diff options
authorBenjamin Kellermann <Benjamin.Kellermann@gmx.de>2009-11-20 10:31:24 +0100
committerBenjamin Kellermann <Benjamin.Kellermann@gmx.de>2009-11-20 10:31:24 +0100
commit47988b9d4bccb0b6145e1d2cf7462879576f6521 (patch)
parentc3d97c3944186d3ad08bcd50b496f3e64ebd8c3b (diff)
changed interface to many tabs
-rwxr-xr-xdelete_poll.rb (renamed from remove_poll.rb)45
14 files changed, 446 insertions, 344 deletions
diff --git a/access_control.rb b/access_control.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7251bdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/access_control.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+# Author: Benjamin Kellermann #
+# License: CC-by-sa 3.0 #
+# see License #
+require "cgi"
+if __FILE__ == $0
+$cgi = CGI.new
+load "../html.rb"
+acusers = {}
+ user,realm = l.scan(/^(.*):(.*):.*$/).flatten
+ acusers[user] = realm
+def writehtaccess(acusers)
+ File.open(".htaccess","w"){|htaccess|
+ if acusers.values.include?("config")
+ htaccess << <<HTACCESS
+<Files ~ "^(config|remove).cgi$">
+AuthType digest
+AuthName "config"
+AuthUserFile "#{File.expand_path(".").gsub('"','\\\\"')}/.htdigest"
+Require valid-user
+ end
+ if acusers.values.include?("vote")
+ htaccess << <<HTACCESS
+AuthType digest
+AuthName "vote"
+AuthUserFile "#{File.expand_path(".").gsub('"','\\\\"')}/.htdigest"
+Require valid-user
+ VCS.commit("Access Control changed")
+ end
+ }
+if $cgi.include?("ac_user")
+ user = $cgi["ac_user"]
+ type = $cgi["ac_type"]
+ if !(user =~ /^[\w]*$/)
+ # add user
+ usercreatenotice = "<div class='error'>Only uppercase, lowercase, digits are allowed in the username.</div>"
+ elsif $cgi["ac_password1"] != $cgi["ac_password2"]
+ usercreatenotice = "<div class='error'>Passwords do not match.</div>"
+ else
+ if $cgi.include?("ac_create")
+ if type == "config" || type == "vote"
+ fork {
+ IO.popen("htdigest .htdigest #{type} #{user}","w+"){|htdigest|
+ htdigest.sync
+ htdigest.puts($cgi["ac_password1"])
+ htdigest.puts($cgi["ac_password2"])
+ }
+ }
+ acusers[user] = type
+ writehtaccess(acusers)
+ end
+ end
+ # delete user
+ deleteuser = ""
+ deleteaction = ""
+ acusers.each{|user,action|
+ if $cgi.include?("ac_delete_#{user}_#{action}")
+ deleteuser = user
+ deleteaction = action
+ end
+ }
+ acusers.delete(deleteuser)
+ htdigest = []
+ File.open(".htdigest","r"){|file|
+ htdigest = file.readlines
+ }
+ File.open(".htdigest","w"){|f|
+ htdigest.each{|line|
+ f << line unless line =~ /^#{deleteuser}:#{deleteaction}:/
+ }
+ }
+ writehtaccess(acusers)
+ end
+$html = HTML.new("dudle - Access Control Settings")
+$html.header["Cache-Control"] = "no-cache"
+load "../charset.rb"
+$html << "<body>"
+$html << Dudle::tabs("Access Control")
+$html << <<TABLE
+ <div id='main'>
+$accesslevels = { "vote" => "Vote Interface", "config" => "Config Interface" }
+$html << <<ACL
+<div id='access_control'>
+ <h1>Change Access Control Settings</h1>
+ <form method='post' action=''>
+ <table>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Access to</th><th>Username</th><th>Password</th><th>Password (repeat)</th>
+ </tr>
+ $html << <<USER
+ <td>#{$accesslevels[action]}</td>
+ <td>#{user}</td>
+ <td>*****************</td>
+ <td>*****************</td>
+ <td>
+ <input type='submit' name='ac_delete_#{user}_#{action}' value='delete' />
+ </td>
+$html << <<ACL
+ <td>
+ <select name='ac_type'>
+ $accesslevels.each{|action,description|
+ $html << "<option value='#{action}'>#{description}</option>"
+ }
+ $html << <<ACL
+ </select>
+ </td>
+ <td><input size='6' value="" type='text' name='ac_user' /></td>
+ <td><input size='6' value="" type='password' name='ac_password1' /></td>
+ <td><input size='6' value="" type='password' name='ac_password2' /></td>
+ <td>
+ <input type='submit' name='ac_create' value='Add' />
+ </td>
+$html << <<ACL
+ </table>
+ </form>
+ #{usercreatenotice}
+$html << "</div></body>"
diff --git a/charset.rb b/charset.rb
index d713759..f50a415 100644
--- a/charset.rb
+++ b/charset.rb
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
if ($cgi.include?("utf") || $cgi.cookies["utf"][0]) && !$cgi.include?("ascii")
expiretime = Time.now+1*60*60*24*365
- UTFASCII = "<a href='?ascii' style='text-decoration:none'>Change Charset to plain ASCII</a>"
YES = CGI.escapeHTML('✔')
NO = CGI.escapeHTML('✘')
@@ -22,7 +21,6 @@ if ($cgi.include?("utf") || $cgi.cookies["utf"][0]) && !$cgi.include?("ascii")
DELETE = CGI.escapeHTML("⌧")
expiretime = Time.now-1*60*60*24*36
- UTFASCII = "<a href='?utf' style='text-decoration:none'>If you see all these characters: #{CGI.escapeHTML('✔✘?–↞←→↠✍⌧')} you can safely change the charset to UTF-8</a>"
YES = CGI.escapeHTML('OK')
NO = CGI.escapeHTML('NO')
@@ -37,4 +35,7 @@ else
EDIT = CGI.escapeHTML("edit")
DELETE = CGI.escapeHTML("delete")
diff --git a/config_poll.rb b/config_poll.rb
deleted file mode 100755
index 65484df..0000000
--- a/config_poll.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,225 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-# Author: Benjamin Kellermann #
-# License: CC-by-sa 3.0 #
-# see License #
-require "yaml"
-require "cgi"
-if __FILE__ == $0
-$cgi = CGI.new
-olddir = File.expand_path(".")
-require "html"
-load "config.rb"
-require "poll"
-# BUGFIX for Time.parse, which handles the zone indeterministically
-class << Time
- alias_method :old_parse, :parse
- def Time.parse(date, now=self.now)
- Time.old_parse("2009-10-25 00:30")
- Time.old_parse(date)
- end
-acusers = {}
-if $cgi.include?("revision")
- REVISION=$cgi["revision"].to_i
- table = YAML::load(VCS.cat(REVISION, "data.yaml"))
- VCS.cat(REVISION,".htdigest").each_line{|l|
- v,k = l.scan(/^(.*):(.*):.*$/).flatten
- acusers[k] = v
- }
- table = YAML::load_file("data.yaml")
- File.open(".htdigest","r").each_line{|l|
- user,realm = l.scan(/^(.*):(.*):.*$/).flatten
- acusers[user] = realm
- }
- if $cgi.include?("add_participant")
- if $cgi.include?("delete_participant")
- table.delete($cgi["olduser"])
- else
- table.add_participant($cgi["olduser"],$cgi["add_participant"],{})
- end
- end
- table.edit_column($cgi["columnid"],$cgi["new_columnname"],$cgi) if $cgi.include?("new_columnname")
- table.delete_column($cgi["deletecolumn"]) if $cgi.include?("deletecolumn")
- def writehtaccess(acusers)
- File.open(".htaccess","w"){|htaccess|
- if acusers.values.include?("config")
- htaccess << <<HTACCESS
-<Files ~ "^(config|remove).cgi$">
- AuthType digest
- AuthName "config"
- AuthUserFile "#{File.expand_path(".").gsub('"','\\\\"')}/.htdigest"
- Require valid-user
- end
- if acusers.values.include?("vote")
- htaccess << <<HTACCESS
-AuthType digest
-AuthName "vote"
-AuthUserFile "#{File.expand_path(".").gsub('"','\\\\"')}/.htdigest"
-Require valid-user
- VCS.commit("Access Control changed")
- end
- }
- end
- if $cgi.include?("ac_user")
- user = $cgi["ac_user"]
- type = $cgi["ac_type"]
- if !(user =~ /^[\w]*$/)
- # add user
- usercreatenotice = "<div class='error'>Only uppercase, lowercase, digits are allowed in the username.</div>"
- elsif $cgi["ac_password1"] != $cgi["ac_password2"]
- usercreatenotice = "<div class='error'>Passwords do not match.</div>"
- else
- if $cgi.include?("ac_create")
- if type == "config" || type == "vote"
- fork {
- IO.popen("htdigest .htdigest #{type} #{user}","w+"){|htdigest|
- htdigest.sync
- htdigest.puts($cgi["ac_password1"])
- htdigest.puts($cgi["ac_password2"])
- }
- }
- acusers[user] = type
- writehtaccess(acusers)
- end
- end
- # delete user
- deleteuser = ""
- deleteaction = ""
- acusers.each{|user,action|
- if $cgi.include?("ac_delete_#{user}_#{action}")
- deleteuser = user
- deleteaction = action
- end
- }
- acusers.delete(deleteuser)
- htdigest = []
- File.open(".htdigest","r"){|file|
- htdigest = file.readlines
- }
- File.open(".htdigest","w"){|f|
- htdigest.each{|line|
- f << line unless line =~ /^#{deleteuser}:#{deleteaction}:/
- }
- }
- writehtaccess(acusers)
- end
- end
-$html = HTML.new("dudle - Administration - #{table.name}")
-$html.header["Cache-Control"] = "no-cache"
-load "../charset.rb"
-$html << "<body"
-$html << Dudle::tabs("Admin")
-$html << <<TABLE
- <div id='main'>
- <h1>#{table.name}</h1>
- <form method='post' action='config.cgi'>
- #{table.to_html($cgi["edituser"],true,$cgi["editcolumn"])}
- </form>
-$html << <<ADD_EDIT
-<div id='edit_column'>
-$accesslevels = { "vote" => "Vote Interface", "config" => "Config Interface" }
-$html << <<ACL
-<div id='access_control'>
- <fieldset>
- <legend>Change Access Control Settings</legend>
- <form method='post' action=''>
- <table>
- <tr>
- <th>Access to</th><th>Username</th><th>Password</th><th>Password (repeat)</th>
- </tr>
- $html << <<USER
- <td>#{$accesslevels[action]}</td>
- <td>#{user}</td>
- <td>*****************</td>
- <td>*****************</td>
- <td>
- <input type='submit' name='ac_delete_#{user}_#{action}' value='delete' />
- </td>
-$html << <<ACL
- <td>
- <select name='ac_type'>
- $accesslevels.each{|action,description|
- $html << "<option value='#{action}'>#{description}</option>"
- }
- $html << <<ACL
- </select>
- </td>
- <td><input size='6' value="" type='text' name='ac_user' /></td>
- <td><input size='6' value="" type='password' name='ac_password1' /></td>
- <td><input size='6' value="" type='password' name='ac_password2' /></td>
- <td>
- <input type='submit' name='ac_create' value='Add' />
- </td>
-$html << <<ACL
- </table>
- </form>
- #{usercreatenotice}
- </fieldset>
-$html << <<REMOVE
-<div id='delete_poll'>
- <fieldset>
- <legend>Delete the Whole Poll</legend>
- <form method='post' action='remove.cgi'>
- <div>
- Warning: This is an irreversible action!<br />
- <input type='submit' value='Delete' />
- </div>
- </form>
- </fieldset>
-$html << "</div></body>"
diff --git a/customize.rb b/customize.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0bd685d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/customize.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+# Author: Benjamin Kellermann #
+# License: CC-by-sa 3.0 #
+# see License #
+require "cgi"
+if __FILE__ == $0
+$cgi = CGI.new
+load "../html.rb"
+$html = HTML.new("dudle - Customize")
+load "../charset.rb"
+$html.header["Cache-Control"] = "no-cache"
+$html << "<body>"
+$html << Dudle::tabs("Customize")
+$html << "<div id='main'>"
+$html << "<h1>Customize Personal Settings</h1>"
+$html << <<CHARSET
+<div id='charset'>
+<li><a href='?utf' style='text-decoration:none'>If you see all these characters: #{UTFCHARS} you can safely change the charset to UTF-8</a></li>
+<li><a href='?ascii' style='text-decoration:none'>Change Charset to plain ASCII</a></li>
+$html << <<CHARSET
+<div id='config_stylesheet'>
+ ["PrimeLife","primelife.css"],
+ ["TU Dresden","tud.css"]].each{|descr,cssfile|
+ $html << "<li><a href='?css=#{cssfile}'>#{descr}</a></li>"
+$html << <<CHARSET
+$html << <<CHARSET
+<div id='config_user'>
+<h2>Default Username</h2>
+<form method='post' action=''>
+ <div>
+ <label for=''>Username: </label>
+ <input id='' size='16' type='text' value="" name='default_username' />
+ <input type='submit' value='Save' />
+ </div>
+$html << "</div>"
+$html << "</body>"
diff --git a/remove_poll.rb b/delete_poll.rb
index 542303d..cc472bf 100755
--- a/remove_poll.rb
+++ b/delete_poll.rb
@@ -18,34 +18,24 @@ require "ftools"
if __FILE__ == $0
+POLL = File.basename(File.expand_path("."))
$cgi = CGI.new
-$header = {}
+load "../html.rb"
+$html = HTML.new("dudle - Delete - #{POLL}")
-$header["type"] = "text/html"
-#$header["type"] = "application/xhtml+xml"
-$header["charset"] = "utf-8"
+$html.header["Cache-Control"] = "no-cache"
-POLL = File.basename(File.expand_path("."))
-$htmlout = <<HEAD
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN"
- "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd">
-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en">
- <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="#{$header["type"]}; charset=#{$header["charset"]}" />
- <meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css" />
- <title>dudle - delete - #{POLL}</title>
- <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../dudle.css" title="default"/>
-<body id='main'>
+$html << "<body>"
+$html << Dudle::tabs("Delete Poll")
+$html << "<div id='main'>"
if $cgi.include?("confirmnumber")
if $cgi["confirm"] == QUESTIONS[$cgi["confirmnumber"].to_i]
File.move(POLL, "/tmp/#{POLL}.#{rand(9999999)}")
- $htmlout += <<SUCCESS
+ $html << <<SUCCESS
The poll was deleted successfully!
<br />
If this was done by accident, please contact the administrator of the system.
@@ -54,21 +44,17 @@ if $cgi.include?("confirmnumber")
- $htmlout += <<CANCEL
+ $html << <<CANCEL
You canceld the deletion!
- <br />
- <a href='config.cgi'>config</a>
- <a href='remove.cgi'>delete</a>
-$htmlout += <<TABLE
+$html << <<TABLE
- <h1>Delete a Poll</h1>
+ <h1>Delete this Poll</h1>
You want to delete the poll named <b>#{POLL}</b>.<br />
This is an irreversible action!<br />
If you are sure in what you are doing, please type into the form “#{QUESTIONS[CONFIRM]}”
@@ -83,11 +69,8 @@ $htmlout += <<TABLE
-$htmlout += "</body>"
-$htmlout += "</html>"
+$html << "</body>"
-$header["Cache-Control"] = "no-cache"
diff --git a/dudle.css b/dudle.css
index 4df7e39..6cf894a 100644
--- a/dudle.css
+++ b/dudle.css
@@ -174,9 +174,4 @@ h1 {
div.comment { margin-top: 1ex; }
- float: right;
- margin-left:20px;
- width:20ex;
diff --git a/edit_columns.rb b/edit_columns.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4f87269
--- /dev/null
+++ b/edit_columns.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+# Author: Benjamin Kellermann #
+# License: CC-by-sa 3.0 #
+# see License #
+require "yaml"
+require "cgi"
+if __FILE__ == $0
+$cgi = CGI.new
+olddir = File.expand_path(".")
+require "html"
+load "config.rb"
+require "poll"
+# BUGFIX for Time.parse, which handles the zone indeterministically
+class << Time
+ alias_method :old_parse, :parse
+ def Time.parse(date, now=self.now)
+ Time.old_parse("2009-10-25 00:30")
+ Time.old_parse(date)
+ end
+acusers = {}
+if $cgi.include?("revision")
+ REVISION=$cgi["revision"].to_i
+ table = YAML::load(VCS.cat(REVISION, "data.yaml"))
+ table = YAML::load_file("data.yaml")
+ if $cgi.include?("add_participant")
+ if $cgi.include?("delete_participant")
+ table.delete($cgi["olduser"])
+ else
+ table.add_participant($cgi["olduser"],$cgi["add_participant"],{})
+ end
+ end
+ table.edit_column($cgi["columnid"],$cgi["new_columnname"],$cgi) if $cgi.include?("new_columnname")
+ table.delete_column($cgi["deletecolumn"]) if $cgi.include?("deletecolumn")
+$html = HTML.new("dudle - Edit Columns - #{table.name}")
+$html.header["Cache-Control"] = "no-cache"
+load "../charset.rb"
+$html << "<body>"
+$html << Dudle::tabs("Edit Columns")
+$html << <<TABLE
+ <div id='main'>
+ <h1>Add and Remove Columns</h1>
+$html << <<ADD_EDIT
+ <div id='edit_column'>
+ #{table.edit_column_htmlform($cgi["editcolumn"])}
+ </div>
+$html << "</body>"
diff --git a/history.rb b/history.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..88fd0ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/history.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+# Author: Benjamin Kellermann #
+# License: CC-by-sa 3.0 #
+# see License #
+require "cgi"
+require "yaml"
+if __FILE__ == $0
+$cgi = CGI.new
+olddir = File.expand_path(".")
+require "html"
+require "poll"
+load "config.rb"
+if $cgi.include?("revision")
+ REVISION=$cgi["revision"].to_i
+ table = YAML::load(VCS.cat(REVISION, "data.yaml"))
+ table = YAML::load_file("data.yaml")
+$html = HTML.new("dudle - #{table.name} - History")
+$html.header["Cache-Control"] = "no-cache"
+load "../charset.rb"
+$html << "<body>"
+$html << Dudle::tabs("Access Control")
+$html << <<TABLE
+ <div id='main'>
+ <h1>History</h1>
+$html << "<p id='history'>history:#{table.history_to_html}</p>"
+$html << table.to_html
+$html << "</div></body>"
diff --git a/html.rb b/html.rb
index fc92971..a836d0e 100644
--- a/html.rb
+++ b/html.rb
@@ -70,8 +70,13 @@ module Dudle
def Dudle.tabs(active_tab)
ret = "<div id='tabs'><ul>"
+ ["Customize","customize.cgi"],
- ["Admin","config.cgi"]].each{|tab,file|
+ ["History","history.cgi"],
+ ["Edit Columns","edit_columns.cgi"],
+ ["Access Control","access_control.cgi"],
+ ["Delete Poll","delete_poll.cgi"]
+ ].each{|tab,file|
if tab == active_tab
ret += "<li id='active_tab' >&nbsp;#{tab}&nbsp;</li> "
diff --git a/index.cgi b/index.cgi
index eedba17..d19bd74 100755
--- a/index.cgi
+++ b/index.cgi
@@ -40,11 +40,10 @@ if $cgi.include?("create_poll")
- File.symlink("../atom.rb","atom.cgi")
- File.symlink("../config_poll.rb","config.cgi")
- File.symlink("../remove_poll.rb","remove.cgi")
- ["index.cgi","atom.cgi","config.cgi","remove.cgi"].each{|f|
- VCS.add(f)
+ VCS.add("index.cgi")
+ ["atom","customize", "history", "edit_columns","access_control", "delete_poll"].each{|f|
+ File.symlink("../#{f}.rb","#{f}.cgi")
+ VCS.add("#{f}.cgi")
@@ -61,13 +60,6 @@ if $cgi.include?("create_poll")
unless $html.header["status"] == "REDIRECT"
- $html << <<CHARSET
-<div id='config'>
$html << <<CREATE
<fieldset><legend>Create New Poll</legend>
diff --git a/participate.rb b/participate.rb
index 1bafd30..1ba7c8d 100755
--- a/participate.rb
+++ b/participate.rb
@@ -21,30 +21,26 @@ require "poll"
load "config.rb"
-if $cgi.include?("revision")
- REVISION=$cgi["revision"].to_i
- table = YAML::load(VCS.cat(REVISION, "data.yaml"))
- table = YAML::load_file("data.yaml")
- if $cgi.include?("add_participant")
- if $cgi.include?("delete_participant")
- table.delete($cgi["olduser"])
- else
- agreed = {}
- $cgi.params.each{|k,v|
- if k =~ /^add_participant_checked_/
- agreed[k.gsub(/^add_participant_checked_/,"")] = v[0]
- end
- }
- table.add_participant($cgi["olduser"],$cgi["add_participant"],agreed)
- end
+table = YAML::load_file("data.yaml")
+if $cgi.include?("add_participant")
+ if $cgi.include?("delete_participant")
+ table.delete($cgi["olduser"])
+ else
+ agreed = {}
+ $cgi.params.each{|k,v|
+ if k =~ /^add_participant_checked_/
+ agreed[k.gsub(/^add_participant_checked_/,"")] = v[0]
+ end
+ }
+ table.add_participant($cgi["olduser"],$cgi["add_participant"],agreed)
- table.add_comment($cgi["commentname"],$cgi["comment"]) if $cgi["comment"] != ""
- table.delete_comment($cgi["delete_comment"].to_i) if $cgi.include?("delete_comment")
+table.add_comment($cgi["commentname"],$cgi["comment"]) if $cgi["comment"] != ""
+table.delete_comment($cgi["delete_comment"].to_i) if $cgi.include?("delete_comment")
$html = HTML.new("dudle - #{table.name}")
$html.header["Cache-Control"] = "no-cache"
load "../charset.rb"
@@ -86,7 +82,6 @@ if VCS.revno == 1
$html << <<TABLE
-<p id='history'>history:#{table.history_to_html}</p>
<div id='polltable'>
<form method='post' action='.'>
diff --git a/poll.rb b/poll.rb
index de99659..89b97fe 100644
--- a/poll.rb
+++ b/poll.rb
@@ -47,13 +47,13 @@ class Poll
- def to_html(edituser = "", config = false,activecolumn = nil)
+ def to_html(edituser = "", activecolumn = nil)
ret = "<table border='1'>\n"
- ret += @head.to_html(config, activecolumn)
+ ret += @head.to_html(activecolumn)
sort_data($cgi.include?("sort") ? $cgi.params["sort"] : ["timestamp"]).each{|participant,poll|
if edituser == participant
- ret += participate_to_html(edituser, config)
+ ret += participate_to_html(edituser)
ret += "<tr class='participantrow'>\n"
ret += "<td class='name' #{edituser == participant ? "id='active'":""}>"
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ class Poll
- ret += participate_to_html(edituser, config) unless @data.keys.include?(edituser)
+ ret += participate_to_html(edituser) unless @data.keys.include?(edituser)
ret += "<tr id='summary'><td class='name'>total</td>\n"
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ class Poll
- def participate_to_html(edituser, config)
+ def participate_to_html(edituser)
checked = {}
if @data.include?(edituser)
@head.each_columnid{|k| checked[k] = @data[edituser][k]}
@@ -139,29 +139,25 @@ class Poll
ret += "</td>\n"
- unless config
- @head.each_column{|columnid,columntitle|
- ret += "<td class='checkboxes'><table class='checkboxes'>"
- [[YES, YESVAL],[NO, NOVAL],[MAYBE, MAYBEVAL]].each{|valhuman, valbinary|
- ret += "<tr class='input-#{valbinary}'>
- <td class='input-#{valbinary}'>
- <input type='radio'
- value='#{valbinary}'
- id=\"add_participant_checked_#{CGI.escapeHTML(columnid.to_s.gsub(" ","_").gsub("+","_"))}_#{valbinary}\"
- name=\"add_participant_checked_#{CGI.escapeHTML(columnid.to_s)}\"
- title=\"#{CGI.escapeHTML(columntitle.to_s)}\" #{checked[columnid] == valbinary ? "checked='checked'":""}/>
- </td>
- <td class='input-#{valbinary}'>
- <label for=\"add_participant_checked_#{CGI.escapeHTML(columnid.to_s.gsub(" ","_").gsub("+","_"))}_#{valbinary}\">#{valhuman}</label>
- </td>
- </tr>"
- }
- ret += "</table></td>"
+ @head.each_column{|columnid,columntitle|
+ ret += "<td class='checkboxes'><table class='checkboxes'>"
+ [[YES, YESVAL],[NO, NOVAL],[MAYBE, MAYBEVAL]].each{|valhuman, valbinary|
+ ret += "<tr class='input-#{valbinary}'>
+ <td class='input-#{valbinary}'>
+ <input type='radio'
+ value='#{valbinary}'
+ id=\"add_participant_checked_#{CGI.escapeHTML(columnid.to_s.gsub(" ","_").gsub("+","_"))}_#{valbinary}\"
+ name=\"add_participant_checked_#{CGI.escapeHTML(columnid.to_s)}\"
+ title=\"#{CGI.escapeHTML(columntitle.to_s)}\" #{checked[columnid] == valbinary ? "checked='checked'":""}/>
+ </td>
+ <td class='input-#{valbinary}'>
+ <label for=\"add_participant_checked_#{CGI.escapeHTML(columnid.to_s.gsub(" ","_").gsub("+","_"))}_#{valbinary}\">#{valhuman}</label>
+ </td>
+ </tr>"
- ret += "<td class='date'>"
- else
- ret += "<td class='date' colspan='#{@head.col_size + 1}'>"
- end
+ ret += "</table></td>"
+ }
+ ret += "<td class='date'>"
if @data.include?(edituser)
ret += "<input type='submit' value='Save Changes' />"
ret += "<br /><input style='margin-top:1ex' type='submit' name='delete_participant' value='Delete User' />"
diff --git a/pollhead.rb b/pollhead.rb
index 339498a..1a5fc8c 100644
--- a/pollhead.rb
+++ b/pollhead.rb
@@ -99,17 +99,20 @@ EDITDELETE
hiddeninput = "<input type='hidden' name='columnid' value=\"#{get_id(title)}\" />"
return <<END
-<fieldset><legend>Add/Edit Column</legend>
-<form method='post' action='config.cgi'>
+<form method='post' action=''>
<label for='columntitle'>Columntitle: </label>
<input id='columntitle' size='16' type='text' value="#{title}" name='new_columnname' />
<label for='columndescription'>Description: </label>
<input id='columndescription' size='30' type='text' value="#{description}" name='columndescription' />
- <input type='submit' value='add/edit column' />
+ <input type='submit' value='Add/Edit Column' />
diff --git a/timepollhead.rb b/timepollhead.rb
index 1641066..1ec5d60 100644
--- a/timepollhead.rb
+++ b/timepollhead.rb
@@ -123,20 +123,20 @@ class TimePollHead
+ # returns a sorted array, containing the big units and how often each small is in the big one
+ # small and big must be formated for strftime
+ # ex: head_count("%Y-%m") returns an array like [["2009-03",2],["2009-04",3]]
+ # if notime = true, the time field is stripped out before counting
+ def head_count(elem, notime)
+ data = @data.collect{|day| day.date}
+ data.uniq! if notime
+ ret = Hash.new(0)
+ data.each{|day|
+ ret[day.strftime(elem)] += 1
+ }
+ ret.sort
+ end
def to_html(config = false,activecolumn = nil)
- # returns a sorted array, containing the big units and how often each small is in the big one
- # small and big must be formated for strftime
- # ex: head_count("%Y-%m") returns an array like [["2009-03",2],["2009-04",3]]
- # if notime = true, the time field is stripped out before counting
- def head_count(elem, notime)
- data = @data.collect{|day| day.date}
- data.uniq! if notime
- ret = Hash.new(0)
- data.each{|day|
- ret[day.strftime(elem)] += 1
- }
- ret.sort
- end
ret = "<tr><td></td>"
year, month = title.split("-").collect{|e| e.to_i}
@@ -179,7 +179,6 @@ class TimePollHead
startdate = Date.parse("#{Date.today.year}-#{Date.today.month}-1")
ret = <<END
-<fieldset><legend>Add/Remove Column</legend>
<div style="float: left; margin-right: 20px">
@@ -314,7 +313,6 @@ END
ret += "</tr></table></div>"
- ret += "</fieldset>"