path: root/nixpkgs/nixos/modules/misc/version.nix
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'nixpkgs/nixos/modules/misc/version.nix')
1 files changed, 105 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nixpkgs/nixos/modules/misc/version.nix b/nixpkgs/nixos/modules/misc/version.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..773724ffbd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/nixos/modules/misc/version.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+ cfg = config.system.nixos;
+ gitRepo = "${toString pkgs.path}/.git";
+ gitCommitId = lib.substring 0 7 (commitIdFromGitRepo gitRepo);
+ options.system = {
+ nixos.version = mkOption {
+ internal = true;
+ type = types.str;
+ description = "The full NixOS version (e.g. <literal>16.03.1160.f2d4ee1</literal>).";
+ };
+ nixos.release = mkOption {
+ readOnly = true;
+ type = types.str;
+ default = trivial.release;
+ description = "The NixOS release (e.g. <literal>16.03</literal>).";
+ };
+ nixos.versionSuffix = mkOption {
+ internal = true;
+ type = types.str;
+ default = trivial.versionSuffix;
+ description = "The NixOS version suffix (e.g. <literal>1160.f2d4ee1</literal>).";
+ };
+ nixos.revision = mkOption {
+ internal = true;
+ type = types.str;
+ default = trivial.revisionWithDefault "master";
+ description = "The Git revision from which this NixOS configuration was built.";
+ };
+ nixos.codeName = mkOption {
+ readOnly = true;
+ type = types.str;
+ default = trivial.codeName;
+ description = "The NixOS release code name (e.g. <literal>Emu</literal>).";
+ };
+ stateVersion = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ default = cfg.release;
+ description = ''
+ Every once in a while, a new NixOS release may change
+ configuration defaults in a way incompatible with stateful
+ data. For instance, if the default version of PostgreSQL
+ changes, the new version will probably be unable to read your
+ existing databases. To prevent such breakage, you can set the
+ value of this option to the NixOS release with which you want
+ to be compatible. The effect is that NixOS will option
+ defaults corresponding to the specified release (such as using
+ an older version of PostgreSQL).
+ '';
+ };
+ defaultChannel = mkOption {
+ internal = true;
+ type = types.str;
+ default = https://nixos.org/channels/nixos-unstable;
+ description = "Default NixOS channel to which the root user is subscribed.";
+ };
+ };
+ config = {
+ system.nixos = {
+ # These defaults are set here rather than up there so that
+ # changing them would not rebuild the manual
+ version = mkDefault (cfg.release + cfg.versionSuffix);
+ revision = mkIf (pathIsDirectory gitRepo) (mkDefault gitCommitId);
+ versionSuffix = mkIf (pathIsDirectory gitRepo) (mkDefault (".git." + gitCommitId));
+ };
+ # Generate /etc/os-release. See
+ # https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/os-release.html for the
+ # format.
+ environment.etc.os-release.text =
+ ''
+ ID=nixos
+ VERSION="${cfg.version} (${cfg.codeName})"
+ VERSION_CODENAME=${toLower cfg.codeName}
+ VERSION_ID="${cfg.version}"
+ PRETTY_NAME="NixOS ${cfg.version} (${cfg.codeName})"
+ LOGO="nix-snowflake"
+ HOME_URL="https://nixos.org/"
+ DOCUMENTATION_URL="https://nixos.org/nixos/manual/index.html"
+ SUPPORT_URL="https://nixos.org/nixos/support.html"
+ BUG_REPORT_URL="https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues"
+ '';
+ };