path: root/home-manager/CONTRIBUTING.md
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'home-manager/CONTRIBUTING.md')
1 files changed, 158 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/home-manager/CONTRIBUTING.md b/home-manager/CONTRIBUTING.md
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index 00000000000..156d0c9daf6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home-manager/CONTRIBUTING.md
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+Thanks for wanting to contribute to Home Manager! These are some
+guidelines to make the process as smooth as possible for both you and
+the Home Manager developers.
+If you are only looking to report a problem then it is sufficient to
+read through the following section on reporting issues. If you instead
+want to directly contribute improvements and additions then please
+have a look at everything here.
+Reporting an issue
+If you notice a problem with Home Manager and want to report it then
+have a look among the already [open issues][], if you find one
+matching yours then feel free to comment on it to add any additional
+information you may have.
+If no matching issue exists then go to the [new issue][] page and
+write a description of your problem. Include as much information as
+you can, ideally also include relevant excerpts from your Home Manager
+Contributing code
+If you want to contribute code to improve Home Manager then please
+follow these guidelines.
+### Fork and create a pull request ###
+If you have not previously forked Home Manager then you need to do
+that first. Have a look at GitHub's "[Fork A Repo][]" for instructions
+on how to do this.
+Once you have a fork of Home Manager you should create a branch
+starting at the most recent `master`. Give your branch a reasonably
+descriptive name. Perform your changes on this branch and when you are
+happy with the result push the branch to GitHub and
+[create a pull request][].
+Assuming your clone is at `$HOME/devel/home-manager` then you can make
+the `home-manager` command use it by either
+1. overriding the default path by using the `-I` command line option:
+ home-manager -I home-manager=$HOME/devel/home-manager
+ or
+2. changing the default path by ensuring your configuration includes
+ programs.home-manager.enable = true;
+ programs.home-manager.path = "$HOME/devel/home-manager";
+ and running `home-manager switch` to activate the change.
+ Afterwards, `home-manager build` and `home-manager switch` will
+ use your cloned repository.
+The first option is good if you only temporarily want to use your
+### Commits ###
+The commits in your pull request should be reasonably self-contained,
+that is, each commit should make sense in isolation. In particular,
+you will be asked to amend any commit that introduces syntax errors or
+similar problems even if they are fixed in a later commit.
+The commit messages should follow the format
+ {component}: {description}
+ {long description}
+where `{component}` refers to the code component (or module) your
+change affects, `{description}` is a brief description of your change,
+and `{long description}` is an optional clarifying description. Note,
+`{description}` should start with a lower case letter. As a rare
+exception, if there is no clear component, or your change affects many
+components, then the `{component}` part is optional.
+When adding a new module, say `foo.nix`, we use the fixed commit
+format `foo: add module`. You can, of course, still include a long
+description if you wish.
+In addition to the above commit message guidelines, try to follow the
+[seven rules][] as much as possible.
+### Style guidelines ###
+The code in Home Manager should follow the [Nixpkgs syntax
+guidelines][]. Note, we prefer `lowerCamelCase` for variable and
+attribute names with the accepted exception of variables directly
+referencing packages in Nixpkgs which use a hyphenated style. For
+example, the Home Manager option `services.gpg-agent.enableSshSupport`
+references the `gpg-agent` package in Nixpkgs.
+### News ###
+Home Manager includes a system for presenting news to the user. When
+making a change you, therefore, have the option to also include an
+associated news entry. In general, a news entry should only be added
+for truly noteworthy news. For example, a bug fix or new option does
+generally not need a news entry.
+If you do have a change worthy of a news entry then please add one in
+[`news.nix`][] but you should follow some basic guidelines:
+- The entry timestamp should be in ISO-8601 format having "+00:00" as
+ time zone. For example, "2017-09-13T17:10:14+00:00". A suitable
+ timestamp can be produced by the command
+ date --iso-8601=second --universal
+- The entry condition should be as specific as possible. For example,
+ if you are changing or deprecating a specific option then you could
+ restrict the news to those users who actually use this option.
+- Wrap the news message so that it will fit in the typical terminal,
+ that is, at most 80 characters wide. Ideally a bit less.
+- Unlike commit messages, news will be read without any connection to
+ the Home Manager source code. It is therefore important to make the
+ message understandable in isolation and to those who do not have
+ knowledge of the Home Manager internals. To this end it should be
+ written in more descriptive, prose like way.
+- If you refer to an option then write its full attribute path. That
+ is, instead of writing
+ > The option 'foo' has been deprecated, please use 'bar' instead.
+ it should read
+ > The option 'services.myservice.foo' has been deprecated, please
+ > use 'services.myservice.bar' instead.
+- A new module, say `foo.nix`, should always include a news entry
+ (without any condition) that has a message along the lines of
+ > A new service is available: 'services.foo'.
+ or
+ > A new program configuration is available: 'program.foo'.
+ depending on the type of module.
+[open issues]: https://github.com/rycee/home-manager/issues
+[new issue]: https://github.com/rycee/home-manager/issues/new
+[Fork A Repo]: https://help.github.com/articles/fork-a-repo/
+[create a pull request]: https://help.github.com/articles/creating-a-pull-request/
+[seven rules]: https://chris.beams.io/posts/git-commit/#seven-rules
+[`news.nix`]: https://github.com/rycee/home-manager/blob/master/modules/misc/news.nix
+[Nixpkgs syntax guidelines]: https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#sec-syntax