path: root/nixpkgs/nixos/modules/services/monitoring/thanos.nix
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'nixpkgs/nixos/modules/services/monitoring/thanos.nix')
1 files changed, 801 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nixpkgs/nixos/modules/services/monitoring/thanos.nix b/nixpkgs/nixos/modules/services/monitoring/thanos.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..215cd43fd86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/nixos/modules/services/monitoring/thanos.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,801 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+ cfg = config.services.thanos;
+ nullOpt = type: description: mkOption {
+ type = types.nullOr type;
+ default = null;
+ inherit description;
+ };
+ optionToArgs = opt: v : optional (v != null) ''--${opt}="${toString v}"'';
+ flagToArgs = opt: v : optional v ''--${opt}'';
+ listToArgs = opt: vs : map (v: ''--${opt}="${v}"'') vs;
+ attrsToArgs = opt: kvs: mapAttrsToList (k: v: ''--${opt}=${k}=\"${v}\"'') kvs;
+ mkParamDef = type: default: description: mkParam type (description + ''
+ Defaults to <literal>${toString default}</literal> in Thanos
+ when set to <literal>null</literal>.
+ '');
+ mkParam = type: description: {
+ toArgs = optionToArgs;
+ option = nullOpt type description;
+ };
+ mkFlagParam = description: {
+ toArgs = flagToArgs;
+ option = mkOption {
+ type = types.bool;
+ default = false;
+ inherit description;
+ };
+ };
+ mkListParam = opt: description: {
+ toArgs = _opt: listToArgs opt;
+ option = mkOption {
+ type = types.listOf types.str;
+ default = [];
+ inherit description;
+ };
+ };
+ mkAttrsParam = opt: description: {
+ toArgs = _opt: attrsToArgs opt;
+ option = mkOption {
+ type = types.attrsOf types.str;
+ default = {};
+ inherit description;
+ };
+ };
+ mkStateDirParam = opt: default: description: {
+ toArgs = _opt: stateDir: optionToArgs opt "/var/lib/${stateDir}";
+ option = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ inherit default;
+ inherit description;
+ };
+ };
+ toYAML = name: attrs: pkgs.runCommandNoCC name {
+ preferLocalBuild = true;
+ json = builtins.toFile "${name}.json" (builtins.toJSON attrs);
+ nativeBuildInputs = [ pkgs.remarshal ];
+ } ''json2yaml -i $json -o $out'';
+ thanos = cmd: "${cfg.package}/bin/thanos ${cmd}" +
+ (let args = cfg.${cmd}.arguments;
+ in optionalString (length args != 0) (" \\\n " +
+ concatStringsSep " \\\n " args));
+ argumentsOf = cmd: concatLists (collect isList
+ (flip mapParamsRecursive params.${cmd} (path: param:
+ let opt = concatStringsSep "." path;
+ v = getAttrFromPath path cfg.${cmd};
+ in param.toArgs opt v)));
+ mkArgumentsOption = cmd: mkOption {
+ type = types.listOf types.str;
+ default = argumentsOf cmd;
+ description = ''
+ Arguments to the <literal>thanos ${cmd}</literal> command.
+ Defaults to a list of arguments formed by converting the structured
+ options of <option>services.thanos.${cmd}</option> to a list of arguments.
+ Overriding this option will cause none of the structured options to have
+ any effect. So only set this if you know what you're doing!
+ '';
+ };
+ mapParamsRecursive =
+ let noParam = attr: !(attr ? toArgs && attr ? option);
+ in mapAttrsRecursiveCond noParam;
+ paramsToOptions = mapParamsRecursive (_path: param: param.option);
+ params = {
+ log = {
+ log.level = mkParamDef (types.enum ["debug" "info" "warn" "error" "fatal"]) "info" ''
+ Log filtering level.
+ '';
+ log.format = mkParam types.str ''
+ Log format to use.
+ '';
+ };
+ tracing = cfg: {
+ tracing.config-file = {
+ toArgs = _opt: path: optionToArgs "tracing.config-file" path;
+ option = mkOption {
+ type = with types; nullOr str;
+ default = if cfg.tracing.config == null then null
+ else toString (toYAML "tracing.yaml" cfg.tracing.config);
+ defaultText = ''
+ if config.services.thanos.<cmd>.tracing.config == null then null
+ else toString (toYAML "tracing.yaml" config.services.thanos.<cmd>.tracing.config);
+ '';
+ description = ''
+ Path to YAML file that contains tracing configuration.
+ '';
+ };
+ };
+ tracing.config =
+ {
+ toArgs = _opt: _attrs: [];
+ option = nullOpt types.attrs ''
+ Tracing configuration.
+ When not <literal>null</literal> the attribute set gets converted to
+ a YAML file and stored in the Nix store. The option
+ <option>tracing.config-file</option> will default to its path.
+ If <option>tracing.config-file</option> is set this option has no effect.
+ '';
+ };
+ };
+ common = cfg: params.log // params.tracing cfg // {
+ http-address = mkParamDef types.str "" ''
+ Listen <literal>host:port</literal> for HTTP endpoints.
+ '';
+ grpc-address = mkParamDef types.str "" ''
+ Listen <literal>ip:port</literal> address for gRPC endpoints (StoreAPI).
+ Make sure this address is routable from other components.
+ '';
+ grpc-server-tls-cert = mkParam types.str ''
+ TLS Certificate for gRPC server, leave blank to disable TLS
+ '';
+ grpc-server-tls-key = mkParam types.str ''
+ TLS Key for the gRPC server, leave blank to disable TLS
+ '';
+ grpc-server-tls-client-ca = mkParam types.str ''
+ TLS CA to verify clients against.
+ If no client CA is specified, there is no client verification on server side.
+ (tls.NoClientCert)
+ '';
+ };
+ objstore = cfg: {
+ objstore.config-file = {
+ toArgs = _opt: path: optionToArgs "objstore.config-file" path;
+ option = mkOption {
+ type = with types; nullOr str;
+ default = if cfg.objstore.config == null then null
+ else toString (toYAML "objstore.yaml" cfg.objstore.config);
+ defaultText = ''
+ if config.services.thanos.<cmd>.objstore.config == null then null
+ else toString (toYAML "objstore.yaml" config.services.thanos.<cmd>.objstore.config);
+ '';
+ description = ''
+ Path to YAML file that contains object store configuration.
+ '';
+ };
+ };
+ objstore.config =
+ {
+ toArgs = _opt: _attrs: [];
+ option = nullOpt types.attrs ''
+ Object store configuration.
+ When not <literal>null</literal> the attribute set gets converted to
+ a YAML file and stored in the Nix store. The option
+ <option>objstore.config-file</option> will default to its path.
+ If <option>objstore.config-file</option> is set this option has no effect.
+ '';
+ };
+ };
+ sidecar = params.common cfg.sidecar // params.objstore cfg.sidecar // {
+ prometheus.url = mkParamDef types.str "http://localhost:9090" ''
+ URL at which to reach Prometheus's API.
+ For better performance use local network.
+ '';
+ tsdb.path = {
+ toArgs = optionToArgs;
+ option = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ default = "/var/lib/${config.services.prometheus.stateDir}/data";
+ defaultText = "/var/lib/\${config.services.prometheus.stateDir}/data";
+ description = ''
+ Data directory of TSDB.
+ '';
+ };
+ };
+ reloader.config-file = mkParam types.str ''
+ Config file watched by the reloader.
+ '';
+ reloader.config-envsubst-file = mkParam types.str ''
+ Output file for environment variable substituted config file.
+ '';
+ reloader.rule-dirs = mkListParam "reloader.rule-dir" ''
+ Rule directories for the reloader to refresh.
+ '';
+ };
+ store = params.common cfg.store // params.objstore cfg.store // {
+ stateDir = mkStateDirParam "data-dir" "thanos-store" ''
+ Data directory relative to <literal>/var/lib</literal>
+ in which to cache remote blocks.
+ '';
+ index-cache-size = mkParamDef types.str "250MB" ''
+ Maximum size of items held in the index cache.
+ '';
+ chunk-pool-size = mkParamDef types.str "2GB" ''
+ Maximum size of concurrently allocatable bytes for chunks.
+ '';
+ store.grpc.series-sample-limit = mkParamDef types.int 0 ''
+ Maximum amount of samples returned via a single Series call.
+ <literal>0</literal> means no limit.
+ NOTE: for efficiency we take 120 as the number of samples in chunk (it
+ cannot be bigger than that), so the actual number of samples might be
+ lower, even though the maximum could be hit.
+ '';
+ store.grpc.series-max-concurrency = mkParamDef types.int 20 ''
+ Maximum number of concurrent Series calls.
+ '';
+ sync-block-duration = mkParamDef types.str "3m" ''
+ Repeat interval for syncing the blocks between local and remote view.
+ '';
+ block-sync-concurrency = mkParamDef types.int 20 ''
+ Number of goroutines to use when syncing blocks from object storage.
+ '';
+ };
+ query = params.common cfg.query // {
+ grpc-client-tls-secure = mkFlagParam ''
+ Use TLS when talking to the gRPC server
+ '';
+ grpc-client-tls-cert = mkParam types.str ''
+ TLS Certificates to use to identify this client to the server
+ '';
+ grpc-client-tls-key = mkParam types.str ''
+ TLS Key for the client's certificate
+ '';
+ grpc-client-tls-ca = mkParam types.str ''
+ TLS CA Certificates to use to verify gRPC servers
+ '';
+ grpc-client-server-name = mkParam types.str ''
+ Server name to verify the hostname on the returned gRPC certificates.
+ See <link xlink:href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4366#section-3.1"/>
+ '';
+ web.route-prefix = mkParam types.str ''
+ Prefix for API and UI endpoints.
+ This allows thanos UI to be served on a sub-path. This option is
+ analogous to <option>web.route-prefix</option> of Promethus.
+ '';
+ web.external-prefix = mkParam types.str ''
+ Static prefix for all HTML links and redirect URLs in the UI query web
+ interface.
+ Actual endpoints are still served on / or the
+ <option>web.route-prefix</option>. This allows thanos UI to be served
+ behind a reverse proxy that strips a URL sub-path.
+ '';
+ web.prefix-header = mkParam types.str ''
+ Name of HTTP request header used for dynamic prefixing of UI links and
+ redirects.
+ This option is ignored if the option
+ <literal>web.external-prefix</literal> is set.
+ Security risk: enable this option only if a reverse proxy in front of
+ thanos is resetting the header.
+ The setting <literal>web.prefix-header="X-Forwarded-Prefix"</literal>
+ can be useful, for example, if Thanos UI is served via Traefik reverse
+ proxy with <literal>PathPrefixStrip</literal> option enabled, which
+ sends the stripped prefix value in <literal>X-Forwarded-Prefix</literal>
+ header. This allows thanos UI to be served on a sub-path.
+ '';
+ query.timeout = mkParamDef types.str "2m" ''
+ Maximum time to process query by query node.
+ '';
+ query.max-concurrent = mkParamDef types.int 20 ''
+ Maximum number of queries processed concurrently by query node.
+ '';
+ query.replica-label = mkParam types.str ''
+ Label to treat as a replica indicator along which data is
+ deduplicated.
+ Still you will be able to query without deduplication using
+ <literal>dedup=false</literal> parameter.
+ '';
+ selector-labels = mkAttrsParam "selector-label" ''
+ Query selector labels that will be exposed in info endpoint.
+ '';
+ store.addresses = mkListParam "store" ''
+ Addresses of statically configured store API servers.
+ The scheme may be prefixed with <literal>dns+</literal> or
+ <literal>dnssrv+</literal> to detect store API servers through
+ respective DNS lookups.
+ '';
+ store.sd-files = mkListParam "store.sd-files" ''
+ Path to files that contain addresses of store API servers. The path
+ can be a glob pattern.
+ '';
+ store.sd-interval = mkParamDef types.str "5m" ''
+ Refresh interval to re-read file SD files. It is used as a resync fallback.
+ '';
+ store.sd-dns-interval = mkParamDef types.str "30s" ''
+ Interval between DNS resolutions.
+ '';
+ store.unhealthy-timeout = mkParamDef types.str "5m" ''
+ Timeout before an unhealthy store is cleaned from the store UI page.
+ '';
+ query.auto-downsampling = mkFlagParam ''
+ Enable automatic adjustment (step / 5) to what source of data should
+ be used in store gateways if no
+ <literal>max_source_resolution</literal> param is specified.
+ '';
+ query.partial-response = mkFlagParam ''
+ Enable partial response for queries if no
+ <literal>partial_response</literal> param is specified.
+ '';
+ query.default-evaluation-interval = mkParamDef types.str "1m" ''
+ Set default evaluation interval for sub queries.
+ '';
+ store.response-timeout = mkParamDef types.str "0ms" ''
+ If a Store doesn't send any data in this specified duration then a
+ Store will be ignored and partial data will be returned if it's
+ enabled. <literal>0</literal> disables timeout.
+ '';
+ };
+ rule = params.common cfg.rule // params.objstore cfg.rule // {
+ labels = mkAttrsParam "label" ''
+ Labels to be applied to all generated metrics.
+ Similar to external labels for Prometheus,
+ used to identify ruler and its blocks as unique source.
+ '';
+ stateDir = mkStateDirParam "data-dir" "thanos-rule" ''
+ Data directory relative to <literal>/var/lib</literal>.
+ '';
+ rule-files = mkListParam "rule-file" ''
+ Rule files that should be used by rule manager. Can be in glob format.
+ '';
+ eval-interval = mkParamDef types.str "30s" ''
+ The default evaluation interval to use.
+ '';
+ tsdb.block-duration = mkParamDef types.str "2h" ''
+ Block duration for TSDB block.
+ '';
+ tsdb.retention = mkParamDef types.str "48h" ''
+ Block retention time on local disk.
+ '';
+ alertmanagers.urls = mkListParam "alertmanagers.url" ''
+ Alertmanager replica URLs to push firing alerts.
+ Ruler claims success if push to at least one alertmanager from
+ discovered succeeds. The scheme may be prefixed with
+ <literal>dns+</literal> or <literal>dnssrv+</literal> to detect
+ Alertmanager IPs through respective DNS lookups. The port defaults to
+ <literal>9093</literal> or the SRV record's value. The URL path is
+ used as a prefix for the regular Alertmanager API path.
+ '';
+ alertmanagers.send-timeout = mkParamDef types.str "10s" ''
+ Timeout for sending alerts to alertmanager.
+ '';
+ alert.query-url = mkParam types.str ''
+ The external Thanos Query URL that would be set in all alerts 'Source' field.
+ '';
+ alert.label-drop = mkListParam "alert.label-drop" ''
+ Labels by name to drop before sending to alertmanager.
+ This allows alert to be deduplicated on replica label.
+ Similar Prometheus alert relabelling
+ '';
+ web.route-prefix = mkParam types.str ''
+ Prefix for API and UI endpoints.
+ This allows thanos UI to be served on a sub-path.
+ This option is analogous to <literal>--web.route-prefix</literal> of Promethus.
+ '';
+ web.external-prefix = mkParam types.str ''
+ Static prefix for all HTML links and redirect URLs in the UI query web
+ interface.
+ Actual endpoints are still served on / or the
+ <option>web.route-prefix</option>. This allows thanos UI to be served
+ behind a reverse proxy that strips a URL sub-path.
+ '';
+ web.prefix-header = mkParam types.str ''
+ Name of HTTP request header used for dynamic prefixing of UI links and
+ redirects.
+ This option is ignored if the option
+ <option>web.external-prefix</option> is set.
+ Security risk: enable this option only if a reverse proxy in front of
+ thanos is resetting the header.
+ The header <literal>X-Forwarded-Prefix</literal> can be useful, for
+ example, if Thanos UI is served via Traefik reverse proxy with
+ <literal>PathPrefixStrip</literal> option enabled, which sends the
+ stripped prefix value in <literal>X-Forwarded-Prefix</literal>
+ header. This allows thanos UI to be served on a sub-path.
+ '';
+ query.addresses = mkListParam "query" ''
+ Addresses of statically configured query API servers.
+ The scheme may be prefixed with <literal>dns+</literal> or
+ <literal>dnssrv+</literal> to detect query API servers through
+ respective DNS lookups.
+ '';
+ query.sd-files = mkListParam "query.sd-files" ''
+ Path to file that contain addresses of query peers.
+ The path can be a glob pattern.
+ '';
+ query.sd-interval = mkParamDef types.str "5m" ''
+ Refresh interval to re-read file SD files. (used as a fallback)
+ '';
+ query.sd-dns-interval = mkParamDef types.str "30s" ''
+ Interval between DNS resolutions.
+ '';
+ };
+ compact = params.log // params.tracing cfg.compact // params.objstore cfg.compact // {
+ http-address = mkParamDef types.str "" ''
+ Listen <literal>host:port</literal> for HTTP endpoints.
+ '';
+ stateDir = mkStateDirParam "data-dir" "thanos-compact" ''
+ Data directory relative to <literal>/var/lib</literal>
+ in which to cache blocks and process compactions.
+ '';
+ consistency-delay = mkParamDef types.str "30m" ''
+ Minimum age of fresh (non-compacted) blocks before they are being
+ processed. Malformed blocks older than the maximum of consistency-delay
+ and 30m0s will be removed.
+ '';
+ retention.resolution-raw = mkParamDef types.str "0d" ''
+ How long to retain raw samples in bucket.
+ <literal>0d</literal> - disables this retention
+ '';
+ retention.resolution-5m = mkParamDef types.str "0d" ''
+ How long to retain samples of resolution 1 (5 minutes) in bucket.
+ <literal>0d</literal> - disables this retention
+ '';
+ retention.resolution-1h = mkParamDef types.str "0d" ''
+ How long to retain samples of resolution 2 (1 hour) in bucket.
+ <literal>0d</literal> - disables this retention
+ '';
+ startAt = {
+ toArgs = _opt: startAt: flagToArgs "wait" (startAt == null);
+ option = nullOpt types.str ''
+ When this option is set to a <literal>systemd.time</literal>
+ specification the Thanos compactor will run at the specified period.
+ When this option is <literal>null</literal> the Thanos compactor service
+ will run continuously. So it will not exit after all compactions have
+ been processed but wait for new work.
+ '';
+ };
+ block-sync-concurrency = mkParamDef types.int 20 ''
+ Number of goroutines to use when syncing block metadata from object storage.
+ '';
+ compact.concurrency = mkParamDef types.int 1 ''
+ Number of goroutines to use when compacting groups.
+ '';
+ };
+ downsample = params.log // params.tracing cfg.downsample // params.objstore cfg.downsample // {
+ stateDir = mkStateDirParam "data-dir" "thanos-downsample" ''
+ Data directory relative to <literal>/var/lib</literal>
+ in which to cache blocks and process downsamplings.
+ '';
+ };
+ receive = params.common cfg.receive // params.objstore cfg.receive // {
+ remote-write.address = mkParamDef types.str "" ''
+ Address to listen on for remote write requests.
+ '';
+ stateDir = mkStateDirParam "tsdb.path" "thanos-receive" ''
+ Data directory relative to <literal>/var/lib</literal> of TSDB.
+ '';
+ labels = mkAttrsParam "labels" ''
+ External labels to announce.
+ This flag will be removed in the future when handling multiple tsdb
+ instances is added.
+ '';
+ tsdb.retention = mkParamDef types.str "15d" ''
+ How long to retain raw samples on local storage.
+ <literal>0d</literal> - disables this retention
+ '';
+ };
+ };
+ assertRelativeStateDir = cmd: {
+ assertions = [
+ {
+ assertion = !hasPrefix "/" cfg.${cmd}.stateDir;
+ message =
+ "The option services.thanos.${cmd}.stateDir should not be an absolute directory." +
+ " It should be a directory relative to /var/lib.";
+ }
+ ];
+ };
+in {
+ options.services.thanos = {
+ package = mkOption {
+ type = types.package;
+ default = pkgs.thanos;
+ defaultText = "pkgs.thanos";
+ description = ''
+ The thanos package that should be used.
+ '';
+ };
+ sidecar = paramsToOptions params.sidecar // {
+ enable = mkEnableOption
+ "the Thanos sidecar for Prometheus server";
+ arguments = mkArgumentsOption "sidecar";
+ };
+ store = paramsToOptions params.store // {
+ enable = mkEnableOption
+ "the Thanos store node giving access to blocks in a bucket provider.";
+ arguments = mkArgumentsOption "store";
+ };
+ query = paramsToOptions params.query // {
+ enable = mkEnableOption
+ ("the Thanos query node exposing PromQL enabled Query API " +
+ "with data retrieved from multiple store nodes");
+ arguments = mkArgumentsOption "query";
+ };
+ rule = paramsToOptions params.rule // {
+ enable = mkEnableOption
+ ("the Thanos ruler service which evaluates Prometheus rules against" +
+ " given Query nodes, exposing Store API and storing old blocks in bucket");
+ arguments = mkArgumentsOption "rule";
+ };
+ compact = paramsToOptions params.compact // {
+ enable = mkEnableOption
+ "the Thanos compactor which continuously compacts blocks in an object store bucket";
+ arguments = mkArgumentsOption "compact";
+ };
+ downsample = paramsToOptions params.downsample // {
+ enable = mkEnableOption
+ "the Thanos downsampler which continuously downsamples blocks in an object store bucket";
+ arguments = mkArgumentsOption "downsample";
+ };
+ receive = paramsToOptions params.receive // {
+ enable = mkEnableOption
+ ("the Thanos receiver which accept Prometheus remote write API requests " +
+ "and write to local tsdb (EXPERIMENTAL, this may change drastically without notice)");
+ arguments = mkArgumentsOption "receive";
+ };
+ };
+ config = mkMerge [
+ (mkIf cfg.sidecar.enable {
+ assertions = [
+ {
+ assertion = config.services.prometheus.enable;
+ message =
+ "Please enable services.prometheus when enabling services.thanos.sidecar.";
+ }
+ {
+ assertion = !(config.services.prometheus.globalConfig.external_labels == null ||
+ config.services.prometheus.globalConfig.external_labels == {});
+ message =
+ "services.thanos.sidecar requires uniquely identifying external labels " +
+ "to be configured in the Prometheus server. " +
+ "Please set services.prometheus.globalConfig.external_labels.";
+ }
+ ];
+ systemd.services.thanos-sidecar = {
+ wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
+ after = [ "network.target" "prometheus.service" ];
+ serviceConfig = {
+ User = "prometheus";
+ Restart = "always";
+ ExecStart = thanos "sidecar";
+ };
+ };
+ })
+ (mkIf cfg.store.enable (mkMerge [
+ (assertRelativeStateDir "store")
+ {
+ systemd.services.thanos-store = {
+ wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
+ after = [ "network.target" ];
+ serviceConfig = {
+ DynamicUser = true;
+ StateDirectory = cfg.store.stateDir;
+ Restart = "always";
+ ExecStart = thanos "store";
+ };
+ };
+ }
+ ]))
+ (mkIf cfg.query.enable {
+ systemd.services.thanos-query = {
+ wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
+ after = [ "network.target" ];
+ serviceConfig = {
+ DynamicUser = true;
+ Restart = "always";
+ ExecStart = thanos "query";
+ };
+ };
+ })
+ (mkIf cfg.rule.enable (mkMerge [
+ (assertRelativeStateDir "rule")
+ {
+ systemd.services.thanos-rule = {
+ wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
+ after = [ "network.target" ];
+ serviceConfig = {
+ DynamicUser = true;
+ StateDirectory = cfg.rule.stateDir;
+ Restart = "always";
+ ExecStart = thanos "rule";
+ };
+ };
+ }
+ ]))
+ (mkIf cfg.compact.enable (mkMerge [
+ (assertRelativeStateDir "compact")
+ {
+ systemd.services.thanos-compact =
+ let wait = cfg.compact.startAt == null; in {
+ wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
+ after = [ "network.target" ];
+ serviceConfig = {
+ Type = if wait then "simple" else "oneshot";
+ Restart = if wait then "always" else "no";
+ DynamicUser = true;
+ StateDirectory = cfg.compact.stateDir;
+ ExecStart = thanos "compact";
+ };
+ } // optionalAttrs (!wait) { inherit (cfg.compact) startAt; };
+ }
+ ]))
+ (mkIf cfg.downsample.enable (mkMerge [
+ (assertRelativeStateDir "downsample")
+ {
+ systemd.services.thanos-downsample = {
+ wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
+ after = [ "network.target" ];
+ serviceConfig = {
+ DynamicUser = true;
+ StateDirectory = cfg.downsample.stateDir;
+ Restart = "always";
+ ExecStart = thanos "downsample";
+ };
+ };
+ }
+ ]))
+ (mkIf cfg.receive.enable (mkMerge [
+ (assertRelativeStateDir "receive")
+ {
+ systemd.services.thanos-receive = {
+ wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
+ after = [ "network.target" ];
+ serviceConfig = {
+ DynamicUser = true;
+ StateDirectory = cfg.receive.stateDir;
+ Restart = "always";
+ ExecStart = thanos "receive";
+ };
+ };
+ }
+ ]))
+ ];