path: root/nixpkgs/nixos/modules/services/monitoring/apcupsd.nix
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Diffstat (limited to 'nixpkgs/nixos/modules/services/monitoring/apcupsd.nix')
1 files changed, 191 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nixpkgs/nixos/modules/services/monitoring/apcupsd.nix b/nixpkgs/nixos/modules/services/monitoring/apcupsd.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..75218aa1d46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/nixos/modules/services/monitoring/apcupsd.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+ cfg = config.services.apcupsd;
+ configFile = pkgs.writeText "apcupsd.conf" ''
+ ## apcupsd.conf v1.1 ##
+ # apcupsd complains if the first line is not like above.
+ ${cfg.configText}
+ SCRIPTDIR ${toString scriptDir}
+ '';
+ # List of events from "man apccontrol"
+ eventList = [
+ "annoyme"
+ "battattach"
+ "battdetach"
+ "changeme"
+ "commfailure"
+ "commok"
+ "doreboot"
+ "doshutdown"
+ "emergency"
+ "failing"
+ "killpower"
+ "loadlimit"
+ "mainsback"
+ "onbattery"
+ "offbattery"
+ "powerout"
+ "remotedown"
+ "runlimit"
+ "timeout"
+ "startselftest"
+ "endselftest"
+ ];
+ shellCmdsForEventScript = eventname: commands: ''
+ echo "#!${pkgs.runtimeShell}" > "$out/${eventname}"
+ echo '${commands}' >> "$out/${eventname}"
+ chmod a+x "$out/${eventname}"
+ '';
+ eventToShellCmds = event: if builtins.hasAttr event cfg.hooks then (shellCmdsForEventScript event (builtins.getAttr event cfg.hooks)) else "";
+ scriptDir = pkgs.runCommand "apcupsd-scriptdir" { preferLocalBuild = true; } (''
+ mkdir "$out"
+ # Copy SCRIPTDIR from apcupsd package
+ cp -r ${pkgs.apcupsd}/etc/apcupsd/* "$out"/
+ # Make the files writeable (nix will unset the write bits afterwards)
+ chmod u+w "$out"/*
+ # Remove the sample event notification scripts, because they don't work
+ # anyways (they try to send mail to "root" with the "mail" command)
+ (cd "$out" && rm changeme commok commfailure onbattery offbattery)
+ # Remove the sample apcupsd.conf file (we're generating our own)
+ rm "$out/apcupsd.conf"
+ # Set the SCRIPTDIR= line in apccontrol to the dir we're creating now
+ sed -i -e "s|^SCRIPTDIR=.*|SCRIPTDIR=$out|" "$out/apccontrol"
+ '' + concatStringsSep "\n" (map eventToShellCmds eventList)
+ );
+ ###### interface
+ options = {
+ services.apcupsd = {
+ enable = mkOption {
+ default = false;
+ type = types.bool;
+ description = ''
+ Whether to enable the APC UPS daemon. apcupsd monitors your UPS and
+ permits orderly shutdown of your computer in the event of a power
+ failure. User manual: http://www.apcupsd.com/manual/manual.html.
+ Note that apcupsd runs as root (to allow shutdown of computer).
+ You can check the status of your UPS with the "apcaccess" command.
+ '';
+ };
+ configText = mkOption {
+ default = ''
+ '';
+ type = types.lines;
+ description = ''
+ Contents of the runtime configuration file, apcupsd.conf. The default
+ settings makes apcupsd autodetect USB UPSes, limit network access to
+ localhost and shutdown the system when the battery level is below 50
+ percent, or when the UPS has calculated that it has 5 minutes or less
+ of remaining power-on time. See man apcupsd.conf for details.
+ '';
+ };
+ hooks = mkOption {
+ default = {};
+ example = {
+ doshutdown = ''# shell commands to notify that the computer is shutting down'';
+ };
+ type = types.attrsOf types.lines;
+ description = ''
+ Each attribute in this option names an apcupsd event and the string
+ value it contains will be executed in a shell, in response to that
+ event (prior to the default action). See "man apccontrol" for the
+ list of events and what they represent.
+ A hook script can stop apccontrol from doing its default action by
+ exiting with value 99. Do not do this unless you know what you're
+ doing.
+ '';
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ ###### implementation
+ config = mkIf cfg.enable {
+ assertions = [ {
+ assertion = let hooknames = builtins.attrNames cfg.hooks; in all (x: elem x eventList) hooknames;
+ message = ''
+ One (or more) attribute names in services.apcupsd.hooks are invalid.
+ Current attribute names: ${toString (builtins.attrNames cfg.hooks)}
+ Valid attribute names : ${toString eventList}
+ '';
+ } ];
+ # Give users access to the "apcaccess" tool
+ environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.apcupsd ];
+ # NOTE 1: apcupsd runs as root because it needs permission to run
+ # "shutdown"
+ #
+ # NOTE 2: When apcupsd calls "wall", it prints an error because stdout is
+ # not connected to a tty (it is connected to the journal):
+ # wall: cannot get tty name: Inappropriate ioctl for device
+ # The message still gets through.
+ systemd.services.apcupsd = {
+ description = "APC UPS Daemon";
+ wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
+ preStart = "mkdir -p /run/apcupsd/";
+ serviceConfig = {
+ ExecStart = "${pkgs.apcupsd}/bin/apcupsd -b -f ${configFile} -d1";
+ # TODO: When apcupsd has initiated a shutdown, systemd always ends up
+ # waiting for it to stop ("A stop job is running for UPS daemon"). This
+ # is weird, because in the journal one can clearly see that apcupsd has
+ # received the SIGTERM signal and has already quit (or so it seems).
+ # This reduces the wait time from 90 seconds (default) to just 5. Then
+ # systemd kills it with SIGKILL.
+ TimeoutStopSec = 5;
+ };
+ unitConfig.Documentation = "man:apcupsd(8)";
+ };
+ # A special service to tell the UPS to power down/hibernate just before the
+ # computer shuts down. (The UPS has a built in delay before it actually
+ # shuts off power.) Copied from here:
+ # http://forums.opensuse.org/english/get-technical-help-here/applications/479499-apcupsd-systemd-killpower-issues.html
+ systemd.services.apcupsd-killpower = {
+ description = "APC UPS Kill Power";
+ after = [ "shutdown.target" ]; # append umount.target?
+ before = [ "final.target" ];
+ wantedBy = [ "shutdown.target" ];
+ unitConfig = {
+ ConditionPathExists = "/run/apcupsd/powerfail";
+ DefaultDependencies = "no";
+ };
+ serviceConfig = {
+ Type = "oneshot";
+ ExecStart = "${pkgs.apcupsd}/bin/apcupsd --killpower -f ${configFile}";
+ TimeoutSec = "infinity";
+ StandardOutput = "tty";
+ RemainAfterExit = "yes";
+ };
+ };
+ };