+ noDNDShadow = mkOption {
+ type = types.bool;
+ default = true;
+ description = ''
+ Avoid shadow on drag-and-drop windows.
+ '';
+ };
+ activeOpacity = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ default = "1.0";
+ example = "0.8";
+ description = ''
+ Opacity of active windows.
+ '';
+ };
+ inactiveOpacity = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ default = "1.0";
+ example = "0.8";
+ description = ''
+ Opacity of inactive windows.
+ '';
+ };
+ menuOpacity = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ default = "1.0";
+ example = "0.8";
+ description = ''
+ Opacity of dropdown and popup menu.
+ '';
+ };
+ opacityRule = mkOption {
+ type = types.listOf types.str;
+ default = [];
+ example = [
+ "87:class_i ?= 'scratchpad'"
+ "91:class_i ?= 'xterm'"
+ ];
+ description = ''
+ List of opacity rules.
+ See the
+ <citerefentry>
+ <refentrytitle>compton</refentrytitle>
+ <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>
+ </citerefentry>
+ man page for more examples.
+ '';
+ };
+ backend = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ default = "glx";
+ description = ''
+ Backend to use: <literal>glx</literal> or <literal>xrender</literal>.
+ '';
+ };
+ vSync = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ default = "none";
+ example = "opengl-swc";
+ description = ''
+ Enable vertical synchronization using the specified method.
+ See the
+ <citerefentry>
+ <refentrytitle>compton</refentrytitle>
+ <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>
+ </citerefentry>
+ man page for available methods.
+ '';
+ };
+ refreshRate = mkOption {
+ type = types.int;
+ default = 0;
+ example = 60;
+ description = ''
+ Screen refresh rate (0 = automatically detect).
+ '';
+ };
+ package = mkOption {
+ type = types.package;
+ default = pkgs.compton;
+ defaultText = literalExample "pkgs.compton";
+ example = literalExample "pkgs.compton";
+ description = ''
+ Compton derivation to use.
+ '';
+ };
+ extraOptions = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ default = "";
+ example = ''
+ unredir-if-possible = true;
+ dbe = true;
+ '';
+ description = ''
+ Additional Compton configuration.
+ '';
+ };
+ };
+ config = mkIf cfg.enable {
+ home.packages = [ cfg.package ];
+ systemd.user.services.compton = {
+ Unit = {
+ Description = "Compton X11 compositor";
+ After = [ "graphical-session-pre.target" ];
+ PartOf = [ "graphical-session.target" ];
+ };
+ Install = {
+ WantedBy = [ "graphical-session.target" ];
+ };
+ Service = {
+ ExecStart = "${cfg.package}/bin/compton --config ${configFile}";
+ Restart = "always";
+ RestartSec = 3;
+ }
+ // optionalAttrs (cfg.backend == "glx") {
+ # Temporarily fixes corrupt colours with Mesa 18.
+ Environment = [ "allow_rgb10_configs=false" ];
+ };
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/home-manager/modules/services/dunst.nix b/home-manager/modules/services/dunst.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..96b1f71a2fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/modules/services/dunst.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+ cfg = config.services.dunst;
+ eitherStrBoolIntList = with types; either str (either bool (either int (listOf str)));
+ toDunstIni = generators.toINI {
+ mkKeyValue = key: value:
+ let
+ value' =
+ if isBool value then (if value then "yes" else "no")
+ else if isString value then "\"${value}\""
+ else toString value;
+ in
+ "${key}=${value'}";
+ };
+ themeType = types.submodule {
+ options = {
+ package = mkOption {
+ type = types.package;
+ example = literalExample "pkgs.gnome3.adwaita-icon-theme";
+ description = "Package providing the theme.";
+ };
+ name = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ example = "Adwaita";
+ description = "The name of the theme within the package.";
+ };
+ size = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ default = "32x32";
+ example = "16x16";
+ description = "The desired icon size.";
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ hicolorTheme = {
+ package = pkgs.hicolor_icon_theme;
+ name = "hicolor";
+ size = "32x32";
+ };
+ meta.maintainers = [ maintainers.rycee ];
+ options = {
+ services.dunst = {
+ enable = mkEnableOption "the dunst notification daemon";
+ iconTheme = mkOption {
+ type = themeType;
+ default = hicolorTheme;
+ description = "Set the icon theme.";
+ };
+ settings = mkOption {
+ type = with types; attrsOf (attrsOf eitherStrBoolIntList);
+ default = {};
+ description = "Configuration written to ~/.config/dunstrc";
+ example = literalExample ''
+ {
+ global = {
+ geometry = "300x5-30+50";
+ transparency = 10;
+ frame_color = "#eceff1";
+ font = "Droid Sans 9";
+ };
+ urgency_normal = {
+ background = "#37474f";
+ foreground = "#eceff1";
+ timeout = 10;
+ };
+ };
+ '';
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ config = mkIf cfg.enable (
+ mkMerge [
+ {
+ xdg.dataFile."dbus-1/services/org.knopwob.dunst.service".source =
+ "${pkgs.dunst}/share/dbus-1/services/org.knopwob.dunst.service";
+ services.dunst.settings.global.icon_path =
+ let
+ useCustomTheme =
+ cfg.iconTheme.package != hicolorTheme.package
+ || cfg.iconTheme.name != hicolorTheme.name
+ || cfg.iconTheme.size != hicolorTheme.size;
+ basePaths = [
+ "/run/current-system/sw"
+ config.home.profileDirectory
+ cfg.iconTheme.package
+ ] ++ optional useCustomTheme hicolorTheme.package;
+ themes =
+ [
+ cfg.iconTheme
+ ] ++ optional useCustomTheme (
+ hicolorTheme // { size = cfg.iconTheme.size; }
+ );
+ categories = [
+ "actions"
+ "animations"
+ "apps"
+ "categories"
+ "devices"
+ "emblems"
+ "emotes"
+ "filesystem"
+ "intl"
+ "mimetypes"
+ "places"
+ "status"
+ "stock"
+ ];
+ in
+ concatStringsSep ":" (
+ concatMap (theme:
+ concatMap (basePath:
+ map (category:
+ "${basePath}/share/icons/${theme.name}/${theme.size}/${category}"
+ ) categories
+ ) basePaths
+ ) themes
+ );
+ systemd.user.services.dunst = {
+ Unit = {
+ Description = "Dunst notification daemon";
+ After = [ "graphical-session-pre.target" ];
+ PartOf = [ "graphical-session.target" ];
+ };
+ Service = {
+ Type = "dbus";
+ BusName = "org.freedesktop.Notifications";
+ ExecStart = "${pkgs.dunst}/bin/dunst";
+ };
+ };
+ }
+ (mkIf (cfg.settings != {}) {
+ xdg.configFile."dunst/dunstrc" = {
+ text = toDunstIni cfg.settings;
+ onChange = ''
+ pkillVerbose=""
+ if [[ -v VERBOSE ]]; then
+ pkillVerbose="-e"
+ fi
+ $DRY_RUN_CMD ${pkgs.procps}/bin/pkill -u $USER $pkillVerbose dunst || true
+ unset pkillVerbose
+ '';
+ };
+ })
+ ]
+ );
diff --git a/home-manager/modules/services/dwm-status.nix b/home-manager/modules/services/dwm-status.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2b010cec1e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/modules/services/dwm-status.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+ cfg = config.services.dwm-status;
+ features = [ "audio" "backlight" "battery" "cpu_load" "network" "time" ];
+ configText = builtins.toJSON ({ inherit (cfg) order; } // cfg.extraConfig);
+ configFile = pkgs.writeText "dwm-status.json" configText;
+ options = {
+ services.dwm-status = {
+ enable = mkEnableOption "dwm-status user service";
+ package = mkOption {
+ type = types.package;
+ default = pkgs.dwm-status;
+ defaultText = literalExample "pkgs.dwm-status";
+ example = "pkgs.dwm-status.override { enableAlsaUtils = false; }";
+ description = "Which dwm-status package to use.";
+ };
+ order = mkOption {
+ type = types.listOf (types.enum features);
+ description = "List of enabled features in order.";
+ };
+ extraConfig = mkOption {
+ type = types.attrs;
+ default = {};
+ example = literalExample ''
+ {
+ separator = "#";
+ battery = {
+ notifier_levels = [ 2 5 10 15 20 ];
+ };
+ time = {
+ format = "%H:%M";
+ };
+ }
+ '';
+ description = "Extra config of dwm-status.";
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ config = mkIf cfg.enable {
+ systemd.user.services.dwm-status = {
+ Unit = {
+ Description = "DWM status service";
+ PartOf = [ "graphical-session.target" ];
+ };
+ Install = {
+ WantedBy = [ "graphical-session.target" ];
+ };
+ Service = {
+ ExecStart = "${cfg.package}/bin/dwm-status ${configFile}";
+ };
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/home-manager/modules/services/emacs.nix b/home-manager/modules/services/emacs.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..33d6871c61b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/modules/services/emacs.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+ cfg = config.services.emacs;
+ emacsCfg = config.programs.emacs;
+ emacsBinPath = "${emacsCfg.finalPackage}/bin";
+ options.services.emacs = {
+ enable = mkEnableOption "the Emacs daemon";
+ };
+ config = mkIf cfg.enable {
+ assertions = [
+ {
+ assertion = emacsCfg.enable;
+ message = "The Emacs service module requires"
+ + " 'programs.emacs.enable = true'.";
+ }
+ ];
+ systemd.user.services.emacs = {
+ Unit = {
+ Description = "Emacs: the extensible, self-documenting text editor";
+ Documentation = "info:emacs man:emacs(1) https://gnu.org/software/emacs/";
+ # Avoid killing the Emacs session, which may be full of
+ # unsaved buffers.
+ X-RestartIfChanged = false;
+ };
+ Service = {
+ ExecStart = "${pkgs.runtimeShell} -l -c 'exec ${emacsBinPath}/emacs --fg-daemon'";
+ ExecStop = "${emacsBinPath}/emacsclient --eval '(kill-emacs)'";
+ Restart = "on-failure";
+ };
+ Install = {
+ WantedBy = [ "default.target" ];
+ };
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/home-manager/modules/services/flameshot.nix b/home-manager/modules/services/flameshot.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..87b494d0fcd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/modules/services/flameshot.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+ cfg = config.services.flameshot;
+ package = pkgs.flameshot;
+ meta.maintainers = [ maintainers.hamhut1066 ];
+ options = {
+ services.flameshot = {
+ enable = mkEnableOption "Flameshot";
+ };
+ };
+ config = mkIf cfg.enable {
+ home.packages = [ package ];
+ systemd.user.services.flameshot = {
+ Unit = {
+ Description = "Flameshot screenshot tool";
+ After = [
+ "graphical-session-pre.target"
+ "polybar.service"
+ "stalonetray.service"
+ "taffybar.service"
+ ];
+ PartOf = [ "graphical-session.target" ];
+ };
+ Install = {
+ WantedBy = [ "graphical-session.target" ];
+ };
+ Service = {
+ Environment = "PATH=${config.home.profileDirectory}/bin";
+ ExecStart = "${package}/bin/flameshot";
+ Restart = "on-abort";
+ };
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/home-manager/modules/services/getmail.nix b/home-manager/modules/services/getmail.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..46d4c1752d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/modules/services/getmail.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+ cfg = config.services.getmail;
+ accounts = filter (a: a.getmail.enable)
+ (attrValues config.accounts.email.accounts);
+ # Note: The getmail service does not expect a path, but just the filename!
+ renderConfigFilepath = a: if a.primary then "getmailrc" else "getmail${a.name}";
+ configFiles = concatMapStringsSep " " (a: " --rcfile ${renderConfigFilepath a}") accounts;
+ options = {
+ services.getmail = {
+ enable = mkEnableOption "the getmail systemd service to automatically retrieve mail";
+ frequency = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ default = "*:0/5";
+ example = "hourly";
+ description = ''
+ The refresh frequency. Check <literal>man systemd.time</literal> for
+ more information on the syntax. If you use a gpg-agent in
+ combination with the passwordCommand, keep the poll
+ frequency below the cache-ttl value (as set by the
+ <literal>default</literal>) to avoid pinentry asking
+ permanently for a password.
+ '';
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ config = mkIf cfg.enable {
+ systemd.user.services.getmail = {
+ Unit = {
+ Description = "getmail email fetcher";
+ };
+ Service = {
+ ExecStart = "${pkgs.getmail}/bin/getmail ${configFiles}";
+ };
+ };
+ systemd.user.timers.getmail = {
+ Unit = {
+ Description = "getmail email fetcher";
+ };
+ Timer = {
+ OnCalendar = "${cfg.frequency}";
+ Unit = "getmail.service";
+ };
+ Install = {
+ WantedBy = [ "timers.target" ];
+ };
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/home-manager/modules/services/gnome-keyring.nix b/home-manager/modules/services/gnome-keyring.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4ca6c7cacf2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/modules/services/gnome-keyring.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+ cfg = config.services.gnome-keyring;
+ meta.maintainers = [ maintainers.rycee ];
+ options = {
+ services.gnome-keyring = {
+ enable = mkEnableOption "GNOME Keyring";
+ components = mkOption {
+ type = types.listOf (types.enum ["pkcs11" "secrets" "ssh"]);
+ default = [];
+ description = ''
+ The GNOME keyring components to start. If empty then the
+ default set of components will be started.
+ '';
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ config = mkIf cfg.enable {
+ systemd.user.services.gnome-keyring = {
+ Unit = {
+ Description = "GNOME Keyring";
+ PartOf = [ "graphical-session-pre.target" ];
+ };
+ Service = {
+ ExecStart =
+ let
+ args = concatStringsSep " " (
+ [ "--start" "--foreground" ]
+ ++ optional (cfg.components != []) (
+ "--components=" + concatStringsSep "," cfg.components
+ )
+ );
+ in
+ "${pkgs.gnome3.gnome_keyring}/bin/gnome-keyring-daemon ${args}";
+ Restart = "on-abort";
+ };
+ Install = {
+ WantedBy = [ "graphical-session-pre.target" ];
+ };
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/home-manager/modules/services/gpg-agent.nix b/home-manager/modules/services/gpg-agent.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5dc942fef63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/modules/services/gpg-agent.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+ cfg = config.services.gpg-agent;
+ gpgInitStr = ''
+ GPG_TTY="$(tty)"
+ export GPG_TTY
+ ''
+ + optionalString cfg.enableSshSupport
+ "${pkgs.gnupg}/bin/gpg-connect-agent updatestartuptty /bye > /dev/null";
+ meta.maintainers = [ maintainers.rycee ];
+ options = {
+ services.gpg-agent = {
+ enable = mkEnableOption "GnuPG private key agent";
+ defaultCacheTtl = mkOption {
+ type = types.nullOr types.int;
+ default = null;
+ description = ''
+ Set the time a cache entry is valid to the given number of
+ seconds.
+ '';
+ };
+ defaultCacheTtlSsh = mkOption {
+ type = types.nullOr types.int;
+ default = null;
+ description = ''
+ Set the time a cache entry used for SSH keys is valid to the
+ given number of seconds.
+ '';
+ };
+ maxCacheTtl = mkOption {
+ type = types.nullOr types.int;
+ default = null;
+ description = ''
+ Set the maximum time a cache entry is valid to n seconds. After this
+ time a cache entry will be expired even if it has been accessed
+ recently or has been set using gpg-preset-passphrase. The default is
+ 2 hours (7200 seconds).
+ '';
+ };
+ maxCacheTtlSsh = mkOption {
+ type = types.nullOr types.int;
+ default = null;
+ description = ''
+ Set the maximum time a cache entry used for SSH keys is valid to n
+ seconds. After this time a cache entry will be expired even if it has
+ been accessed recently or has been set using gpg-preset-passphrase.
+ The default is 2 hours (7200 seconds).
+ '';
+ };
+ enableSshSupport = mkOption {
+ type = types.bool;
+ default = false;
+ description = ''
+ Whether to use the GnuPG key agent for SSH keys.
+ '';
+ };
+ sshKeys = mkOption {
+ type = types.nullOr (types.listOf types.str);
+ default = null;
+ description = ''
+ Which GPG keys (by keygrip) to expose as SSH keys.
+ '';
+ };
+ enableExtraSocket = mkOption {
+ type = types.bool;
+ default = false;
+ description = ''
+ Whether to enable extra socket of the GnuPG key agent (useful for GPG
+ Agent forwarding).
+ '';
+ };
+ verbose = mkOption {
+ type = types.bool;
+ default = false;
+ description = ''
+ Whether to produce verbose output.
+ '';
+ };
+ grabKeyboardAndMouse = mkOption {
+ type = types.bool;
+ default = true;
+ description = ''
+ Tell the pinentry to grab the keyboard and mouse. This
+ option should in general be used to avoid X-sniffing
+ attacks. When disabled, this option passes
+ <option>no-grab</option> setting to gpg-agent.
+ '';
+ };
+ enableScDaemon = mkOption {
+ type = types.bool;
+ default = true;
+ description = ''
+ Make use of the scdaemon tool. This option has the effect of
+ enabling the ability to do smartcard operations. When
+ disabled, this option passes
+ <option>disable-scdaemon</option> setting to gpg-agent.
+ '';
+ };
+ extraConfig = mkOption {
+ type = types.lines;
+ default = "";
+ example = ''
+ allow-emacs-pinentry
+ allow-loopback-pinentry
+ '';
+ description = ''
+ Extra configuration lines to append to the gpg-agent
+ configuration file.
+ '';
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ config = mkIf cfg.enable (mkMerge [
+ {
+ home.file.".gnupg/gpg-agent.conf".text = concatStringsSep "\n" (
+ optional (cfg.enableSshSupport) "enable-ssh-support"
+ ++
+ optional (!cfg.grabKeyboardAndMouse) "no-grab"
+ ++
+ optional (!cfg.enableScDaemon) "disable-scdaemon"
+ ++
+ optional (cfg.defaultCacheTtl != null)
+ "default-cache-ttl ${toString cfg.defaultCacheTtl}"
+ ++
+ optional (cfg.defaultCacheTtlSsh != null)
+ "default-cache-ttl-ssh ${toString cfg.defaultCacheTtlSsh}"
+ ++
+ optional (cfg.maxCacheTtl != null)
+ "max-cache-ttl ${toString cfg.maxCacheTtl}"
+ ++
+ optional (cfg.maxCacheTtlSsh != null)
+ "max-cache-ttl-ssh ${toString cfg.maxCacheTtlSsh}"
+ ++
+ [ cfg.extraConfig ]
+ );
+ home.sessionVariables =
+ optionalAttrs cfg.enableSshSupport {
+ SSH_AUTH_SOCK = "$(${pkgs.gnupg}/bin/gpgconf --list-dirs agent-ssh-socket)";
+ };
+ programs.bash.initExtra = gpgInitStr;
+ programs.zsh.initExtra = gpgInitStr;
+ }
+ (mkIf (cfg.sshKeys != null) {
+ # Trailing newlines are important
+ home.file.".gnupg/sshcontrol".text = concatMapStrings (s: "${s}\n") cfg.sshKeys;
+ })
+ # The systemd units below are direct translations of the
+ # descriptions in the
+ #
+ # ${pkgs.gnupg}/share/doc/gnupg/examples/systemd-user
+ #
+ # directory.
+ {
+ systemd.user.services.gpg-agent = {
+ Unit = {
+ Description = "GnuPG cryptographic agent and passphrase cache";
+ Documentation = "man:gpg-agent(1)";
+ Requires = "gpg-agent.socket";
+ After = "gpg-agent.socket";
+ # This is a socket-activated service:
+ RefuseManualStart = true;
+ };
+ Service = {
+ ExecStart = "${pkgs.gnupg}/bin/gpg-agent --supervised"
+ + optionalString cfg.verbose " --verbose";
+ ExecReload = "${pkgs.gnupg}/bin/gpgconf --reload gpg-agent";
+ };
+ };
+ systemd.user.sockets.gpg-agent = {
+ Unit = {
+ Description = "GnuPG cryptographic agent and passphrase cache";
+ Documentation = "man:gpg-agent(1)";
+ };
+ Socket = {
+ ListenStream = "%t/gnupg/S.gpg-agent";
+ FileDescriptorName = "std";
+ SocketMode = "0600";
+ DirectoryMode = "0700";
+ };
+ Install = {
+ WantedBy = [ "sockets.target" ];
+ };
+ };
+ }
+ (mkIf cfg.enableSshSupport {
+ systemd.user.sockets.gpg-agent-ssh = {
+ Unit = {
+ Description = "GnuPG cryptographic agent (ssh-agent emulation)";
+ Documentation = "man:gpg-agent(1) man:ssh-add(1) man:ssh-agent(1) man:ssh(1)";
+ };
+ Socket = {
+ ListenStream = "%t/gnupg/S.gpg-agent.ssh";
+ FileDescriptorName = "ssh";
+ Service = "gpg-agent.service";
+ SocketMode = "0600";
+ DirectoryMode = "0700";
+ };
+ Install = {
+ WantedBy = [ "sockets.target" ];
+ };
+ };
+ })
+ (mkIf cfg.enableExtraSocket {
+ systemd.user.sockets.gpg-agent-extra = {
+ Unit = {
+ Description = "GnuPG cryptographic agent and passphrase cache (restricted)";
+ Documentation = "man:gpg-agent(1) man:ssh(1)";
+ };
+ Socket = {
+ ListenStream = "%t/gnupg/S.gpg-agent.extra";
+ FileDescriptorName = "extra";
+ Service = "gpg-agent.service";
+ SocketMode = "0600";
+ DirectoryMode = "0700";
+ };
+ Install = {
+ WantedBy = [ "sockets.target" ];
+ };
+ };
+ })
+ ]);
diff --git a/home-manager/modules/services/hound.nix b/home-manager/modules/services/hound.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a252a68d271
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/modules/services/hound.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+ cfg = config.services.hound;
+ configFile = pkgs.writeText "hound-config.json" (
+ builtins.toJSON {
+ max-concurrent-indexers = cfg.maxConcurrentIndexers;
+ dbpath = cfg.databasePath;
+ repos = cfg.repositories;
+ health-check-url = "/healthz";
+ }
+ );
+ houndOptions = [
+ "--addr ${cfg.listenAddress}"
+ "--conf ${configFile}"
+ ];
+ meta.maintainers = [ maintainers.adisbladis ];
+ options.services.hound = {
+ enable = mkEnableOption "hound";
+ maxConcurrentIndexers = mkOption {
+ type = types.ints.positive;
+ default = 2;
+ description = "Limit the amount of concurrent indexers.";
+ };
+ databasePath = mkOption {
+ type = types.path;
+ default = "${config.xdg.dataHome}/hound";
+ defaultText = "\$XDG_DATA_HOME/hound";
+ description = "The Hound database path.";
+ };
+ listenAddress = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ default = "localhost:6080";
+ description = "Listen address of the Hound daemon.";
+ };
+ repositories = mkOption {
+ type = types.attrsOf (types.uniq types.attrs);
+ default = {};
+ example = literalExample ''
+ {
+ SomeGitRepo = {
+ url = "https://www.github.com/YourOrganization/RepoOne.git";
+ ms-between-poll = 10000;
+ exclude-dot-files = true;
+ };
+ }
+ '';
+ description = "The repository configuration.";
+ };
+ };
+ config = mkIf cfg.enable {
+ home.packages = [ pkgs.hound ];
+ systemd.user.services.hound = {
+ Unit = {
+ Description = "Hound source code search engine";
+ };
+ Install = {
+ WantedBy = [ "default.target" ];
+ };
+ Service = {
+ Environment = "PATH=${makeBinPath [ pkgs.mercurial pkgs.git ]}";
+ ExecStart = "${pkgs.hound}/bin/houndd ${concatStringsSep " " houndOptions}";
+ };
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/home-manager/modules/services/imapnotify-accounts.nix b/home-manager/modules/services/imapnotify-accounts.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1c780bf28c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/modules/services/imapnotify-accounts.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+{ lib, ... }:
+with lib;
+ options.imapnotify = {
+ enable = mkEnableOption "imapnotify";
+ onNotify = mkOption {
+ type = with types; either str (attrsOf str);
+ default = "";
+ example = "\${pkgs.isync}/bin/mbsync test-%s";
+ description = "Shell commands to run on any event.";
+ };
+ onNotifyPost = mkOption {
+ type = with types; either str (attrsOf str);
+ default = "";
+ example = { mail = "\${pkgs.notmuch}/bin/notmuch new && \${pkgs.libnotify}/bin/notify-send 'New mail arrived'"; };
+ description = "Shell commands to run after onNotify event.";
+ };
+ boxes = mkOption {
+ type = types.listOf types.str;
+ default = [];
+ example = [ "Inbox" "[Gmail]/MyLabel" ];
+ description = "IMAP folders to watch.";
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/home-manager/modules/services/imapnotify.nix b/home-manager/modules/services/imapnotify.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fbb0713e978
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/modules/services/imapnotify.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+ cfg = config.services.imapnotify;
+ safeName = lib.replaceChars ["@" ":" "\\" "[" "]"] ["-" "-" "-" "" ""];
+ imapnotifyAccounts =
+ filter (a: a.imapnotify.enable)
+ (attrValues config.accounts.email.accounts);
+ genAccountUnit = account:
+ let
+ name = safeName account.name;
+ in
+ {
+ name = "imapnotify-${name}";
+ value = {
+ Unit = {
+ Description = "imapnotify for ${name}";
+ };
+ Service = {
+ ExecStart = "${pkgs.imapnotify}/bin/imapnotify -c ${genAccountConfig account}";
+ } // optionalAttrs account.notmuch.enable {
+ Environment = "NOTMUCH_CONFIG=${config.xdg.configHome}/notmuch/notmuchrc";
+ };
+ Install = {
+ WantedBy = [ "default.target" ];
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ genAccountConfig = account:
+ pkgs.writeText "imapnotify-${safeName account.name}-config.js" (
+ let
+ port =
+ if account.imap.port != null then account.imap.port
+ else if account.imap.tls.enable then 993
+ else 143;
+ toJSON = builtins.toJSON;
+ in
+ ''
+ var child_process = require('child_process');
+ function getStdout(cmd) {
+ var stdout = child_process.execSync(cmd);
+ return stdout.toString().trim();
+ }
+ exports.host = ${toJSON account.imap.host}
+ exports.port = ${toJSON port};
+ exports.tls = ${toJSON account.imap.tls.enable};
+ exports.username = ${toJSON account.userName};
+ exports.password = getStdout("${toString account.passwordCommand}");
+ exports.onNotify = ${toJSON account.imapnotify.onNotify};
+ exports.onNotifyPost = ${toJSON account.imapnotify.onNotifyPost};
+ exports.boxes = ${toJSON account.imapnotify.boxes};
+ ''
+ );
+ meta.maintainers = [ maintainers.nickhu ];
+ options = {
+ services.imapnotify = {
+ enable = mkEnableOption "imapnotify";
+ };
+ accounts.email.accounts = mkOption {
+ type = with types; attrsOf (submodule (
+ import ./imapnotify-accounts.nix
+ ));
+ };
+ };
+ config = mkIf cfg.enable {
+ assertions =
+ let
+ checkAccounts = pred: msg:
+ let
+ badAccounts = filter pred imapnotifyAccounts;
+ in
+ {
+ assertion = badAccounts == [];
+ message = "imapnotify: Missing ${msg} for accounts: "
+ + concatMapStringsSep ", " (a: a.name) badAccounts;
+ };
+ in
+ [
+ (checkAccounts (a: a.maildir == null) "maildir configuration")
+ (checkAccounts (a: a.imap == null) "IMAP configuration")
+ (checkAccounts (a: a.passwordCommand == null) "password command")
+ (checkAccounts (a: a.userName == null) "username")
+ ];
+ systemd.user.services =
+ listToAttrs (map genAccountUnit imapnotifyAccounts);
+ };
diff --git a/home-manager/modules/services/kbfs.nix b/home-manager/modules/services/kbfs.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..863f4feea3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/modules/services/kbfs.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+ cfg = config.services.kbfs;
+ options = {
+ services.kbfs = {
+ enable = mkEnableOption "Keybase File System";
+ mountPoint = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ default = "keybase";
+ description = ''
+ Mount point for the Keybase filesystem, relative to
+ <envar>HOME</envar>.
+ '';
+ };
+ extraFlags = mkOption {
+ type = types.listOf types.str;
+ default = [];
+ example = [
+ "-label kbfs"
+ "-mount-type normal"
+ ];
+ description = ''
+ Additional flags to pass to the Keybase filesystem on launch.
+ '';
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ config = mkIf cfg.enable {
+ systemd.user.services.kbfs = {
+ Unit = {
+ Description = "Keybase File System";
+ Requires = [ "keybase.service" ];
+ After = [ "keybase.service" ];
+ };
+ Service =
+ let
+ mountPoint = "\"%h/${cfg.mountPoint}\"";
+ in {
+ Environment = "PATH=/run/wrappers/bin KEYBASE_SYSTEMD=1";
+ ExecStartPre = "${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/mkdir -p ${mountPoint}";
+ ExecStart ="${pkgs.kbfs}/bin/kbfsfuse ${toString cfg.extraFlags} ${mountPoint}";
+ ExecStopPost = "/run/wrappers/bin/fusermount -u ${mountPoint}";
+ Restart = "on-failure";
+ PrivateTmp = true;
+ };
+ Install = {
+ WantedBy = [ "default.target" ];
+ };
+ };
+ home.packages = [ pkgs.kbfs ];
+ services.keybase.enable = true;
+ };
diff --git a/home-manager/modules/services/kdeconnect.nix b/home-manager/modules/services/kdeconnect.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..bd698fcf836
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/modules/services/kdeconnect.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+ cfg = config.services.kdeconnect;
+ package = pkgs.kdeconnect;
+ meta.maintainers = [ maintainers.adisbladis ];
+ options = {
+ services.kdeconnect = {
+ enable = mkEnableOption "KDE connect";
+ indicator = mkOption {
+ type = types.bool;
+ default = false;
+ description = "Whether to enable kdeconnect-indicator service.";
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ config = mkMerge [
+ (mkIf cfg.enable {
+ home.packages = [ package ];
+ systemd.user.services.kdeconnect = {
+ Unit = {
+ Description = "Adds communication between your desktop and your smartphone";
+ After = [ "graphical-session-pre.target" ];
+ PartOf = [ "graphical-session.target" ];
+ };
+ Install = {
+ WantedBy = [ "graphical-session.target" ];
+ };
+ Service = {
+ Environment = "PATH=${config.home.profileDirectory}/bin";
+ ExecStart = "${package}/libexec/kdeconnectd";
+ Restart = "on-abort";
+ };
+ };
+ })
+ (mkIf cfg.indicator {
+ systemd.user.services.kdeconnect-indicator = {
+ Unit = {
+ Description = "kdeconnect-indicator";
+ After = [ "graphical-session-pre.target"
+ "polybar.service"
+ "taffybar.service"
+ "stalonetray.service" ];
+ PartOf = [ "graphical-session.target" ];
+ };
+ Install = {
+ WantedBy = [ "graphical-session.target" ];
+ };
+ Service = {
+ Environment = "PATH=${config.home.profileDirectory}/bin";
+ ExecStart = "${package}/bin/kdeconnect-indicator";
+ Restart = "on-abort";
+ };
+ };
+ })
+ ];
diff --git a/home-manager/modules/services/keepassx.nix b/home-manager/modules/services/keepassx.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ad791786f05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/modules/services/keepassx.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+ meta.maintainers = [ maintainers.rycee ];
+ options = {
+ services.keepassx = {
+ enable = mkEnableOption "the KeePassX password manager";
+ };
+ };
+ config = mkIf config.services.keepassx.enable {
+ systemd.user.services.keepassx = {
+ Unit = {
+ Description = "KeePassX password manager";
+ After = [ "graphical-session-pre.target" ];
+ PartOf = [ "graphical-session.target" ];
+ };
+ Install = {
+ WantedBy = [ "graphical-session.target" ];
+ };
+ Service = {
+ ExecStart = "${pkgs.keepassx}/bin/keepassx -min -lock";
+ };
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/home-manager/modules/services/keybase.nix b/home-manager/modules/services/keybase.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2d0a06b06a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/modules/services/keybase.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+ cfg = config.services.keybase;
+ options = {
+ services.keybase = {
+ enable = mkEnableOption "Keybase";
+ };
+ };
+ config = mkIf cfg.enable {
+ home.packages = [ pkgs.keybase ];
+ systemd.user.services.keybase = {
+ Unit = {
+ Description = "Keybase service";
+ };
+ Service = {
+ ExecStart = "${pkgs.keybase}/bin/keybase service --auto-forked";
+ Restart = "on-failure";
+ PrivateTmp = true;
+ };
+ Install = {
+ WantedBy = [ "default.target" ];
+ };
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/home-manager/modules/services/mbsync.nix b/home-manager/modules/services/mbsync.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..73c3b326695
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/modules/services/mbsync.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+ cfg = config.services.mbsync;
+ mbsyncOptions =
+ [ "--all"
+ ] ++ optional (cfg.verbose) "--verbose"
+ ++ optional (cfg.configFile != null) "--config ${cfg.configFile}";
+ meta.maintainers = [ maintainers.pjones ];
+ options.services.mbsync = {
+ enable = mkEnableOption "mbsync";
+ package = mkOption {
+ type = types.package;
+ default = pkgs.isync;
+ defaultText = literalExample "pkgs.isync";
+ example = literalExample "pkgs.isync";
+ description = "The package to use for the mbsync binary.";
+ };
+ frequency = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ default = "*:0/5";
+ description = ''
+ How often to run mbsync. This value is passed to the systemd
+ timer configuration as the onCalendar option. See
+ <citerefentry>
+ <refentrytitle>systemd.time</refentrytitle>
+ <manvolnum>7</manvolnum>
+ </citerefentry>
+ for more information about the format.
+ '';
+ };
+ verbose = mkOption {
+ type = types.bool;
+ default = true;
+ description = ''
+ Whether mbsync should produce verbose output.
+ '';
+ };
+ configFile = mkOption {
+ type = types.nullOr types.path;
+ default = null;
+ description = ''
+ Optional configuration file to link to use instead of
+ the default file (<filename>~/.mbsyncrc</filename>).
+ '';
+ };
+ preExec = mkOption {
+ type = types.nullOr types.str;
+ default = null;
+ example = "mkdir -p %h/mail";
+ description = ''
+ An optional command to run before mbsync executes. This is
+ useful for creating the directories mbsync is going to use.
+ '';
+ };
+ postExec = mkOption {
+ type = types.nullOr types.str;
+ default = null;
+ example = "\${pkgs.mu}/bin/mu index";
+ description = ''
+ An optional command to run after mbsync executes successfully.
+ This is useful for running mailbox indexing tools.
+ '';
+ };
+ };
+ config = mkIf cfg.enable {
+ systemd.user.services.mbsync = {
+ Unit = {
+ Description = "mbsync mailbox synchronization";
+ };
+ Service = {
+ Type = "oneshot";
+ ExecStart = "${cfg.package}/bin/mbsync ${concatStringsSep " " mbsyncOptions}";
+ } // (optionalAttrs (cfg.postExec != null) { ExecStartPost = cfg.postExec; })
+ // (optionalAttrs (cfg.preExec != null) { ExecStartPre = cfg.preExec; });
+ };
+ systemd.user.timers.mbsync = {
+ Unit = {
+ Description = "mbsync mailbox synchronization";
+ };
+ Timer = {
+ OnCalendar = cfg.frequency;
+ Unit = "mbsync.service";
+ };
+ Install = {
+ WantedBy = [ "timers.target" ];
+ };
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/home-manager/modules/services/mpd.nix b/home-manager/modules/services/mpd.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2aa1cd3a9fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/modules/services/mpd.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+ name = "mpd";
+ cfg = config.services.mpd;
+ mpdConf = pkgs.writeText "mpd.conf" ''
+ music_directory "${cfg.musicDirectory}"
+ playlist_directory "${cfg.playlistDirectory}"
+ ${lib.optionalString (cfg.dbFile != null) ''
+ db_file "${cfg.dbFile}"
+ ''}
+ state_file "${cfg.dataDir}/state"
+ sticker_file "${cfg.dataDir}/sticker.sql"
+ ${optionalString (cfg.network.listenAddress != "any")
+ ''bind_to_address "${cfg.network.listenAddress}"''}
+ ${optionalString (cfg.network.port != 6600)
+ ''port "${toString cfg.network.port}"''}
+ ${cfg.extraConfig}
+ '';
+in {
+ ###### interface
+ options = {
+ services.mpd = {
+ enable = mkOption {
+ type = types.bool;
+ default = false;
+ description = ''
+ Whether to enable MPD, the music player daemon.
+ '';
+ };
+ musicDirectory = mkOption {
+ type = types.path;
+ default = "${config.home.homeDirectory}/music";
+ defaultText = "$HOME/music";
+ apply = toString; # Prevent copies to Nix store.
+ description = ''
+ The directory where mpd reads music from.
+ '';
+ };
+ playlistDirectory = mkOption {
+ type = types.path;
+ default = "${cfg.dataDir}/playlists";
+ defaultText = ''''${dataDir}/playlists'';
+ apply = toString; # Prevent copies to Nix store.
+ description = ''
+ The directory where mpd stores playlists.
+ '';
+ };
+ extraConfig = mkOption {
+ type = types.lines;
+ default = "";
+ description = ''
+ Extra directives added to to the end of MPD's configuration
+ file, <filename>mpd.conf</filename>. Basic configuration
+ like file location and uid/gid is added automatically to the
+ beginning of the file. For available options see
+ <citerefentry>
+ <refentrytitle>mpd.conf</refentrytitle>
+ <manvolnum>5</manvolnum>
+ </citerefentry>.
+ '';
+ };
+ dataDir = mkOption {
+ type = types.path;
+ default = "${config.xdg.dataHome}/${name}";
+ defaultText = "$XDG_DATA_HOME/mpd";
+ apply = toString; # Prevent copies to Nix store.
+ description = ''
+ The directory where MPD stores its state, tag cache,
+ playlists etc.
+ '';
+ };
+ network = {
+ listenAddress = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ default = "";
+ example = "any";
+ description = ''
+ The address for the daemon to listen on.
+ Use <literal>any</literal> to listen on all addresses.
+ '';
+ };
+ port = mkOption {
+ type = types.port;
+ default = 6600;
+ description = ''
+ The TCP port on which the the daemon will listen.
+ '';
+ };
+ };
+ dbFile = mkOption {
+ type = types.nullOr types.str;
+ default = "${cfg.dataDir}/tag_cache";
+ defaultText = ''''${dataDir}/tag_cache'';
+ description = ''
+ The path to MPD's database. If set to
+ <literal>null</literal> the parameter is omitted from the
+ configuration.
+ '';
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ ###### implementation
+ config = mkIf cfg.enable {
+ systemd.user.services.mpd = {
+ Unit = {
+ After = [ "network.target" "sound.target" ];
+ Description = "Music Player Daemon";
+ };
+ Install = {
+ WantedBy = [ "default.target" ];
+ };
+ Service = {
+ Environment = "PATH=${config.home.profileDirectory}/bin";
+ ExecStart = "${pkgs.mpd}/bin/mpd --no-daemon ${mpdConf}";
+ Type = "notify";
+ ExecStartPre = ''${pkgs.bash}/bin/bash -c "${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/mkdir -p '${cfg.dataDir}' '${cfg.playlistDirectory}'"'';
+ };
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/home-manager/modules/services/mpdris2.nix b/home-manager/modules/services/mpdris2.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..450f84c5912
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/modules/services/mpdris2.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+ cfg = config.services.mpdris2;
+ toIni = generators.toINI {
+ mkKeyValue = key: value:
+ let
+ value' =
+ if isBool value then (if value then "True" else "False")
+ else toString value;
+ in
+ "${key} = ${value'}";
+ };
+ mpdris2Conf = {
+ Connection = {
+ host = cfg.mpd.host;
+ port = cfg.mpd.port;
+ music_dir = cfg.mpd.musicDirectory;
+ };
+ Bling = {
+ notify = cfg.notifications;
+ mmkeys = cfg.multimediaKeys;
+ };
+ };
+ meta.maintainers = [ maintainers.pjones ];
+ options.services.mpdris2 = {
+ enable = mkEnableOption "mpDris2 the MPD to MPRIS2 bridge";
+ notifications = mkEnableOption "song change notifications";
+ multimediaKeys = mkEnableOption "multimedia key support";
+ package = mkOption {
+ type = types.package;
+ default = pkgs.mpdris2;
+ defaultText = literalExample "pkgs.mpdris2";
+ description = "The mpDris2 package to use.";
+ };
+ mpd = {
+ host = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ default = config.services.mpd.network.listenAddress;
+ defaultText = "config.services.mpd.network.listenAddress";
+ example = "";
+ description = "The address where MPD is listening for connections.";
+ };
+ port = mkOption {
+ type = types.port;
+ default = config.services.mpd.network.port;
+ defaultText = "config.services.mpd.network.port";
+ description = ''
+ The port number where MPD is listening for connections.
+ '';
+ };
+ musicDirectory = mkOption {
+ type = types.nullOr types.path;
+ default = config.services.mpd.musicDirectory;
+ defaultText = "config.services.mpd.musicDirectory";
+ description = ''
+ If set, mpDris2 will use this directory to access music artwork.
+ '';
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ config = mkIf cfg.enable {
+ assertions = [
+ {
+ assertion = config.services.mpd.enable;
+ message = "The mpdris2 module requires 'services.mpd.enable = true'.";
+ }
+ ];
+ xdg.configFile."mpDris2/mpDris2.conf".text = toIni mpdris2Conf;
+ systemd.user.services.mpdris2 = {
+ Unit = {
+ Description = "MPRIS 2 support for MPD";
+ After = [ "graphical-session-pre.target" "mpd.service" ];
+ PartOf = [ "graphical-session.target" ];
+ };
+ Service = {
+ Type = "simple";
+ ExecStart = "${cfg.package}/bin/mpDris2";
+ };
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/home-manager/modules/services/muchsync.nix b/home-manager/modules/services/muchsync.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..72bf737c27d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/modules/services/muchsync.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+# Documentation was partially copied from the muchsync manual.
+# See http://www.muchsync.org/muchsync.html
+ cfg = config.services.muchsync;
+ syncOptions = {
+ options = {
+ frequency = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ default = "*:0/5";
+ description = ''
+ How often to run <command>muchsync</command>. This
+ value is passed to the systemd timer configuration as the
+ <literal>OnCalendar</literal> option. See
+ <citerefentry>
+ <refentrytitle>systemd.time</refentrytitle>
+ <manvolnum>7</manvolnum>
+ </citerefentry>
+ for more information about the format.
+ '';
+ };
+ sshCommand = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ default = "${pkgs.openssh}/bin/ssh -CTaxq";
+ defaultText = "ssh -CTaxq";
+ description = ''
+ Specifies a command line to pass to <command>/bin/sh</command>
+ to execute a command on another machine.
+ </para><para>
+ Note that because this string is passed to the shell,
+ special characters including spaces may need to be escaped.
+ '';
+ };
+ upload = mkOption {
+ type = types.bool;
+ default = true;
+ description = ''
+ Whether to propagate local changes to the remote.
+ '';
+ };
+ local = {
+ checkForModifiedFiles = mkOption {
+ type = types.bool;
+ default = false;
+ description = ''
+ Check for locally modified files.
+ Without this option, muchsync assumes that files in a maildir are
+ never edited.
+ </para><para>
+ <option>checkForModifiedFiles</option> disables certain
+ optimizations so as to make muchsync at least check the timestamp on
+ every file, which will detect modified files at the cost of a longer
+ startup time.
+ </para><para>
+ This option is useful if your software regularly modifies the
+ contents of mail files (e.g., because you are running offlineimap
+ with "synclabels = yes").
+ '';
+ };
+ importNew = mkOption {
+ type = types.bool;
+ default = true;
+ description = ''
+ Whether to begin the synchronisation by running
+ <command>notmuch new</command> locally.
+ '';
+ };
+ };
+ remote = {
+ host = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ description = ''
+ Remote SSH host to synchronize with.
+ '';
+ };
+ muchsyncPath = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ default = "";
+ defaultText = "$PATH/muchsync";
+ description = ''
+ Specifies the path to muchsync on the server.
+ Ordinarily, muchsync should be in the default PATH on the server
+ so this option is not required.
+ However, this option is useful if you have to install muchsync in
+ a non-standard place or wish to test development versions of the
+ code.
+ '';
+ };
+ checkForModifiedFiles = mkOption {
+ type = types.bool;
+ default = false;
+ description = ''
+ Check for modified files on the remote side.
+ Without this option, muchsync assumes that files in a maildir are
+ never edited.
+ </para><para>
+ <option>checkForModifiedFiles</option> disables certain
+ optimizations so as to make muchsync at least check the timestamp on
+ every file, which will detect modified files at the cost of a longer
+ startup time.
+ </para><para>
+ This option is useful if your software regularly modifies the
+ contents of mail files (e.g., because you are running offlineimap
+ with "synclabels = yes").
+ '';
+ };
+ importNew = mkOption {
+ type = types.bool;
+ default = true;
+ description = ''
+ Whether to begin the synchronisation by running
+ <command>notmuch new</command> on the remote side.
+ '';
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ };
+in {
+ meta.maintainers = with maintainers; [ pacien ];
+ options.services.muchsync = {
+ remotes = mkOption {
+ type = with types; attrsOf (submodule syncOptions);
+ default = { };
+ example = literalExample ''
+ {
+ server = {
+ frequency = "*:0/10";
+ remote.host = "server.tld";
+ };
+ }
+ '';
+ description = ''
+ Muchsync remotes to synchronise with.
+ '';
+ };
+ };
+ config = let
+ mapRemotes = gen: with attrsets; mapAttrs'
+ (name: remoteCfg: nameValuePair "muchsync-${name}" (gen name remoteCfg))
+ cfg.remotes;
+ in mkIf (cfg.remotes != { }) {
+ assertions = [
+ {
+ assertion = config.programs.notmuch.enable;
+ message = ''
+ The muchsync module requires 'programs.notmuch.enable = true'.
+ '';
+ }
+ ];
+ systemd.user.services = mapRemotes (name: remoteCfg: {
+ Unit = {
+ Description = "muchsync sync service (${name})";
+ };
+ Service = {
+ CPUSchedulingPolicy = "idle";
+ IOSchedulingClass = "idle";
+ Environment = [
+ ''"PATH=${pkgs.notmuch}/bin"''
+ ''"NOTMUCH_CONFIG=${config.home.sessionVariables.NOTMUCH_CONFIG}"''
+ ''"NMBGIT=${config.home.sessionVariables.NMBGIT}"''
+ ];
+ ExecStart = concatStringsSep " " (
+ [ "${pkgs.muchsync}/bin/muchsync" ]
+ ++ [ "-s ${escapeShellArg remoteCfg.sshCommand}" ]
+ ++ optional (!remoteCfg.upload) "--noup"
+ # local configuration
+ ++ optional remoteCfg.local.checkForModifiedFiles "-F"
+ ++ optional (!remoteCfg.local.importNew) "--nonew"
+ # remote configuration
+ ++ [ (escapeShellArg remoteCfg.remote.host) ]
+ ++ optional (remoteCfg.remote.muchsyncPath != "")
+ "-r ${escapeShellArg remoteCfg.remote.muchsyncPath}"
+ ++ optional remoteCfg.remote.checkForModifiedFiles "-F"
+ ++ optional (!remoteCfg.remote.importNew) "--nonew"
+ );
+ };
+ });
+ systemd.user.timers = mapRemotes (name: remoteCfg: {
+ Unit = {
+ Description = "muchsync periodic sync (${name})";
+ };
+ Timer = {
+ Unit = "muchsync-${name}.service";
+ OnCalendar = remoteCfg.frequency;
+ Persistent = true;
+ };
+ Install = {
+ WantedBy = [ "timers.target" ];
+ };
+ });
+ };
diff --git a/home-manager/modules/services/network-manager-applet.nix b/home-manager/modules/services/network-manager-applet.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..72a4711e39a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/modules/services/network-manager-applet.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+ cfg = config.services.network-manager-applet;
+ meta.maintainers = [ maintainers.rycee ];
+ options = {
+ services.network-manager-applet = {
+ enable = mkEnableOption "the Network Manager applet";
+ };
+ };
+ config = mkIf cfg.enable {
+ systemd.user.services.network-manager-applet = {
+ Unit = {
+ Description = "Network Manager applet";
+ After = [ "graphical-session-pre.target" ];
+ PartOf = [ "graphical-session.target" ];
+ };
+ Install = {
+ WantedBy = [ "graphical-session.target" ];
+ };
+ Service = {
+ ExecStart = toString (
+ [
+ "${pkgs.networkmanagerapplet}/bin/nm-applet"
+ "--sm-disable"
+ ] ++ optional config.xsession.preferStatusNotifierItems "--indicator"
+ );
+ };
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/home-manager/modules/services/nextcloud-client.nix b/home-manager/modules/services/nextcloud-client.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3d8dc0bc80b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/modules/services/nextcloud-client.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+ options = {
+ services.nextcloud-client = {
+ enable = mkEnableOption "Nextcloud Client";
+ };
+ };
+ config = mkIf config.services.nextcloud-client.enable {
+ systemd.user.services.nextcloud-client = {
+ Unit = {
+ Description = "Nextcloud Client";
+ After = [ "graphical-session-pre.target" ];
+ PartOf = [ "graphical-session.target" ];
+ };
+ Service = {
+ Environment = "PATH=${config.home.profileDirectory}/bin";
+ ExecStart = "${pkgs.nextcloud-client}/bin/nextcloud";
+ };
+ Install = {
+ WantedBy = [ "graphical-session.target" ];
+ };
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/home-manager/modules/services/owncloud-client.nix b/home-manager/modules/services/owncloud-client.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d98a508f088
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/modules/services/owncloud-client.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+ options = {
+ services.owncloud-client = {
+ enable = mkEnableOption "Owncloud Client";
+ };
+ };
+ config = mkIf config.services.owncloud-client.enable {
+ systemd.user.services.owncloud-client = {
+ Unit = {
+ Description = "Owncloud Client";
+ After = [ "graphical-session-pre.target" ];
+ PartOf = [ "graphical-session.target" ];
+ };
+ Service = {
+ Environment = "PATH=${config.home.profileDirectory}/bin";
+ ExecStart = "${pkgs.owncloud-client}/bin/owncloud";
+ };
+ Install = {
+ WantedBy = [ "graphical-session.target" ];
+ };
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/home-manager/modules/services/parcellite.nix b/home-manager/modules/services/parcellite.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..455989ffe07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/modules/services/parcellite.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+ cfg = config.services.parcellite;
+ package = pkgs.parcellite;
+ meta.maintainers = [ maintainers.gleber ];
+ options = {
+ services.parcellite = {
+ enable = mkEnableOption "Parcellite";
+ };
+ };
+ config = mkIf cfg.enable {
+ home.packages = [ package ];
+ systemd.user.services.parcellite = {
+ Unit = {
+ Description = "Lightweight GTK+ clipboard manager";
+ After = [ "graphical-session-pre.target" ];
+ PartOf = [ "graphical-session.target" ];
+ };
+ Install = {
+ WantedBy = [ "graphical-session.target" ];
+ };
+ Service = {
+ # PATH have been added in nixpkgs.parcellite, keeping it here for
+ # backward compatibility. XDG_DATA_DIRS is necessary to make it pick up
+ # icons correctly.
+ Environment = ''
+ PATH=${package}/bin:${pkgs.which}/bin:${pkgs.xdotool}/bin XDG_DATA_DIRS=${pkgs.hicolor_icon_theme}/share
+ '';
+ ExecStart = "${package}/bin/parcellite";
+ Restart = "on-abort";
+ };
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/home-manager/modules/services/pasystray.nix b/home-manager/modules/services/pasystray.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8f92f34c091
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/modules/services/pasystray.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+ meta.maintainers = [ maintainers.pltanton ];
+ options = {
+ services.pasystray = {
+ enable = mkEnableOption "PulseAudio system tray";
+ };
+ };
+ config = mkIf config.services.pasystray.enable {
+ systemd.user.services.pasystray = {
+ Unit = {
+ Description = "PulseAudio system tray";
+ After = [ "graphical-session-pre.target" ];
+ PartOf = [ "graphical-session.target" ];
+ };
+ Install = {
+ WantedBy = [ "graphical-session.target" ];
+ };
+ Service = {
+ Environment =
+ let
+ toolPaths = makeBinPath [ pkgs.paprefs pkgs.pavucontrol ];
+ in
+ [ "PATH=${toolPaths}" ];
+ ExecStart = "${pkgs.pasystray}/bin/pasystray";
+ };
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/home-manager/modules/services/polybar.nix b/home-manager/modules/services/polybar.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4225ed9b38c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/modules/services/polybar.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+ cfg = config.services.polybar;
+ eitherStrBoolIntList = with types; either str (either bool (either int (listOf str)));
+ toPolybarIni = generators.toINI {
+ mkKeyValue = key: value:
+ let
+ quoted = v:
+ if hasPrefix " " v || hasSuffix " " v
+ then ''"${v}"''
+ else v;
+ value' =
+ if isBool value then (if value then "true" else "false")
+ else if (isString value && key != "include-file") then quoted value
+ else toString value;
+ in
+ "${key}=${value'}";
+ };
+ configFile = pkgs.writeText "polybar.conf"
+ (toPolybarIni cfg.config + "\n" + cfg.extraConfig);
+ options = {
+ services.polybar = {
+ enable = mkEnableOption "Polybar status bar";
+ package = mkOption {
+ type = types.package;
+ default = pkgs.polybar;
+ defaultText = literalExample "pkgs.polybar";
+ description = "Polybar package to install.";
+ example = literalExample ''
+ pkgs.polybar.override {
+ i3GapsSupport = true;
+ alsaSupport = true;
+ iwSupport = true;
+ githubSupport = true;
+ }
+ '';
+ };
+ config = mkOption {
+ type = types.coercedTo
+ types.path
+ (p: { "section/base" = { include-file = "${p}"; }; })
+ (types.attrsOf (types.attrsOf eitherStrBoolIntList));
+ description = ''
+ Polybar configuration. Can be either path to a file, or set of attributes
+ that will be used to create the final configuration.
+ '';
+ default = {};
+ example = literalExample ''
+ {
+ "bar/top" = {
+ monitor = "\''${env:MONITOR:eDP1}";
+ width = "100%";
+ height = "3%";
+ radius = 0;
+ modules-center = "date";
+ };
+ "module/date" = {
+ type = "internal/date";
+ internal = 5;
+ date = "%d.%m.%y";
+ time = "%H:%M";
+ label = "%time% %date%";
+ };
+ }
+ '';
+ };
+ extraConfig = mkOption {
+ type = types.lines;
+ description = "Additional configuration to add.";
+ default = "";
+ example = ''
+ [module/date]
+ type = internal/date
+ interval = 5
+ date = "%d.%m.%y"
+ time = %H:%M
+ format-prefix-foreground = \''${colors.foreground-alt}
+ label = %time% %date%
+ '';
+ };
+ script = mkOption {
+ type = types.lines;
+ description = ''
+ This script will be used to start the polybars.
+ Set all necessary environment variables here and start all bars.
+ It can be assumed that <command>polybar</command> executable is in the <envar>PATH</envar>.
+ Note, this script must start all bars in the background and then terminate.
+ '';
+ example = "polybar bar &";
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ config = mkIf cfg.enable {
+ home.packages = [ cfg.package ];
+ xdg.configFile."polybar/config".source = configFile;
+ systemd.user.services.polybar = {
+ Unit = {
+ Description = "Polybar status bar";
+ After = [ "graphical-session-pre.target" ];
+ PartOf = [ "graphical-session.target" ];
+ X-Restart-Triggers = [
+ "${config.xdg.configFile."polybar/config".source}"
+ ];
+ };
+ Service = {
+ Type = "forking";
+ Environment = "PATH=${cfg.package}/bin:/run/wrappers/bin";
+ ExecStart =
+ let
+ scriptPkg = pkgs.writeShellScriptBin "polybar-start" cfg.script;
+ in
+ "${scriptPkg}/bin/polybar-start";
+ Restart = "on-failure";
+ };
+ Install = {
+ WantedBy = [ "graphical-session.target" ];
+ };
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/home-manager/modules/services/random-background.nix b/home-manager/modules/services/random-background.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..cbec97ae7cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/modules/services/random-background.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+ cfg = config.services.random-background;
+ flags = lib.concatStringsSep " " (
+ [
+ "--bg-${cfg.display}"
+ "--no-fehbg"
+ "--randomize"
+ ]
+ ++ lib.optional (!cfg.enableXinerama) "--no-xinerama"
+ );
+ meta.maintainers = [ maintainers.rycee ];
+ options = {
+ services.random-background = {
+ enable = mkEnableOption "random desktop background";
+ imageDirectory = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ example = "%h/backgrounds";
+ description = ''
+ The directory of images from which a background should be
+ chosen. Should be formatted in a way understood by systemd,
+ e.g., '%h' is the home directory.
+ '';
+ };
+ display = mkOption {
+ type = types.enum [ "center" "fill" "max" "scale" "tile" ];
+ default = "fill";
+ description = "Display background images according to this option.";
+ };
+ interval = mkOption {
+ default = null;
+ type = types.nullOr types.str;
+ example = "1h";
+ description = ''
+ The duration between changing background image, set to null
+ to only set background when logging in. Should be formatted
+ as a duration understood by systemd.
+ '';
+ };
+ enableXinerama = mkOption {
+ default = true;
+ type = types.bool;
+ description = ''
+ Will place a separate image per screen when enabled,
+ otherwise a single image will be stretched across all
+ screens.
+ '';
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ config = mkIf cfg.enable (
+ mkMerge ([
+ {
+ systemd.user.services.random-background = {
+ Unit = {
+ Description = "Set random desktop background using feh";
+ After = [ "graphical-session-pre.target" ];
+ PartOf = [ "graphical-session.target" ];
+ };
+ Service = {
+ Type = "oneshot";
+ ExecStart = "${pkgs.feh}/bin/feh ${flags} ${cfg.imageDirectory}";
+ IOSchedulingClass = "idle";
+ };
+ Install = {
+ WantedBy = [ "graphical-session.target" ];
+ };
+ };
+ }
+ (mkIf (cfg.interval != null) {
+ systemd.user.timers.random-background = {
+ Unit = {
+ Description = "Set random desktop background using feh";
+ };
+ Timer = {
+ OnUnitActiveSec = cfg.interval;
+ };
+ Install = {
+ WantedBy = [ "timers.target" ];
+ };
+ };
+ })
+ ]));
diff --git a/home-manager/modules/services/redshift.nix b/home-manager/modules/services/redshift.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1452fcc95ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/modules/services/redshift.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+# Adapted from Nixpkgs.
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+ cfg = config.services.redshift;
+ meta.maintainers = [ maintainers.rycee ];
+ options.services.redshift = {
+ enable = mkOption {
+ type = types.bool;
+ default = false;
+ example = true;
+ description = ''
+ Enable Redshift to change your screen's colour temperature depending on
+ the time of day.
+ '';
+ };
+ latitude = mkOption {
+ type = types.nullOr types.str;
+ default = null;
+ description = ''
+ Your current latitude, between <literal>-90.0</literal> and
+ <literal>90.0</literal>. Must be provided along with
+ longitude.
+ '';
+ };
+ longitude = mkOption {
+ type = types.nullOr types.str;
+ default = null;
+ description = ''
+ Your current longitude, between <literal>-180.0</literal> and
+ <literal>180.0</literal>. Must be provided along with
+ latitude.
+ '';
+ };
+ provider = mkOption {
+ type = types.enum [ "manual" "geoclue2" ];
+ default = "manual";
+ description = ''
+ The location provider to use for determining your location. If set to
+ <literal>manual</literal> you must also provide latitude/longitude.
+ If set to <literal>geoclue2</literal>, you must also enable the global
+ geoclue2 service.
+ '';
+ };
+ temperature = {
+ day = mkOption {
+ type = types.int;
+ default = 5500;
+ description = ''
+ Colour temperature to use during the day, between
+ <literal>1000</literal> and <literal>25000</literal> K.
+ '';
+ };
+ night = mkOption {
+ type = types.int;
+ default = 3700;
+ description = ''
+ Colour temperature to use at night, between
+ <literal>1000</literal> and <literal>25000</literal> K.
+ '';
+ };
+ };
+ brightness = {
+ day = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ default = "1";
+ description = ''
+ Screen brightness to apply during the day,
+ between <literal>0.1</literal> and <literal>1.0</literal>.
+ '';
+ };
+ night = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ default = "1";
+ description = ''
+ Screen brightness to apply during the night,
+ between <literal>0.1</literal> and <literal>1.0</literal>.
+ '';
+ };
+ };
+ package = mkOption {
+ type = types.package;
+ default = pkgs.redshift;
+ defaultText = literalExample "pkgs.redshift";
+ description = ''
+ redshift derivation to use.
+ '';
+ };
+ tray = mkOption {
+ type = types.bool;
+ default = false;
+ example = true;
+ description = ''
+ Start the redshift-gtk tray applet.
+ '';
+ };
+ extraOptions = mkOption {
+ type = types.listOf types.str;
+ default = [];
+ example = [ "-v" "-m randr" ];
+ description = ''
+ Additional command-line arguments to pass to
+ <command>redshift</command>.
+ '';
+ };
+ };
+ config = mkIf cfg.enable {
+ assertions = [
+ {
+ assertion =
+ cfg.provider == "manual"
+ -> cfg.latitude != null && cfg.longitude != null;
+ message =
+ "Must provide services.redshift.latitude and"
+ + " services.redshift.latitude when"
+ + " services.redshift.provider is set to \"manual\".";
+ }
+ ];
+ systemd.user.services.redshift = {
+ Unit = {
+ Description = "Redshift colour temperature adjuster";
+ After = [ "graphical-session-pre.target" ];
+ PartOf = [ "graphical-session.target" ];
+ };
+ Install = {
+ WantedBy = [ "graphical-session.target" ];
+ };
+ Service = {
+ ExecStart =
+ let
+ providerString =
+ if cfg.provider == "manual"
+ then "${cfg.latitude}:${cfg.longitude}"
+ else cfg.provider;
+ args = [
+ "-l ${providerString}"
+ "-t ${toString cfg.temperature.day}:${toString cfg.temperature.night}"
+ "-b ${toString cfg.brightness.day}:${toString cfg.brightness.night}"
+ ] ++ cfg.extraOptions;
+ command = if cfg.tray then "redshift-gtk" else "redshift";
+ in
+ "${cfg.package}/bin/${command} ${concatStringsSep " " args}";
+ RestartSec = 3;
+ Restart = "always";
+ };
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/home-manager/modules/services/rsibreak.nix b/home-manager/modules/services/rsibreak.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..242e03432e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/modules/services/rsibreak.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+ cfg = config.services.rsibreak;
+ options.services.rsibreak = {
+ enable = mkEnableOption "rsibreak";
+ };
+ config = mkIf cfg.enable {
+ systemd.user.services.rsibreak = {
+ Unit = {
+ Description = "RSI break timer";
+ After = [ "graphical-session-pre.target" ];
+ PartOf = [ "graphical-session.target" ];
+ };
+ Install = {
+ WantedBy = [ "graphical-session.target" ];
+ };
+ Service = {
+ Environment = "PATH=${config.home.profileDirectory}/bin";
+ ExecStart = "${pkgs.rsibreak}/bin/rsibreak";
+ };
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/home-manager/modules/services/screen-locker.nix b/home-manager/modules/services/screen-locker.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e3da14069bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/modules/services/screen-locker.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+ cfg = config.services.screen-locker;
+in {
+ options.services.screen-locker = {
+ enable = mkEnableOption "screen locker for X session";
+ lockCmd = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ description = "Locker command to run.";
+ example = "\${pkgs.i3lock}/bin/i3lock -n -c 000000";
+ };
+ inactiveInterval = mkOption {
+ type = types.int;
+ default = 10;
+ description = ''
+ Inactive time interval in minutes after which session will be locked.
+ The minimum is 1 minute, and the maximum is 1 hour.
+ See <link xlink:href="https://linux.die.net/man/1/xautolock"/>.
+ '';
+ };
+ xautolockExtraOptions = mkOption {
+ type = types.listOf types.str;
+ default = [];
+ description = ''
+ Extra command-line arguments to pass to <command>xautolock</command>.
+ '';
+ };
+ xssLockExtraOptions = mkOption {
+ type = types.listOf types.str;
+ default = [];
+ description = ''
+ Extra command-line arguments to pass to <command>xss-lock</command>.
+ '';
+ };
+ };
+ config = mkIf cfg.enable {
+ systemd.user.services.xautolock-session = {
+ Unit = {
+ Description = "xautolock, session locker service";
+ After = [ "graphical-session-pre.target" ];
+ PartOf = [ "graphical-session.target" ];
+ };
+ Install = {
+ WantedBy = [ "graphical-session.target" ];
+ };
+ Service = {
+ ExecStart = concatStringsSep " " ([
+ "${pkgs.xautolock}/bin/xautolock"
+ "-detectsleep"
+ "-time ${toString cfg.inactiveInterval}"
+ "-locker '${pkgs.systemd}/bin/loginctl lock-session $XDG_SESSION_ID'"
+ ] ++ cfg.xautolockExtraOptions);
+ };
+ };
+ # xss-lock will run specified screen locker when the session is locked via loginctl
+ # can't be started as a systemd service,
+ # see https://bitbucket.org/raymonad/xss-lock/issues/13/allow-operation-as-systemd-user-unit
+ xsession.initExtra = "${pkgs.xss-lock}/bin/xss-lock ${concatStringsSep " " cfg.xssLockExtraOptions} -- ${cfg.lockCmd} &";
+ };
diff --git a/home-manager/modules/services/stalonetray.nix b/home-manager/modules/services/stalonetray.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..934e78c99a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/modules/services/stalonetray.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+ cfg = config.services.stalonetray;
+ options = {
+ services.stalonetray = {
+ enable = mkEnableOption "Stalonetray system tray";
+ package = mkOption {
+ default = pkgs.stalonetray;
+ defaultText = literalExample "pkgs.stalonetray";
+ type = types.package;
+ example = literalExample "pkgs.stalonetray";
+ description = "The package to use for the Stalonetray binary.";
+ };
+ config = mkOption {
+ type = with types;
+ attrsOf (nullOr (either str (either bool int)));
+ description = ''
+ Stalonetray configuration as a set of attributes.
+ '';
+ default = {};
+ example = {
+ geometry = "3x1-600+0";
+ decorations = null;
+ icon_size = 30;
+ sticky = true;
+ background = "#cccccc";
+ };
+ };
+ extraConfig = mkOption {
+ type = types.lines;
+ description = "Additional configuration lines for stalonetrayrc.";
+ default = "";
+ example = ''
+ geometry 3x1-600+0
+ decorations none
+ icon_size 30
+ sticky true
+ background "#cccccc"
+ '';
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ config = mkIf cfg.enable (mkMerge [
+ {
+ home.packages = [ cfg.package ];
+ systemd.user.services.stalonetray = {
+ Unit = {
+ Description = "Stalonetray system tray";
+ After = [ "graphical-session-pre.target" ];
+ PartOf = [ "graphical-session.target" ];
+ };
+ Install = {
+ WantedBy = [ "graphical-session.target" ];
+ };
+ Service = {
+ ExecStart = "${cfg.package}/bin/stalonetray";
+ Restart = "on-failure";
+ };
+ };
+ }
+ (mkIf (cfg.config != {}) {
+ home.file.".stalonetrayrc".text =
+ let
+ valueToString = v:
+ if isBool v then (if v then "true" else "false")
+ else if (v==null) then "none"
+ else ''"${toString v}"'';
+ in
+ concatStrings (
+ mapAttrsToList (k: v: "${k} ${valueToString v}\n") cfg.config
+ );
+ })
+ (mkIf (cfg.extraConfig != "") {
+ home.file.".stalonetrayrc".text = cfg.extraConfig;
+ })
+ ]);
diff --git a/home-manager/modules/services/status-notifier-watcher.nix b/home-manager/modules/services/status-notifier-watcher.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8a2ded8720a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/modules/services/status-notifier-watcher.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+ cfg = config.services.status-notifier-watcher;
+ meta.maintainers = [ maintainers.pltanton ];
+ options = {
+ services.status-notifier-watcher = {
+ enable = mkEnableOption "Status Notifier Watcher";
+ package = mkOption {
+ default = pkgs.haskellPackages.status-notifier-item;
+ defaultText = literalExample "pkgs.haskellPackages.status-notifier-item";
+ type = types.package;
+ example = literalExample "pkgs.haskellPackages.status-notifier-item";
+ description = "The package to use for the status notifier watcher binary.";
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ config = mkIf cfg.enable {
+ systemd.user.services.status-notifier-watcher = {
+ Unit = {
+ Description = "SNI watcher";
+ After = [ "graphical-session-pre.target" ];
+ PartOf = [ "graphical-session.target" ];
+ Before = [ "taffybar.service" ];
+ };
+ Service = {
+ ExecStart = "${cfg.package}/bin/status-notifier-watcher";
+ };
+ Install = {
+ WantedBy = [ "graphical-session.target" "taffybar.service" ];
+ };
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/home-manager/modules/services/sxhkd.nix b/home-manager/modules/services/sxhkd.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d9f0a968515
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/modules/services/sxhkd.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+{config, lib, pkgs, ...}:
+with lib;
+ cfg = config.services.sxhkd;
+ keybindingsStr = concatStringsSep "\n" (
+ mapAttrsToList (hotkey: command:
+ optionalString (command != null) ''
+ ${hotkey}
+ ${command}
+ ''
+ )
+ cfg.keybindings
+ );
+ options.services.sxhkd = {
+ enable = mkEnableOption "simple X hotkey daemon";
+ keybindings = mkOption {
+ type = types.attrsOf (types.nullOr types.str);
+ default = {};
+ description = "An attribute set that assigns hotkeys to commands.";
+ example = literalExample ''
+ {
+ "super + shift + {r,c}" = "i3-msg {restart,reload}";
+ "super + {s,w}" = "i3-msg {stacking,tabbed}";
+ }
+ '';
+ };
+ extraConfig = mkOption {
+ default = "";
+ type = types.lines;
+ description = "Additional configuration to add.";
+ example = literalExample ''
+ super + {_,shift +} {1-9,0}
+ i3-msg {workspace,move container to workspace} {1-10}
+ '';
+ };
+ extraPath = mkOption {
+ default = "";
+ type = types.envVar;
+ description = ''
+ Additional <envar>PATH</envar> entries to search for commands.
+ '';
+ example = "/home/some-user/bin:/extra/path/bin";
+ };
+ };
+ config = mkIf cfg.enable {
+ home.packages = [ pkgs.sxhkd ];
+ xdg.configFile."sxhkd/sxhkdrc".text = concatStringsSep "\n" [
+ keybindingsStr
+ cfg.extraConfig
+ ];
+ systemd.user.services.sxhkd = {
+ Unit = {
+ Description = "simple X hotkey daemon";
+ After = [ "graphical-session-pre.target" ];
+ PartOf = [ "graphical-session.target" ];
+ };
+ Service = {
+ Environment =
+ "PATH="
+ + "${config.home.profileDirectory}/bin"
+ + optionalString (cfg.extraPath != "") ":"
+ + cfg.extraPath;
+ ExecStart = "${pkgs.sxhkd}/bin/sxhkd";
+ };
+ Install = {
+ WantedBy = [ "graphical-session.target" ];
+ };
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/home-manager/modules/services/syncthing.nix b/home-manager/modules/services/syncthing.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7fc556c5234
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/modules/services/syncthing.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+ meta.maintainers = [ maintainers.rycee ];
+ options = {
+ services.syncthing = {
+ enable = mkEnableOption "Syncthing continuous file synchronization";
+ tray = mkOption {
+ type = types.bool;
+ default = false;
+ description = "Whether to enable QSyncthingTray service.";
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ config = mkMerge [
+ (mkIf config.services.syncthing.enable {
+ systemd.user.services = {
+ syncthing = {
+ Unit = {
+ Description = "Syncthing - Open Source Continuous File Synchronization";
+ Documentation = "man:syncthing(1)";
+ After = [ "network.target" ];
+ };
+ Service = {
+ ExecStart = "${pkgs.syncthing}/bin/syncthing -no-browser -no-restart -logflags=0";
+ Restart = "on-failure";
+ SuccessExitStatus = [ 3 4 ];
+ RestartForceExitStatus = [ 3 4 ];
+ };
+ Install = {
+ WantedBy = [ "default.target" ];
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ })
+ (mkIf config.services.syncthing.tray {
+ systemd.user.services = {
+ qsyncthingtray = {
+ Unit = {
+ Description = "QSyncthingTray";
+ After = [ "graphical-session-pre.target"
+ "polybar.service"
+ "taffybar.service"
+ "stalonetray.service" ];
+ PartOf = [ "graphical-session.target" ];
+ };
+ Service = {
+ Environment = "PATH=${config.home.profileDirectory}/bin";
+ ExecStart = "${pkgs.qsyncthingtray}/bin/QSyncthingTray";
+ };
+ Install = {
+ WantedBy = [ "graphical-session.target" ];
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ })
+ ];
diff --git a/home-manager/modules/services/taffybar.nix b/home-manager/modules/services/taffybar.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..69531a19dc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/modules/services/taffybar.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+ cfg = config.services.taffybar;
+ meta.maintainers = [ maintainers.rycee ];
+ options = {
+ services.taffybar = {
+ enable = mkEnableOption "Taffybar";
+ package = mkOption {
+ default = pkgs.taffybar;
+ defaultText = literalExample "pkgs.taffybar";
+ type = types.package;
+ example = literalExample "pkgs.taffybar";
+ description = "The package to use for the Taffybar binary.";
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ config = mkIf config.services.taffybar.enable {
+ systemd.user.services.taffybar = {
+ Unit = {
+ Description = "Taffybar desktop bar";
+ After = [ "graphical-session-pre.target" ];
+ PartOf = [ "graphical-session.target" ];
+ };
+ Service = {
+ ExecStart = "${cfg.package}/bin/taffybar";
+ Restart = "on-failure";
+ };
+ Install = {
+ WantedBy = [ "graphical-session.target" ];
+ };
+ };
+ xsession.importedVariables = [ "GDK_PIXBUF_MODULE_FILE" ];
+ };
diff --git a/home-manager/modules/services/tahoe-lafs.nix b/home-manager/modules/services/tahoe-lafs.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..bb7be8d7db9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/modules/services/tahoe-lafs.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+ meta.maintainers = [ maintainers.rycee ];
+ options = {
+ services.tahoe-lafs = {
+ enable = mkEnableOption "Tahoe-LAFS";
+ };
+ };
+ config = mkIf config.services.tahoe-lafs.enable {
+ systemd.user.services.tahoe-lafs = {
+ Unit = {
+ Description = "Tahoe-LAFS";
+ };
+ Service = {
+ ExecStart = "${pkgs.tahoelafs}/bin/tahoe run -C %h/.tahoe";
+ };
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/home-manager/modules/services/taskwarrior-sync.nix b/home-manager/modules/services/taskwarrior-sync.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4179ac8aa85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/modules/services/taskwarrior-sync.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+ cfg = config.services.taskwarrior-sync;
+ meta.maintainers = with maintainers; [ minijackson pacien ];
+ options.services.taskwarrior-sync = {
+ enable = mkEnableOption "Taskwarrior periodic sync";
+ frequency = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ default = "*:0/5";
+ description = ''
+ How often to run <literal>taskwarrior sync</literal>. This
+ value is passed to the systemd timer configuration as the
+ <literal>OnCalendar</literal> option. See
+ <citerefentry>
+ <refentrytitle>systemd.time</refentrytitle>
+ <manvolnum>7</manvolnum>
+ </citerefentry>
+ for more information about the format.
+ '';
+ };
+ };
+ config = mkIf cfg.enable {
+ systemd.user.services.taskwarrior-sync = {
+ Unit = {
+ Description = "Taskwarrior sync";
+ };
+ Service = {
+ CPUSchedulingPolicy = "idle";
+ IOSchedulingClass = "idle";
+ ExecStart = "${pkgs.taskwarrior}/bin/task synchronize";
+ };
+ };
+ systemd.user.timers.taskwarrior-sync = {
+ Unit = {
+ Description = "Taskwarrior periodic sync";
+ };
+ Timer = {
+ Unit = "taskwarrior-sync.service";
+ OnCalendar = cfg.frequency;
+ };
+ Install = {
+ WantedBy = [ "timers.target" ];
+ };
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/home-manager/modules/services/udiskie.nix b/home-manager/modules/services/udiskie.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c058a23de6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/modules/services/udiskie.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+ cfg = config.services.udiskie;
+ commandArgs =
+ concatStringsSep " " (
+ map (opt: "-" + opt) [
+ (if cfg.automount then "a" else "A")
+ (if cfg.notify then "n" else "N")
+ ({ always = "t"; auto = "s"; never = "T"; }.${cfg.tray})
+ ]
+ ++ optional config.xsession.preferStatusNotifierItems "--appindicator"
+ );
+ meta.maintainers = [ maintainers.rycee ];
+ imports = [
+ (mkRemovedOptionModule [ "services" "udiskie" "sni" ] ''
+ Support for Status Notifier Items is now configured globally through the
+ xsession.preferStatusNotifierItems
+ option. Please change to use that instead.
+ '')
+ ];
+ options = {
+ services.udiskie = {
+ enable = mkEnableOption "udiskie mount daemon";
+ automount = mkOption {
+ type = types.bool;
+ default = true;
+ description = "Whether to automatically mount new devices.";
+ };
+ notify = mkOption {
+ type = types.bool;
+ default = true;
+ description = "Whether to show pop-up notifications.";
+ };
+ tray = mkOption {
+ type = types.enum [ "always" "auto" "never" ];
+ default = "auto";
+ description = ''
+ Whether to display tray icon.
+ </para><para>
+ The options are
+ <variablelist>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term><literal>always</literal></term>
+ <listitem><para>Always show tray icon.</para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term><literal>auto</literal></term>
+ <listitem><para>
+ Show tray icon only when there is a device available.
+ </para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term><literal>never</literal></term>
+ <listitem><para>Never show tray icon.</para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ </variablelist>
+ '';
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ config = mkIf config.services.udiskie.enable {
+ systemd.user.services.udiskie = {
+ Unit = {
+ Description = "udiskie mount daemon";
+ After = [ "graphical-session-pre.target" ];
+ PartOf = [ "graphical-session.target" ];
+ };
+ Service = {
+ ExecStart = "${pkgs.udiskie}/bin/udiskie -2 ${commandArgs}";
+ };
+ Install = {
+ WantedBy = [ "graphical-session.target" ];
+ };
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/home-manager/modules/services/unclutter.nix b/home-manager/modules/services/unclutter.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6b5ac866ec5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/modules/services/unclutter.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+let cfg = config.services.unclutter;
+in {
+ options.services.unclutter = {
+ enable = mkEnableOption "unclutter";
+ package = mkOption {
+ description = "unclutter derivation to use.";
+ type = types.package;
+ default = pkgs.unclutter-xfixes;
+ defaultText = literalExample "pkgs.unclutter-xfixes";
+ };
+ timeout = mkOption {
+ description = "Number of seconds before the cursor is marked inactive.";
+ type = types.int;
+ default = 1;
+ };
+ threshold = mkOption {
+ description = "Minimum number of pixels considered cursor movement.";
+ type = types.int;
+ default = 1;
+ };
+ extraOptions = mkOption {
+ description = "More arguments to pass to the unclutter command.";
+ type = types.listOf types.str;
+ default = [ ];
+ example = [ "exclude-root" "ignore-scrolling" ];
+ };
+ };
+ config = mkIf cfg.enable {
+ systemd.user.services.unclutter = {
+ Unit = {
+ Description = "unclutter";
+ After = [ "graphical-session-pre.target" ];
+ PartOf = [ "graphical-session.target" ];
+ };
+ Service = {
+ ExecStart = ''
+ ${cfg.package}/bin/unclutter \
+ --timeout ${toString cfg.timeout} \
+ --jitter ${toString (cfg.threshold - 1)} \
+ ${concatMapStrings (x: " --${x}") cfg.extraOptions}
+ '';
+ RestartSec = 3;
+ Restart = "always";
+ };
+ Install = {
+ WantedBy = [ "graphical-session.target" ];
+ };
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/home-manager/modules/services/window-managers/awesome.nix b/home-manager/modules/services/window-managers/awesome.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fe914864e2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/modules/services/window-managers/awesome.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+ cfg = config.xsession.windowManager.awesome;
+ awesome = cfg.package;
+ getLuaPath = lib: dir: "${lib}/${dir}/lua/${pkgs.luaPackages.lua.luaversion}";
+ makeSearchPath = lib.concatMapStrings (path:
+ " --search ${getLuaPath path "share"}"
+ + " --search ${getLuaPath path "lib"}"
+ );
+ options = {
+ xsession.windowManager.awesome = {
+ enable = mkEnableOption "Awesome window manager.";
+ package = mkOption {
+ type = types.package;
+ default = pkgs.awesome;
+ defaultText = literalExample "pkgs.awesome";
+ description = "Package to use for running the Awesome WM.";
+ };
+ luaModules = mkOption {
+ default = [];
+ type = types.listOf types.package;
+ description = ''
+ List of lua packages available for being
+ used in the Awesome configuration.
+ '';
+ example = literalExample "[ luaPackages.oocairo ]";
+ };
+ noArgb = mkOption {
+ default = false;
+ type = types.bool;
+ description = ''
+ Disable client transparency support, which can be greatly
+ detrimental to performance in some setups
+ '';
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ config = mkIf cfg.enable {
+ home.packages = [ awesome ];
+ xsession.windowManager.command =
+ "${awesome}/bin/awesome "
+ + optionalString cfg.noArgb "--no-argb "
+ + makeSearchPath cfg.luaModules;
+ };
diff --git a/home-manager/modules/services/window-managers/i3.nix b/home-manager/modules/services/window-managers/i3.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6c52ff6c335
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/modules/services/window-managers/i3.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,836 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+ cfg = config.xsession.windowManager.i3;
+ commonOptions = {
+ fonts = mkOption {
+ type = types.listOf types.str;
+ default = ["monospace 8"];
+ description = ''
+ Font list used for window titles. Only FreeType fonts are supported.
+ The order here is improtant (e.g. icons font should go before the one used for text).
+ '';
+ example = [ "FontAwesome 10" "Terminus 10" ];
+ };
+ };
+ startupModule = types.submodule {
+ options = {
+ command = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ description = "Command that will be executed on startup.";
+ };
+ always = mkOption {
+ type = types.bool;
+ default = false;
+ description = "Whether to run command on each i3 restart.";
+ };
+ notification = mkOption {
+ type = types.bool;
+ default = true;
+ description = ''
+ Whether to enable startup-notification support for the command.
+ See <option>--no-startup-id</option> option description in the i3 user guide.
+ '';
+ };
+ workspace = mkOption {
+ type = types.nullOr types.str;
+ default = null;
+ description = ''
+ Launch application on a particular workspace. DEPRECATED:
+ Use <varname><link linkend="opt-xsession.windowManager.i3.config.assigns">xsession.windowManager.i3.config.assigns</link></varname>
+ instead. See <link xlink:href="https://github.com/rycee/home-manager/issues/265"/>.
+ '';
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ barColorSetModule = types.submodule {
+ options = {
+ border = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ visible = false;
+ };
+ background = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ visible = false;
+ };
+ text = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ visible = false;
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ colorSetModule = types.submodule {
+ options = {
+ border = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ visible = false;
+ };
+ childBorder = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ visible = false;
+ };
+ background = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ visible = false;
+ };
+ text = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ visible = false;
+ };
+ indicator = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ visible = false;
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ barModule = types.submodule {
+ options = {
+ inherit (commonOptions) fonts;
+ extraConfig = mkOption {
+ type = types.lines;
+ default = "";
+ description = "Extra configuration lines for this bar.";
+ };
+ id = mkOption {
+ type = types.nullOr types.str;
+ default = null;
+ description = ''
+ Specifies the bar ID for the configured bar instance.
+ If this option is missing, the ID is set to bar-x, where x corresponds
+ to the position of the embedding bar block in the config file.
+ '';
+ };
+ mode = mkOption {
+ type = types.enum [ "dock" "hide" "invisible" ];
+ default = "dock";
+ description = "Bar visibility mode.";
+ };
+ hiddenState = mkOption {
+ type = types.enum [ "hide" "show" ];
+ default = "hide";
+ description = "The default bar mode when 'bar.mode' == 'hide'.";
+ };
+ position = mkOption {
+ type = types.enum [ "top" "bottom" ];
+ default = "bottom";
+ description = "The edge of the screen i3bar should show up.";
+ };
+ workspaceButtons = mkOption {
+ type = types.bool;
+ default = true;
+ description = "Whether workspace buttons should be shown or not.";
+ };
+ workspaceNumbers = mkOption {
+ type = types.bool;
+ default = true;
+ description = "Whether workspace numbers should be displayed within the workspace buttons.";
+ };
+ command = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ default = "${cfg.package}/bin/i3bar";
+ defaultText = "i3bar";
+ description = "Command that will be used to start a bar.";
+ example = "\${pkgs.i3-gaps}/bin/i3bar -t";
+ };
+ statusCommand = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ default = "${pkgs.i3status}/bin/i3status";
+ description = "Command that will be used to get status lines.";
+ };
+ colors = mkOption {
+ type = types.submodule {
+ options = {
+ background = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ default = "#000000";
+ description = "Background color of the bar.";
+ };
+ statusline = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ default = "#ffffff";
+ description = "Text color to be used for the statusline.";
+ };
+ separator = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ default = "#666666";
+ description = "Text color to be used for the separator.";
+ };
+ focusedWorkspace = mkOption {
+ type = barColorSetModule;
+ default = { border = "#4c7899"; background = "#285577"; text = "#ffffff"; };
+ description = ''
+ Border, background and text color for a workspace button when the workspace has focus.
+ '';
+ };
+ activeWorkspace = mkOption {
+ type = barColorSetModule;
+ default = { border = "#333333"; background = "#5f676a"; text = "#ffffff"; };
+ description = ''
+ Border, background and text color for a workspace button when the workspace is active.
+ '';
+ };
+ inactiveWorkspace = mkOption {
+ type = barColorSetModule;
+ default = { border = "#333333"; background = "#222222"; text = "#888888"; };
+ description = ''
+ Border, background and text color for a workspace button when the workspace does not
+ have focus and is not active.
+ '';
+ };
+ urgentWorkspace = mkOption {
+ type = barColorSetModule;
+ default = { border = "#2f343a"; background = "#900000"; text = "#ffffff"; };
+ description = ''
+ Border, background and text color for a workspace button when the workspace contains
+ a window with the urgency hint set.
+ '';
+ };
+ bindingMode = mkOption {
+ type = barColorSetModule;
+ default = { border = "#2f343a"; background = "#900000"; text = "#ffffff"; };
+ description = "Border, background and text color for the binding mode indicator";
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ default = {};
+ description = ''
+ Bar color settings. All color classes can be specified using submodules
+ with 'border', 'background', 'text', fields and RGB color hex-codes as values.
+ See default values for the reference.
+ Note that 'background', 'status', and 'separator' parameters take a single RGB value.
+ See <link xlink:href="https://i3wm.org/docs/userguide.html#_colors"/>.
+ '';
+ };
+ trayOutput = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ default = "primary";
+ description = "Where to output tray.";
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ windowCommandModule = types.submodule {
+ options = {
+ command = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ description = "i3wm command to execute.";
+ example = "border pixel 1";
+ };
+ criteria = mkOption {
+ type = criteriaModule;
+ description = "Criteria of the windows on which command should be executed.";
+ example = { title = "x200: ~/work"; };
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ criteriaModule = types.attrsOf types.str;
+ configModule = types.submodule {
+ options = {
+ inherit (commonOptions) fonts;
+ window = mkOption {
+ type = types.submodule {
+ options = {
+ titlebar = mkOption {
+ type = types.bool;
+ default = cfg.package != pkgs.i3-gaps;
+ defaultText = "xsession.windowManager.i3.package != nixpkgs.i3-gaps (titlebar should be disabled for i3-gaps)";
+ description = "Whether to show window titlebars.";
+ };
+ border = mkOption {
+ type = types.int;
+ default = 2;
+ description = "Window border width.";
+ };
+ hideEdgeBorders = mkOption {
+ type = types.enum [ "none" "vertical" "horizontal" "both" "smart" ];
+ default = "none";
+ description = "Hide window borders adjacent to the screen edges.";
+ };
+ commands = mkOption {
+ type = types.listOf windowCommandModule;
+ default = [];
+ description = ''
+ List of commands that should be executed on specific windows.
+ See <option>for_window</option> i3wm option documentation.
+ '';
+ example = [ { command = "border pixel 1"; criteria = { class = "XTerm"; }; } ];
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ default = {};
+ description = "Window titlebar and border settings.";
+ };
+ floating = mkOption {
+ type = types.submodule {
+ options = {
+ titlebar = mkOption {
+ type = types.bool;
+ default = cfg.package != pkgs.i3-gaps;
+ defaultText = "xsession.windowManager.i3.package != nixpkgs.i3-gaps (titlebar should be disabled for i3-gaps)";
+ description = "Whether to show floating window titlebars.";
+ };
+ border = mkOption {
+ type = types.int;
+ default = 2;
+ description = "Floating windows border width.";
+ };
+ modifier = mkOption {
+ type = types.enum [ "Shift" "Control" "Mod1" "Mod2" "Mod3" "Mod4" "Mod5" ];
+ default = cfg.config.modifier;
+ defaultText = "i3.config.modifier";
+ description = "Modifier key that can be used to drag floating windows.";
+ example = "Mod4";
+ };
+ criteria = mkOption {
+ type = types.listOf criteriaModule;
+ default = [];
+ description = "List of criteria for windows that should be opened in a floating mode.";
+ example = [ {"title" = "Steam - Update News";} {"class" = "Pavucontrol";} ];
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ default = {};
+ description = "Floating window settings.";
+ };
+ focus = mkOption {
+ type = types.submodule {
+ options = {
+ newWindow = mkOption {
+ type = types.enum [ "smart" "urgent" "focus" "none" ];
+ default = "smart";
+ description = ''
+ This option modifies focus behavior on new window activation.
+ See <link xlink:href="https://i3wm.org/docs/userguide.html#focus_on_window_activation"/>
+ '';
+ example = "none";
+ };
+ followMouse = mkOption {
+ type = types.bool;
+ default = true;
+ description = "Whether focus should follow the mouse.";
+ };
+ forceWrapping = mkOption {
+ type = types.bool;
+ default = false;
+ description = ''
+ Whether to force focus wrapping in tabbed or stacked container.
+ See <link xlink:href="https://i3wm.org/docs/userguide.html#_focus_wrapping"/>
+ '';
+ };
+ mouseWarping = mkOption {
+ type = types.bool;
+ default = true;
+ description = ''
+ Whether mouse cursor should be warped to the center of the window when switching focus
+ to a window on a different output.
+ '';
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ default = {};
+ description = "Focus related settings.";
+ };
+ assigns = mkOption {
+ type = types.attrsOf (types.listOf criteriaModule);
+ default = {};
+ description = ''
+ An attribute set that assigns applications to workspaces based
+ on criteria.
+ '';
+ example = literalExample ''
+ {
+ "1: web" = [{ class = "^Firefox$"; }];
+ "0: extra" = [{ class = "^Firefox$"; window_role = "About"; }];
+ }
+ '';
+ };
+ modifier = mkOption {
+ type = types.enum [ "Shift" "Control" "Mod1" "Mod2" "Mod3" "Mod4" "Mod5" ];
+ default = "Mod1";
+ description = "Modifier key that is used for all default keybindings.";
+ example = "Mod4";
+ };
+ workspaceLayout = mkOption {
+ type = types.enum [ "default" "stacked" "tabbed" ];
+ default = "default";
+ example = "tabbed";
+ description = ''
+ The mode in which new containers on workspace level will
+ start.
+ '';
+ };
+ keybindings = mkOption {
+ type = types.attrsOf (types.nullOr types.str);
+ default = mapAttrs (n: mkOptionDefault) {
+ "${cfg.config.modifier}+Return" = "exec i3-sensible-terminal";
+ "${cfg.config.modifier}+Shift+q" = "kill";
+ "${cfg.config.modifier}+d" = "exec ${pkgs.dmenu}/bin/dmenu_run";
+ "${cfg.config.modifier}+Left" = "focus left";
+ "${cfg.config.modifier}+Down" = "focus down";
+ "${cfg.config.modifier}+Up" = "focus up";
+ "${cfg.config.modifier}+Right" = "focus right";
+ "${cfg.config.modifier}+Shift+Left" = "move left";
+ "${cfg.config.modifier}+Shift+Down" = "move down";
+ "${cfg.config.modifier}+Shift+Up" = "move up";
+ "${cfg.config.modifier}+Shift+Right" = "move right";
+ "${cfg.config.modifier}+h" = "split h";
+ "${cfg.config.modifier}+v" = "split v";
+ "${cfg.config.modifier}+f" = "fullscreen toggle";
+ "${cfg.config.modifier}+s" = "layout stacking";
+ "${cfg.config.modifier}+w" = "layout tabbed";
+ "${cfg.config.modifier}+e" = "layout toggle split";
+ "${cfg.config.modifier}+Shift+space" = "floating toggle";
+ "${cfg.config.modifier}+space" = "focus mode_toggle";
+ "${cfg.config.modifier}+1" = "workspace 1";
+ "${cfg.config.modifier}+2" = "workspace 2";
+ "${cfg.config.modifier}+3" = "workspace 3";
+ "${cfg.config.modifier}+4" = "workspace 4";
+ "${cfg.config.modifier}+5" = "workspace 5";
+ "${cfg.config.modifier}+6" = "workspace 6";
+ "${cfg.config.modifier}+7" = "workspace 7";
+ "${cfg.config.modifier}+8" = "workspace 8";
+ "${cfg.config.modifier}+9" = "workspace 9";
+ "${cfg.config.modifier}+Shift+1" = "move container to workspace 1";
+ "${cfg.config.modifier}+Shift+2" = "move container to workspace 2";
+ "${cfg.config.modifier}+Shift+3" = "move container to workspace 3";
+ "${cfg.config.modifier}+Shift+4" = "move container to workspace 4";
+ "${cfg.config.modifier}+Shift+5" = "move container to workspace 5";
+ "${cfg.config.modifier}+Shift+6" = "move container to workspace 6";
+ "${cfg.config.modifier}+Shift+7" = "move container to workspace 7";
+ "${cfg.config.modifier}+Shift+8" = "move container to workspace 8";
+ "${cfg.config.modifier}+Shift+9" = "move container to workspace 9";
+ "${cfg.config.modifier}+Shift+c" = "reload";
+ "${cfg.config.modifier}+Shift+r" = "restart";
+ "${cfg.config.modifier}+Shift+e" = "exec i3-nagbar -t warning -m 'Do you want to exit i3?' -b 'Yes' 'i3-msg exit'";
+ "${cfg.config.modifier}+r" = "mode resize";
+ };
+ defaultText = "Default i3 keybindings.";
+ description = ''
+ An attribute set that assigns a key press to an action using a key symbol.
+ See <link xlink:href="https://i3wm.org/docs/userguide.html#keybindings"/>.
+ </para><para>
+ Consider to use <code>lib.mkOptionDefault</code> function to extend or override
+ default keybindings instead of specifying all of them from scratch.
+ '';
+ example = literalExample ''
+ let
+ modifier = xsession.windowManager.i3.config.modifier;
+ in
+ lib.mkOptionDefault {
+ "''${modifier}+Return" = "exec i3-sensible-terminal";
+ "''${modifier}+Shift+q" = "kill";
+ "''${modifier}+d" = "exec \${pkgs.dmenu}/bin/dmenu_run";
+ }
+ '';
+ };
+ keycodebindings = mkOption {
+ type = types.attrsOf (types.nullOr types.str);
+ default = {};
+ description = ''
+ An attribute set that assigns keypress to an action using key code.
+ See <link xlink:href="https://i3wm.org/docs/userguide.html#keybindings"/>.
+ '';
+ example = { "214" = "exec --no-startup-id /bin/script.sh"; };
+ };
+ colors = mkOption {
+ type = types.submodule {
+ options = {
+ background = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ default = "#ffffff";
+ description = ''
+ Background color of the window. Only applications which do not cover
+ the whole area expose the color.
+ '';
+ };
+ focused = mkOption {
+ type = colorSetModule;
+ default = {
+ border = "#4c7899"; background = "#285577"; text = "#ffffff";
+ indicator = "#2e9ef4"; childBorder = "#285577";
+ };
+ description = "A window which currently has the focus.";
+ };
+ focusedInactive = mkOption {
+ type = colorSetModule;
+ default = {
+ border = "#333333"; background = "#5f676a"; text = "#ffffff";
+ indicator = "#484e50"; childBorder = "#5f676a";
+ };
+ description = ''
+ A window which is the focused one of its container,
+ but it does not have the focus at the moment.
+ '';
+ };
+ unfocused = mkOption {
+ type = colorSetModule;
+ default = {
+ border = "#333333"; background = "#222222"; text = "#888888";
+ indicator = "#292d2e"; childBorder = "#222222";
+ };
+ description = "A window which is not focused.";
+ };
+ urgent = mkOption {
+ type = colorSetModule;
+ default = {
+ border = "#2f343a"; background = "#900000"; text = "#ffffff";
+ indicator = "#900000"; childBorder = "#900000";
+ };
+ description = "A window which has its urgency hint activated.";
+ };
+ placeholder = mkOption {
+ type = colorSetModule;
+ default = {
+ border = "#000000"; background = "#0c0c0c"; text = "#ffffff";
+ indicator = "#000000"; childBorder = "#0c0c0c";
+ };
+ description = ''
+ Background and text color are used to draw placeholder window
+ contents (when restoring layouts). Border and indicator are ignored.
+ '';
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ default = {};
+ description = ''
+ Color settings. All color classes can be specified using submodules
+ with 'border', 'background', 'text', 'indicator' and 'childBorder' fields
+ and RGB color hex-codes as values. See default values for the reference.
+ Note that 'i3.config.colors.background' parameter takes a single RGB value.
+ See <link xlink:href="https://i3wm.org/docs/userguide.html#_changing_colors"/>.
+ '';
+ };
+ modes = mkOption {
+ type = types.attrsOf (types.attrsOf types.str);
+ default = {
+ resize = {
+ "Left" = "resize shrink width 10 px or 10 ppt";
+ "Down" = "resize grow height 10 px or 10 ppt";
+ "Up" = "resize shrink height 10 px or 10 ppt";
+ "Right" = "resize grow width 10 px or 10 ppt";
+ "Escape" = "mode default";
+ "Return" = "mode default";
+ };
+ };
+ description = ''
+ An attribute set that defines binding modes and keybindings
+ inside them
+ Only basic keybinding is supported (bindsym keycomb action),
+ for more advanced setup use 'i3.extraConfig'.
+ '';
+ };
+ bars = mkOption {
+ type = types.listOf barModule;
+ default = [{}];
+ description = ''
+ i3 bars settings blocks. Set to empty list to remove bars completely.
+ '';
+ };
+ startup = mkOption {
+ type = types.listOf startupModule;
+ default = [];
+ description = ''
+ Commands that should be executed at startup.
+ See <link xlink:href="https://i3wm.org/docs/userguide.html#_automatically_starting_applications_on_i3_startup"/>.
+ '';
+ example = literalExample ''
+ [
+ { command = "systemctl --user restart polybar"; always = true; notification = false; }
+ { command = "dropbox start"; notification = false; }
+ { command = "firefox"; workspace = "1: web"; }
+ ];
+ '';
+ };
+ gaps = mkOption {
+ type = types.nullOr (types.submodule {
+ options = {
+ inner = mkOption {
+ type = types.nullOr types.int;
+ default = null;
+ description = "Inner gaps value.";
+ example = 12;
+ };
+ outer = mkOption {
+ type = types.nullOr types.int;
+ default = null;
+ description = "Outer gaps value.";
+ example = 5;
+ };
+ smartGaps = mkOption {
+ type = types.bool;
+ default = false;
+ description = ''
+ This option controls whether to disable all gaps (outer and inner)
+ on workspace with a single container.
+ '';
+ example = true;
+ };
+ smartBorders = mkOption {
+ type = types.enum [ "on" "off" "no_gaps" ];
+ default = "off";
+ description = ''
+ This option controls whether to disable container borders on
+ workspace with a single container.
+ '';
+ };
+ };
+ });
+ default = null;
+ description = ''
+ i3gaps related settings.
+ Note that i3-gaps package should be set for this options to take effect.
+ '';
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ keybindingsStr = keybindings: concatStringsSep "\n" (
+ mapAttrsToList (keycomb: action: optionalString (action != null) "bindsym ${keycomb} ${action}") keybindings
+ );
+ keycodebindingsStr = keycodebindings: concatStringsSep "\n" (
+ mapAttrsToList (keycomb: action: optionalString (action != null) "bindcode ${keycomb} ${action}") keycodebindings
+ );
+ colorSetStr = c: concatStringsSep " " [ c.border c.background c.text c.indicator c.childBorder ];
+ barColorSetStr = c: concatStringsSep " " [ c.border c.background c.text ];
+ criteriaStr = criteria: "[${concatStringsSep " " (mapAttrsToList (k: v: ''${k}="${v}"'') criteria)}]";
+ modeStr = name: keybindings: ''
+ mode "${name}" {
+ ${keybindingsStr keybindings}
+ }
+ '';
+ assignStr = workspace: criteria: concatStringsSep "\n" (
+ map (c: "assign ${criteriaStr c} ${workspace}") criteria
+ );
+ barStr = {
+ id, fonts, mode, hiddenState, position, workspaceButtons,
+ workspaceNumbers, command, statusCommand, colors, trayOutput, extraConfig, ...
+ }: ''
+ bar {
+ ${optionalString (id != null) "id ${id}"}
+ font pango:${concatStringsSep ", " fonts}
+ mode ${mode}
+ hidden_state ${hiddenState}
+ position ${position}
+ status_command ${statusCommand}
+ i3bar_command ${command}
+ workspace_buttons ${if workspaceButtons then "yes" else "no"}
+ strip_workspace_numbers ${if !workspaceNumbers then "yes" else "no"}
+ tray_output ${trayOutput}
+ colors {
+ background ${colors.background}
+ statusline ${colors.statusline}
+ separator ${colors.separator}
+ focused_workspace ${barColorSetStr colors.focusedWorkspace}
+ active_workspace ${barColorSetStr colors.activeWorkspace}
+ inactive_workspace ${barColorSetStr colors.inactiveWorkspace}
+ urgent_workspace ${barColorSetStr colors.urgentWorkspace}
+ binding_mode ${barColorSetStr colors.bindingMode}
+ }
+ ${extraConfig}
+ }
+ '';
+ gapsStr = with cfg.config.gaps; ''
+ ${optionalString (inner != null) "gaps inner ${toString inner}"}
+ ${optionalString (outer != null) "gaps outer ${toString outer}"}
+ ${optionalString smartGaps "smart_gaps on"}
+ ${optionalString (smartBorders != "off") "smart_borders ${smartBorders}"}
+ '';
+ floatingCriteriaStr = criteria: "for_window ${criteriaStr criteria} floating enable";
+ windowCommandsStr = { command, criteria, ... }: "for_window ${criteriaStr criteria} ${command}";
+ startupEntryStr = { command, always, notification, workspace, ... }: ''
+ ${if always then "exec_always" else "exec"} ${
+ if (notification && workspace == null) then "" else "--no-startup-id"
+ } ${
+ if (workspace == null) then
+ command
+ else
+ "i3-msg 'workspace ${workspace}; exec ${command}'"
+ }
+ '';
+ configFile = pkgs.writeText "i3.conf" ((if cfg.config != null then with cfg.config; ''
+ font pango:${concatStringsSep ", " fonts}
+ floating_modifier ${floating.modifier}
+ new_window ${if window.titlebar then "normal" else "pixel"} ${toString window.border}
+ new_float ${if floating.titlebar then "normal" else "pixel"} ${toString floating.border}
+ hide_edge_borders ${window.hideEdgeBorders}
+ force_focus_wrapping ${if focus.forceWrapping then "yes" else "no"}
+ focus_follows_mouse ${if focus.followMouse then "yes" else "no"}
+ focus_on_window_activation ${focus.newWindow}
+ mouse_warping ${if focus.mouseWarping then "output" else "none"}
+ workspace_layout ${workspaceLayout}
+ client.focused ${colorSetStr colors.focused}
+ client.focused_inactive ${colorSetStr colors.focusedInactive}
+ client.unfocused ${colorSetStr colors.unfocused}
+ client.urgent ${colorSetStr colors.urgent}
+ client.placeholder ${colorSetStr colors.placeholder}
+ client.background ${colors.background}
+ ${keybindingsStr keybindings}
+ ${keycodebindingsStr keycodebindings}
+ ${concatStringsSep "\n" (mapAttrsToList modeStr modes)}
+ ${concatStringsSep "\n" (mapAttrsToList assignStr assigns)}
+ ${concatStringsSep "\n" (map barStr bars)}
+ ${optionalString (gaps != null) gapsStr}
+ ${concatStringsSep "\n" (map floatingCriteriaStr floating.criteria)}
+ ${concatStringsSep "\n" (map windowCommandsStr window.commands)}
+ ${concatStringsSep "\n" (map startupEntryStr startup)}
+ '' else "") + "\n" + cfg.extraConfig);
+ options = {
+ xsession.windowManager.i3 = {
+ enable = mkEnableOption "i3 window manager.";
+ package = mkOption {
+ type = types.package;
+ default = pkgs.i3;
+ defaultText = literalExample "pkgs.i3";
+ example = literalExample "pkgs.i3-gaps";
+ description = ''
+ i3 package to use.
+ If 'i3.config.gaps' settings are specified, 'pkgs.i3-gaps' will be set as a default package.
+ '';
+ };
+ config = mkOption {
+ type = types.nullOr configModule;
+ default = {};
+ description = "i3 configuration options.";
+ };
+ extraConfig = mkOption {
+ type = types.lines;
+ default = "";
+ description = "Extra configuration lines to add to ~/.config/i3/config.";
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ config = mkIf cfg.enable (mkMerge [
+ {
+ home.packages = [ cfg.package ];
+ xsession.windowManager.command = "${cfg.package}/bin/i3";
+ xdg.configFile."i3/config" = {
+ source = configFile;
+ onChange = ''
+ i3Socket=''${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR:-/run/user/$UID}/i3/ipc-socket.*
+ if [ -S $i3Socket ]; then
+ echo "Reloading i3"
+ $DRY_RUN_CMD ${cfg.package}/bin/i3-msg -s $i3Socket reload 1>/dev/null
+ fi
+ '';
+ };
+ }
+ (mkIf (cfg.config != null) {
+ xsession.windowManager.i3.package = mkDefault (
+ if (cfg.config.gaps != null) then pkgs.i3-gaps else pkgs.i3
+ );
+ })
+ (mkIf (cfg.config != null && (any (s: s.workspace != null) cfg.config.startup)) {
+ warnings = [
+ ("'xsession.windowManager.i3.config.startup.*.workspace' is deprecated, "
+ + "use 'xsession.windowManager.i3.config.assigns' instead."
+ + "See https://github.com/rycee/home-manager/issues/265.")
+ ];
+ })
+ ]);
diff --git a/home-manager/modules/services/window-managers/xmonad.nix b/home-manager/modules/services/window-managers/xmonad.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6b3426b963b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/modules/services/window-managers/xmonad.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+ cfg = config.xsession.windowManager.xmonad;
+ xmonad = pkgs.xmonad-with-packages.override {
+ ghcWithPackages = cfg.haskellPackages.ghcWithPackages;
+ packages = self:
+ cfg.extraPackages self
+ ++ optionals cfg.enableContribAndExtras [
+ self.xmonad-contrib self.xmonad-extras
+ ];
+ };
+ options = {
+ xsession.windowManager.xmonad = {
+ enable = mkEnableOption "xmonad window manager";
+ haskellPackages = mkOption {
+ default = pkgs.haskellPackages;
+ defaultText = literalExample "pkgs.haskellPackages";
+ example = literalExample "pkgs.haskell.packages.ghc784";
+ description = ''
+ The <varname>haskellPackages</varname> used to build xmonad
+ and other packages. This can be used to change the GHC
+ version used to build xmonad and the packages listed in
+ <varname>extraPackages</varname>.
+ '';
+ };
+ extraPackages = mkOption {
+ default = self: [];
+ defaultText = "self: []";
+ example = literalExample ''
+ haskellPackages: [
+ haskellPackages.xmonad-contrib
+ haskellPackages.monad-logger
+ ]
+ '';
+ description = ''
+ Extra packages available to GHC when rebuilding xmonad. The
+ value must be a function which receives the attribute set
+ defined in <varname>haskellPackages</varname> as the sole
+ argument.
+ '';
+ };
+ enableContribAndExtras = mkOption {
+ default = false;
+ type = types.bool;
+ description = "Enable xmonad-{contrib,extras} in xmonad.";
+ };
+ config = mkOption {
+ type = types.nullOr types.path;
+ default = null;
+ example = literalExample ''
+ pkgs.writeText "xmonad.hs" '''
+ import XMonad
+ main = xmonad defaultConfig
+ { terminal = "urxvt"
+ , modMask = mod4Mask
+ , borderWidth = 3
+ }
+ '''
+ '';
+ description = ''
+ The configuration file to be used for xmonad. This must be
+ an absolute path or <literal>null</literal> in which case
+ <filename>~/.xmonad/xmonad.hs</filename> will not be managed
+ by Home Manager.
+ '';
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ config = mkIf cfg.enable (mkMerge [
+ {
+ home.packages = [ (lowPrio xmonad) ];
+ xsession.windowManager.command = "${xmonad}/bin/xmonad";
+ }
+ (mkIf (cfg.config != null) {
+ home.file.".xmonad/xmonad.hs".source = cfg.config;
+ home.file.".xmonad/xmonad.hs".onChange = ''
+ echo "Recompiling xmonad"
+ $DRY_RUN_CMD ${config.xsession.windowManager.command} --recompile
+ # Attempt to restart xmonad if X is running.
+ if [[ -v DISPLAY ]] ; then
+ echo "Restarting xmonad"
+ $DRY_RUN_CMD ${config.xsession.windowManager.command} --restart
+ fi
+ '';
+ })
+ ]);
diff --git a/home-manager/modules/services/xcape.nix b/home-manager/modules/services/xcape.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..26115a93062
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/modules/services/xcape.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+ cfg = config.services.xcape;
+ meta.maintainers = [ maintainers.nickhu ];
+ options = {
+ services.xcape = {
+ enable = mkEnableOption "xcape";
+ timeout = mkOption {
+ type = types.nullOr types.int;
+ default = null;
+ example = 500;
+ description = ''
+ If you hold a key longer than this timeout, xcape will not
+ generate a key event. Default is 500 ms.
+ '';
+ };
+ mapExpression = mkOption {
+ type = types.attrsOf types.str;
+ default = {};
+ example = { Shift_L = "Escape"; Control_L = "Control_L|O"; };
+ description = ''
+ The value has the grammar <literal>Key[|OtherKey]</literal>.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The list of key names is found in the header file
+ <filename>X11/keysymdef.h</filename> (remove the
+ <literal>XK_</literal> prefix). Note that due to limitations
+ of X11 shifted keys must be specified as a shift key
+ followed by the key to be pressed rather than the actual
+ name of the character. For example to generate "{" the
+ expression <literal>Shift_L|bracketleft</literal> could be
+ used (assuming that you have a key with "{" above "[").
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ You can also specify keys in decimal (prefix #), octal (#0),
+ or hexadecimal (#0x). They will be interpreted as keycodes
+ unless no corresponding key name is found.
+ '';
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ config = mkIf cfg.enable {
+ systemd.user.services.xcape = {
+ Unit = {
+ Description = "xcape";
+ After = [ "graphical-session-pre.target" ];
+ PartOf = [ "graphical-session.target" ];
+ };
+ Service = {
+ Type = "forking";
+ ExecStart = "${pkgs.xcape}/bin/xcape"
+ + optionalString (cfg.timeout != null) " -t ${toString cfg.timeout}"
+ + optionalString (cfg.mapExpression != {})
+ " -e '${builtins.concatStringsSep ";"
+ (attrsets.mapAttrsToList (n: v: "${n}=${v}") cfg.mapExpression)}'";
+ };
+ Install = {
+ WantedBy = [ "graphical-session.target" ];
+ };
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/home-manager/modules/services/xembed-sni-proxy.nix b/home-manager/modules/services/xembed-sni-proxy.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d9e5ae783f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/modules/services/xembed-sni-proxy.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+ cfg = config.services.xembed-sni-proxy;
+ meta.maintainers = [ maintainers.rycee ];
+ options = {
+ services.xembed-sni-proxy = {
+ enable = mkEnableOption "XEmbed SNI Proxy";
+ package = mkOption {
+ type = types.package;
+ default = pkgs.plasma-workspace;
+ defaultText = literalExample "pkgs.plasma-workspace";
+ description = ''
+ Package containing the <command>xembedsniproxy</command>
+ program.
+ '';
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ config = mkIf cfg.enable {
+ systemd.user.services.xembed-sni-proxy = {
+ Unit = {
+ Description = "XEmbed SNI Proxy";
+ After = [ "graphical-session-pre.target" ];
+ PartOf = [ "graphical-session.target" ];
+ };
+ Install = {
+ WantedBy = [ "graphical-session.target" ];
+ };
+ Service = {
+ Environment = "PATH=${config.home.profileDirectory}/bin";
+ ExecStart = "${cfg.package}/bin/xembedsniproxy";
+ Restart = "on-abort";
+ };
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/home-manager/modules/services/xscreensaver.nix b/home-manager/modules/services/xscreensaver.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4001c294e86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/modules/services/xscreensaver.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+ cfg = config.services.xscreensaver;
+ meta.maintainers = [ maintainers.rycee ];
+ options = {
+ services.xscreensaver = {
+ enable = mkEnableOption "XScreenSaver";
+ settings = mkOption {
+ type = with types; attrsOf (either bool (either int str));
+ default = {};
+ example = {
+ mode = "blank";
+ lock = false;
+ fadeTicks = 20;
+ };
+ description = ''
+ The settings to use for XScreenSaver.
+ '';
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ config = mkIf cfg.enable {
+ # To make the xscreensaver-command tool available.
+ home.packages = [ pkgs.xscreensaver ];
+ xresources.properties =
+ mapAttrs' (n: nameValuePair "xscreensaver.${n}") cfg.settings;
+ systemd.user.services.xscreensaver = {
+ Unit = {
+ Description = "XScreenSaver";
+ After = [ "graphical-session-pre.target" ];
+ PartOf = [ "graphical-session.target" ];
+ };
+ Service = {
+ ExecStart = "${pkgs.xscreensaver}/bin/xscreensaver -no-splash";
+ };
+ Install = {
+ WantedBy = [ "graphical-session.target" ];
+ };
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/home-manager/modules/services/xsuspender.nix b/home-manager/modules/services/xsuspender.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..22a5ca536a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/modules/services/xsuspender.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+ cfg = config.services.xsuspender;
+ xsuspenderOptions = types.submodule {
+ options = {
+ matchWmClassContains = mkOption {
+ description = "Match windows that wm class contains string.";
+ type = types.nullOr types.str;
+ default = null;
+ };
+ matchWmClassGroupContains = mkOption {
+ description = "Match windows where wm class group contains string.";
+ type = types.nullOr types.str;
+ default = null;
+ };
+ matchWmNameContains = mkOption {
+ description = "Match windows where wm name contains string.";
+ type = types.nullOr types.str;
+ default = null;
+ };
+ suspendDelay = mkOption {
+ description = "Initial suspend delay in seconds.";
+ type = types.int;
+ default = 5;
+ };
+ resumeEvery = mkOption {
+ description = "Resume interval in seconds.";
+ type = types.int;
+ default = 50;
+ };
+ resumeFor = mkOption {
+ description = "Resume duration in seconds.";
+ type = types.int;
+ default = 5;
+ };
+ execSuspend = mkOption {
+ description = ''
+ Before suspending, execute this shell script. If it fails,
+ abort suspension.
+ '';
+ type = types.nullOr types.str;
+ default = null;
+ example = ''echo "suspending window $XID of process $PID"'';
+ };
+ execResume = mkOption {
+ description = ''
+ Before resuming, execute this shell script. Resume the
+ process regardless script failure.
+ '';
+ type = types.nullOr types.str;
+ default = null;
+ example = ''echo resuming ...'';
+ };
+ sendSignals = mkOption {
+ description = ''
+ Whether to send SIGSTOP / SIGCONT signals or not.
+ If false just the exec scripts are run.
+ '';
+ type = types.bool;
+ default = true;
+ };
+ suspendSubtreePattern = mkOption {
+ description = "Also suspend descendant processes that match this regex.";
+ type = types.nullOr types.str;
+ default = null;
+ };
+ onlyOnBattery = mkOption {
+ description = "Whether to enable process suspend only on battery.";
+ type = types.bool;
+ default = false;
+ };
+ autoSuspendOnBattery = mkOption {
+ description = ''
+ Whether to auto-apply rules when switching to battery
+ power even if the window(s) didn't just lose focus.
+ '';
+ type = types.bool;
+ default = true;
+ };
+ downclockOnBattery = mkOption {
+ description = ''
+ Limit CPU consumption for this factor when on battery power.
+ Value 1 means 50% decrease, 2 means 66%, 3 means 75% etc.
+ '';
+ type = types.int;
+ default = 0;
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ meta.maintainers = [ maintainers.offline ];
+ options = {
+ services.xsuspender = {
+ enable = mkEnableOption "XSuspender";
+ defaults = mkOption {
+ description = "XSuspender defaults.";
+ type = xsuspenderOptions;
+ default = {};
+ };
+ rules = mkOption {
+ description = "Attribute set of XSuspender rules.";
+ type = types.attrsOf xsuspenderOptions;
+ default = {};
+ example = {
+ Chromium = {
+ suspendDelay = 10;
+ matchWmClassContains = "chromium-browser";
+ suspendSubtreePattern = "chromium";
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ debug = mkOption {
+ description = "Whether to enable debug output.";
+ type = types.bool;
+ default = false;
+ };
+ iniContent = mkOption {
+ type = types.attrsOf types.attrs;
+ internal = true;
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ config = mkIf cfg.enable {
+ services.xsuspender.iniContent =
+ let
+ mkSection = values: filterAttrs (_: v: v != null) {
+ match_wm_class_contains = values.matchWmClassContains;
+ match_wm_class_group_contains = values.matchWmClassGroupContains;
+ match_wm_name_contains = values.matchWmNameContains;
+ suspend_delay = values.suspendDelay;
+ resume_every = values.resumeEvery;
+ resume_for = values.resumeFor;
+ exec_suspend = values.execSuspend;
+ exec_resume = values.execResume;
+ send_signals = values.sendSignals;
+ suspend_subtree_pattern = values.suspendSubtreePattern;
+ only_on_battery = values.onlyOnBattery;
+ auto_suspend_on_battery = values.autoSuspendOnBattery;
+ downclock_on_battery = values.downclockOnBattery;
+ };
+ in
+ {
+ Default = mkSection cfg.defaults;
+ }
+ // mapAttrs (_: mkSection) cfg.rules;
+ # To make the xsuspender tool available.
+ home.packages = [ pkgs.xsuspender ];
+ xdg.configFile."xsuspender.conf".text = generators.toINI {} cfg.iniContent;
+ systemd.user.services.xsuspender = {
+ Unit = {
+ Description = "XSuspender";
+ After = [ "graphical-session-pre.target" ];
+ PartOf = [ "graphical-session.target" ];
+ X-Restart-Triggers = [
+ "${config.xdg.configFile."xsuspender.conf".source}"
+ ];
+ };
+ Service = {
+ ExecStart = "${pkgs.xsuspender}/bin/xsuspender";
+ Environment = mkIf cfg.debug [ "G_MESSAGE_DEBUG=all" ];
+ };
+ Install = {
+ WantedBy = [ "graphical-session.target" ];
+ };
+ };
+ };