path: root/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/interpreters/acl2/default.nix
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Diffstat (limited to 'nixpkgs/pkgs/development/interpreters/acl2/default.nix')
1 files changed, 109 insertions, 50 deletions
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/interpreters/acl2/default.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/interpreters/acl2/default.nix
index 39b243a0ce6..e3c62aae983 100644
--- a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/interpreters/acl2/default.nix
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/interpreters/acl2/default.nix
@@ -1,15 +1,19 @@
-{ stdenv, fetchFromGitHub,
- # perl, which, nettools,
- sbcl }:
-let hashes = {
- "8.0" = "1x1giy2c1y6krg3kf8pf9wrmvk981shv0pxcwi483yjqm90xng4r";
- "8.3" = "0c0wimaf16nrr3d6cxq6p7nr7rxffvpmn66hkpwc1m6zpcipf0y5";
-revs = {
- "8.0" = "8.0";
- "8.3" = "8.3";
+{ stdenv, callPackage, fetchFromGitHub, writeShellScriptBin, substituteAll
+, sbcl, bash, which, perl, nettools
+, openssl, glucose, minisat, abc-verifier, z3, python2
+, certifyBooks ? true
+} @ args:
+ # Disable immobile space so we don't run out of memory on large books; see
+ # http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/moore/acl2/current/HTML/installation/requirements.html#Obtaining-SBCL
+ sbcl = args.sbcl.override { disableImmobileSpace = true; };
+ # Wrap to add `-model` argument because some of the books in 8.3 need this.
+ # Fixed upstream (https://github.com/acl2/acl2/commit/0359538a), so this can
+ # be removed in ACL2 8.4.
+ glucose = writeShellScriptBin "glucose" ''exec ${args.glucose}/bin/glucose -model "$@"'';
in stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
pname = "acl2";
version = "8.3";
@@ -17,62 +21,117 @@ in stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "acl2-devel";
repo = "acl2-devel";
- rev = revs.${version};
- sha256 = hashes.${version};
+ rev = "${version}";
+ sha256 = "0c0wimaf16nrr3d6cxq6p7nr7rxffvpmn66hkpwc1m6zpcipf0y5";
- buildInputs = [ sbcl
- # which perl nettools
+ libipasirglucose4 = callPackage ./libipasirglucose4 { };
+ patches = [
+ (substituteAll {
+ src = ./0001-Fix-some-paths-for-Nix-build.patch;
+ inherit bash libipasirglucose4;
+ openssl = openssl.out;
+ })
+ ./0002-Restrict-RDTSC-to-x86.patch
+ buildInputs = [
+ # ACL2 itself only needs a Common Lisp compiler/interpreter:
+ sbcl
+ ] ++ stdenv.lib.optionals certifyBooks [
+ # To build community books, we need Perl and a couple of utilities:
+ which perl nettools
+ # Some of the books require one or more of these external tools:
+ openssl.out glucose minisat abc-verifier libipasirglucose4
+ z3 (python2.withPackages (ps: [ ps.z3 ]))
+ ];
+ # NOTE: Parallel building can be memory-intensive depending on the number of
+ # concurrent jobs. For example, this build has been seen to use >120GB of
+ # RAM on an 85 core machine.
enableParallelBuilding = true;
- phases = "unpackPhase installPhase";
+ preConfigure = ''
+ # When certifying books, ACL2 doesn't like $HOME not existing.
+ export HOME=$(pwd)/fake-home
+ '' + stdenv.lib.optionalString certifyBooks ''
+ # Some books also care about $USER being nonempty.
+ export USER=nobody
+ '';
- installSuffix = "acl2";
+ postConfigure = ''
+ # ACL2 and its books need to be built in place in the out directory because
+ # the proof artifacts are not relocatable. Since ACL2 mostly expects
+ # everything to exist in the original source tree layout, we put it in
+ # $out/share/${pname} and create symlinks in $out/bin as necessary.
+ mkdir -p $out/share/${pname}
+ cp -pR . $out/share/${pname}
+ cd $out/share/${pname}
+ '';
+ preBuild = "mkdir -p $HOME";
+ makeFlags="LISP=${sbcl}/bin/sbcl";
+ doCheck = true;
+ checkTarget = "mini-proveall";
installPhase = ''
- mkdir -p $out/share/${installSuffix}
mkdir -p $out/bin
- cp -R . $out/share/${installSuffix}
- cd $out/share/${installSuffix}
+ ln -s $out/share/${pname}/saved_acl2 $out/bin/${pname}
+ '' + stdenv.lib.optionalString certifyBooks ''
+ ln -s $out/share/${pname}/books/build/cert.pl $out/bin/${pname}-cert
+ ln -s $out/share/${pname}/books/build/clean.pl $out/bin/${pname}-clean
+ '';
- # make ACL2 image
- make LISP=${sbcl}/bin/sbcl
+ preDistPhases = [ (if certifyBooks then "certifyBooksPhase" else "removeBooksPhase") ];
- # The community books don't build properly under Nix yet.
- rm -rf books
- #make ACL2=$out/share/saved_acl2 USE_QUICKLISP=1 regression-everything
+ certifyBooksPhase = ''
+ # Certify the community books
+ pushd $out/share/${pname}/books
+ makeFlags="ACL2=$out/share/${pname}/saved_acl2"
+ buildFlags="everything"
+ buildPhase
+ popd
+ '';
- cp saved_acl2 $out/bin/acl2
+ removeBooksPhase = ''
+ # Delete the community books
+ rm -rf $out/share/${pname}/books
- meta = {
+ meta = with stdenv.lib; {
description = "An interpreter and a prover for a Lisp dialect";
longDescription = ''
- ACL2 is a logic and programming language in which you can model
- computer systems, together with a tool to help you prove
- properties of those models. "ACL2" denotes "A Computational
- Logic for Applicative Common Lisp".
- ACL2 is part of the Boyer-Moore family of provers, for which its
- authors have received the 2005 ACM Software System Award.
- NOTE: In nixpkgs, the community books that usually ship with
- ACL2 have been removed because it is not currently possible to
- build them with Nix.
- '';
+ ACL2 is a logic and programming language in which you can model computer
+ systems, together with a tool to help you prove properties of those
+ models. "ACL2" denotes "A Computational Logic for Applicative Common
+ Lisp".
+ ACL2 is part of the Boyer-Moore family of provers, for which its authors
+ have received the 2005 ACM Software System Award.
+ This package installs the main ACL2 executable ${pname}, as well as the
+ build tools cert.pl and clean.pl, renamed to ${pname}-cert and
+ ${pname}-clean.
+ '' + (if certifyBooks then ''
+ The community books are also included and certified with the `make
+ everything` target.
+ '' else ''
+ The community books are not included in this package.
+ '');
homepage = "http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/moore/acl2/";
downloadPage = "https://github.com/acl2-devel/acl2-devel/releases";
- # There are a bunch of licenses in the community books, but since
- # they currently get deleted during the build, we don't mention
- # their licenses here. ACL2 proper is released under a BSD
- # 3-clause license.
- #license = with stdenv.lib.licenses;
- #[ free bsd3 mit gpl2 llgpl21 cc0 publicDomain ];
- license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
- maintainers = with stdenv.lib.maintainers; [ kini raskin ];
- platforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.all;
- broken = stdenv.isAarch64 && stdenv.isLinux;
+ license = with licenses; [
+ # ACL2 itself is bsd3
+ bsd3
+ ] ++ optionals certifyBooks [
+ # The community books are mostly bsd3 or mit but with a few
+ # other things thrown in.
+ mit gpl2 llgpl21 cc0 publicDomain unfreeRedistributable
+ ];
+ maintainers = with maintainers; [ kini raskin ];
+ platforms = platforms.all;