path: root/README.md


dev-suite is a set of tools designed to redistribute distributed work. Our code has been locked into centralized services like GitHub and Gitlab. They provide nice things like an issue tracker and PRs as an integrated service. If we can put that into the git repo itself we'd be free to host our code wherever and have our code and it's project management share a common history rather than being locked into a service and divorcing the context of the important things that shape what code gets written.

Currently dev-suite has two tools: - Hooked, a git hooks manager to allow cross platform git hooks that can help enable things like trunk based development and allow CI in a local environment - Ticket, an on disk ticket manager and viewer to allow issues to live inside of the repo and travel with it




  • git


  • git

With nix

Optionally, if you're using on operating system that supports nix, the functional package manager (Linux, MacOS), you can use the provided nix files to get all required dependencies.

The provided setup uses direnv and lorri to automatically build the dependencies and provides them in your environment.

$ direnv allow
$ lorri daemon # this blocks by default

Then, whenever you change into the directory tree, your environment get's updated with the latest version that was built by the daemon.


  • git for Windows installed to the default path for hooked to work

Optional deps

  • Ruby
  • Python
  • Bash (included with git for Windows)

Make sure you have these on your path somewhere for the git hooks to work properly in hooked

  1. Grab a binary for the ds tool for your platform and place it somewhere on your PATH
  2. Windows
  3. Linux
  4. OSX
  5. Run ds install which will install ticket and hooked to:
  6. Windows: C:\\Users\YourUser\AppData\Local\dev-suite
  7. Linux: $XDG_BIN_HOME or $XDG_DATA_HOME/../bin or $HOME/.local/bin
  8. OSX: /usr/local/bin On Windows ds install will add the install path to your PATH with the setx command. You might need to log out or restart your computer to see the desired effect of not needing to type the path to the executable to run it.
  9. Run ds config self init to initialize a user config on the system. Failing to do so will likely cause unexpected errors.

Manually compile

In the event the above doesn't work for some reason or because of a bug (please file an issue and see CONTRIBUTING.md on how to do so) you can install these tools manually.

  1. Make sure you have the stable Rust compiler and Cargo installed we recommend doing so via rustup
  2. Clone this repo
  3. cd into the repo
  4. cargo install --path .
  5. cargo install --path hooked
  6. cargo install --path ticket
  7. Run ds config self init to initialize a user config on the system. Failing to do so will likely cause unexpected errors.


Initializing a repo to use dev-suite

While each tool has it's own init command we recommend running ds init inside of a repo that you want to use these tools. You can choose the ones that you want to use from the command prompt and it will also initialize the repo with it's own repo config so this is probably the best way to do so.


ds is the main orchestration tool for setting things up with dev-suite. As this is not the main driver beyond setup it only has a few commands:

# Initialize a repo to use dev-suite and it's tools
ds init

# Install dev-suite's tools onto your computer
ds install

# Config commands for the user and repo

## Create a dev-suite repo config in a repo
ds config repo init

## Add yourself as a maintainer to the repo config
ds config repo add me

## Pretty print the repo config to the terminal
ds config repo show

## Create a dev-suite user config for the system
ds config user init "Display Name"

## Pretty print the user config to the terminal
ds config user show


hooked is a dev-suite tool used to create git hooks for your repo to travel with it and to link them to .git/hooks on a fresh clone of it.

# Initialize a repo to use hooked if it was not initialized with it when using
# `ds init`

## Initialize the repo to use bash for git hooks
hooked init bash

## Initialize the repo to use ruby for git hooks
hooked init ruby

## Initialize the repo to use python for git hooks
hooked init python

# Link pre-existing dev-suite git hooks
hooked link


ticket is a dev-suite tool used to create, update, view, and manage tickets for your code base.

# Initialize a repo to use ticket if it was not initialized with it when using
# `ds init`
ticket init

# Open up a new ticket
ticket new

# Close a ticket
ticket close <TICKET-UUID>

# Comment on a ticket
ticket comment <TICKET-UUID> <MESSAGE>

# Show a ticket on the commandline
ticket show <TICKET-UUID>

# Assign a ticket to yourself
ticket assign <TICKET-UUID> to me

# Assign a ticket to someone else
ticket assign <TICKET-UUID> to them <USER-UUID> <NAME>

# Migrate old versions of tickets to the newer versions this does nothing for now
# unless you checkout the codebase from a pre v0.1 release
ticket migrate

# Open up the tui to look at tickets and comment on them


See CONTRIBUTING.md for more details


See CHANGELOG.md for more details

Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct is strictly enforced. See CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md for more details.

Opening PRs and Issues on public mirrors

GitHub, Gitlab, and Bitbucket are mirrored repos and all PRs and Issues will be closed. The point of dev-suite is to not depend on the value add of these services. These mirror exist only to provide a public way to clone the source code.

Blog Posts


All code and contributions are licensed under the GNU Public License v3.0 See LICENSE.md for more details. While this code does use the GPL we don't condone the actions of Richard Stallman or the FSF in it's protection of him.