path: root/content/blog/106_encrypted_zfs.md
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authorKatharina Fey <kookie@spacekookie.de>2019-09-09 10:05:38 +0100
committerKatharina Fey <kookie@spacekookie.de>2019-09-09 10:07:31 +0100
commit0d9c3299bc9db09cb69824f372794ee297953ced (patch)
tree7678eeb5688ab8f78ded3a780d0211ed8f3d5365 /content/blog/106_encrypted_zfs.md
parentdfb3e28f0ff4df03b190969b07d7d4ffd32a0563 (diff)
content/blog: refactoring naming/numbering scheme
The idea here being that drafts are prefixed with `xxx_`, not knowing when and in what order they will be released. This fixes the problem where I start lots of articles, give them a number, then release them in non-linear sequences and get confused down the line. This commit _also_ releases the `nix-ocitools` article
Diffstat (limited to 'content/blog/106_encrypted_zfs.md')
1 files changed, 173 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/content/blog/106_encrypted_zfs.md b/content/blog/106_encrypted_zfs.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7972466
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/blog/106_encrypted_zfs.md
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+Title: Bikeshedding disk partitioning
+Category: Blog
+Tags: linux, zfs, nixos
+Date: 2019-07-11
+I recently got a new Thinkpad. Well...new is a stretch.
+It's an X230, featuring an i5 and 16GB of RAM.
+One of the first things I did with this laptop was to [flash coreboot on it][coreboot].
+This is something I've always wanted to be able to do,
+but so far lacked hardware that was supported.
+And generally, it felt like finally maybe I could have a laptop to tinker around with.
+[coreboot]: https://octodon.social/@spacekookie/102150706024564666
+And that's where this post begins...
+## Encrypted disk
+So from the start I knew I wanted to have a fully encrypted disk.
+What that means is that your `/boot` partition
+(whether it is it's own partition or not), is also encrypted.
+Secondly, I don't like (U)EFI...
+What that means is that I'm installing GRUB
+in the MBR (with a DOS partition table) instead.
+Now: GRUB stage 1 can handle the encryption for us,
+but there's some limitations
+- Keyboard layout limited to `US`
+- `/boot` can only be certain partition type
+- `/` and `/boot` need be contained in an LVM
+That last one _might_ not be accurate if you only want
+to have an `ext4` (or similar) rootfs. But because I
+want to have a `zfs` root, I need to embed it into an LVM.
+This is also the reason why `/boot` needs to be it's own partition.
+After we've done all this, we will install a linux distribution of choice
+(which we'll reveal later).
+Anyway, let's get started!
+## Preparing the disk
+(Feel free to skip this step)
+Something you might want to do is letting your disk look
+otherwise uninitialised, or "securely erasing" any data
+that is already on it.
+But generating random data is a lot of work and `/dev/urandom`
+is very slow.
+Instead you can create a crypto-disk (luks) on it, then fill it
+with zero's. But because of the encryption it will seem random.
+(`/dev/sda` is my disk in this example because lolwat is nvme even?)
+$ cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/sda1
+$ cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sda sda_crypto
+$ dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mapper/sda_crypto bs=512 status=progress
+This might take a while, but considerably less time than filling
+the disk with random data. After this is done, you might want to
+actually wipe the first bunch of bytes.
+$ cryptsetup luksClose sda_crypto
+$ dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sda bs=1M count=8
+## Basic partitioning
+So what we want to do is setup a single partition on `/dev/sda`,
+the same way we did to prepare the disk. Then repeat the previous
+command to setup a cryptodisk.
+What follows is the LVM setup:
+$ pvcreate lvm
+$ vgcreate vg0 /dev/mapper/lvm
+$ lvcreate vg0-boot -l 1G
+$ lvcreate vg0-swap -l 16G
+$ lvcreate vg0-root -L +100%FREE
+I included the `swap` partition in the LVM instead of as a ZFS subvolume
+because those can sometimes deadlock and this just makes things easier.
+Now we want to create the filesystems.
+For `/boot` we can just use `mkfs.ext4`,
+but consider that I want to use `zfs` on `/`,
+that will require some more work.
+$ zpool create rtank /dev/mapper/vg0-root
+Feel free to call your pool whatever!
+At this point you could also create subvolumes to
+split `/`, `/home`, ... if you wanted.
+## Mounting & Configuration
+So that's all good. How do we initialise this system now?
+We need to mount the zfs pool first, then `/boot` and then install
+our linux secret distribution of choice (spoilers: it's [NixOS]!)
+[NixOS]: https://nixos.org
+$ mkdir -p /mnt/boot
+$ zpool import rtank
+$ mount -t zfs rtank /mnt
+$ mount /dev/mapper/vg0-boot /mnt/boot
+$ nixos-generate-config --root /mnt
+That last line is obviously NixOS specific.
+You now have a fully encrypted disk setup, without
+using EFI. Wuuh!
+The rest of this post I want to talk about how to make this
+all work with NixOS and reproducable configuration.
+Most of what we need to configure is in the `boot` option.
+Let's go through the settings one by one:
+- `boot.loader.grub`
+ - `efiSupport = false` actually the default but I like being explicit
+ - `copyKernels = true` enable this to avoid problems with ZFS becoming unbootable
+ - `device = "/dev/sda"` replace this with the device that holds your GRUB
+ - `zfsSupport = true` to enable ZFS support 😅
+ - `enableCryptodisk = true` to enable stage-1 encryption support
+- `boot.zfs.devNodes = "/dev"` to point ZFS at the correct device tree (not 100% if required)
+- `fileSystems."/".encrypted`
+ - `enable = true`
+ - `label = "lvm"` the label of your LVM
+ - `blkDev = "/dev/disk/by-uuid/f1440abd-99e3-46a8-aa36-7824972fee54"` the disk that
+ ZFS is installed to. You can find this out by looking at your symlinks in
+ `/dev/disk/by-uuid` and picking the correct one.
+- `networking.hostId` needs to be set to some random 8 bytes
+Following is the complete config to make it easier to copy stuff from:
+boot.loader.grub = {
+ efiSupport = false;
+ copyKernels = true;
+ device = "/dev/sda";
+ zfsSupport = true;
+ enableCryptodisk = true;
+boot.zfs.devNodes = "/dev";
+fileSystems."/" = {
+ encrypted = {
+ enable = true;
+ label = "lvm";
+ blkDev = "/dev/disk/by-uuid/f1440abd-99e3-46a8-aa36-7824972fee54";
+ };
+networking.hostId = "<random shit>";
+And that's it.
+If you spot any errors in this article (or any for that matter),
+feel free to e-mail me or send me a PR over on github.