path: root/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/docker/default.nix
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/docker/default.nix')
1 files changed, 171 insertions, 250 deletions
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/docker/default.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/docker/default.nix
index 83f4a9e0c01..b2c132afd74 100644
--- a/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/docker/default.nix
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/docker/default.nix
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
+ makeWrapper,
@@ -29,6 +30,7 @@
+ writePython3,
# WARNING: this API is unstable and may be subject to backwards-incompatible changes in the future.
@@ -204,24 +206,17 @@ rec {
mkdir image
tar -C image -xpf "$fromImage"
- # If the image name isn't set, read it from the image repository json.
- if [[ -z "$fromImageName" ]]; then
- fromImageName=$(jshon -k < image/repositories | head -n 1)
- echo "From-image name wasn't set. Read $fromImageName."
- fi
- # If the tag isn't set, use the name as an index into the json
- # and read the first key found.
- if [[ -z "$fromImageTag" ]]; then
- fromImageTag=$(jshon -e $fromImageName -k < image/repositories \
- | head -n1)
- echo "From-image tag wasn't set. Read $fromImageTag."
+ if [[ -n "$fromImageName" ]] && [[ -n "$fromImageTag" ]]; then
+ parentID="$(
+ cat "image/manifest.json" |
+ jq -r '.[] | select(.RepoTags | contains([$desiredTag])) | rtrimstr(".json")' \
+ --arg desiredTag "$fromImageName:$fromImageTag"
+ )"
+ else
+ echo "From-image name or tag wasn't set. Reading the first ID."
+ parentID="$(cat "image/manifest.json" | jq -r '.[0].Config | rtrimstr(".json")')"
- # Use the name and tag to get the parent ID field.
- parentID=$(jshon -e $fromImageName -e $fromImageTag -u \
- < image/repositories)
cat ./image/manifest.json | jq -r '.[0].Layers | .[]' > layer-list
touch layer-list
@@ -305,106 +300,6 @@ rec {
- # Create $maxLayers worth of Docker Layers, one layer per store path
- # unless there are more paths than $maxLayers. In that case, create
- # $maxLayers-1 for the most popular layers, and smush the remainaing
- # store paths in to one final layer.
- #
- # NOTE: the `closures` parameter is a list of closures to include.
- # The TOP LEVEL store paths themselves will never be present in the
- # resulting image. At this time (2019-12-16) none of these layers
- # are appropriate to include, as they are all created as
- # implementation details of dockerTools.
- mkManyPureLayers = {
- name,
- # Files to add to the layer.
- closures,
- configJson,
- # Docker has a 125-layer maximum, we pick 100 to ensure there is
- # plenty of room for extension.
- # https://github.com/moby/moby/blob/b3e9f7b13b0f0c414fa6253e1f17a86b2cff68b5/layer/layer_store.go#L23-L26
- maxLayers ? 100
- }:
- let
- storePathToLayer = substituteAll
- { shell = runtimeShell;
- isExecutable = true;
- src = ./store-path-to-layer.sh;
- };
- overallClosure = writeText "closure" (lib.concatStringsSep " " closures);
- in
- runCommand "${name}-granular-docker-layers" {
- inherit maxLayers;
- paths = referencesByPopularity overallClosure;
- nativeBuildInputs = [ jshon rsync tarsum moreutils ];
- enableParallelBuilding = true;
- }
- ''
- mkdir layers
- # Delete impurities for store path layers, so they don't get
- # shared and taint other projects.
- cat ${configJson} \
- | jshon -d config \
- | jshon -s "1970-01-01T00:00:01Z" -i created > generic.json
- # The following code is fiddly w.r.t. ensuring every layer is
- # created, and that no paths are missed. If you change the
- # following head and tail call lines, double-check that your
- # code behaves properly when the number of layers equals:
- # maxLayers-1, maxLayers, and maxLayers+1, 0
- paths() {
- cat $paths ${lib.concatMapStringsSep " " (path: "| (grep -v ${path} || true)") (closures ++ [ overallClosure ])}
- }
- paths | head -n $((maxLayers - 1)) | cat -n | xargs -r -P$NIX_BUILD_CORES -n2 ${storePathToLayer}
- if [ $(paths | wc -l) -ge $maxLayers ]; then
- paths | tail -n+$maxLayers | xargs ${storePathToLayer} $maxLayers
- fi
- echo "Finished building layer '$name'"
- mv ./layers $out
- '';
- # Create a "Customisation" layer which adds symlinks at the root of
- # the image to the root paths of the closure. Also add the config
- # data like what command to run and the environment to run it in.
- mkCustomisationLayer = {
- name,
- # Files to add to the layer.
- contents,
- baseJson,
- extraCommands,
- uid ? 0, gid ? 0,
- }:
- runCommand "${name}-customisation-layer" {
- nativeBuildInputs = [ jshon rsync tarsum ];
- inherit extraCommands;
- }
- ''
- cp -r ${contents}/ ./layer
- if [[ -n $extraCommands ]]; then
- chmod ug+w layer
- (cd layer; eval "$extraCommands")
- fi
- # Tar up the layer and throw it into 'layer.tar', while calculating its checksum.
- echo "Packing layer..."
- mkdir $out
- tarhash=$(tar --transform='s|^\./||' -C layer --sort=name --mtime="@$SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH" --owner=${toString uid} --group=${toString gid} -cf - . | tee $out/layer.tar | tarsum)
- # Add a 'checksum' field to the JSON, with the value set to the
- # checksum of the tarball.
- cat ${baseJson} | jshon -s "$tarhash" -i checksum > $out/json
- # Indicate to docker that we're using schema version 1.0.
- echo -n "1.0" > $out/VERSION
- '';
# Create a "layer" (set of files).
mkPureLayer = {
# Name of the layer
@@ -438,7 +333,7 @@ rec {
chmod ug+w layer
- if [[ -n $extraCommands ]]; then
+ if [[ -n "$extraCommands" ]]; then
(cd layer; eval "$extraCommands")
@@ -541,131 +436,15 @@ rec {
- buildLayeredImage = {
- # Image Name
- name,
- # Image tag, the Nix's output hash will be used if null
- tag ? null,
- # Files to put on the image (a nix store path or list of paths).
- contents ? [],
- # Docker config; e.g. what command to run on the container.
- config ? {},
- # Time of creation of the image. Passing "now" will make the
- # created date be the time of building.
- created ? "1970-01-01T00:00:01Z",
- # Optional bash script to run on the files prior to fixturizing the layer.
- extraCommands ? "", uid ? 0, gid ? 0,
- # We pick 100 to ensure there is plenty of room for extension. I
- # believe the actual maximum is 128.
- maxLayers ? 100
- }:
- assert
- (lib.assertMsg (maxLayers > 1)
- "the maxLayers argument of dockerTools.buildLayeredImage function must be greather than 1 (current value: ${toString maxLayers})");
+ buildLayeredImage = {name, ...}@args:
- baseName = baseNameOf name;
- contentsEnv = symlinkJoin {
- name = "bulk-layers";
- paths = if builtins.isList contents
- then contents
- else [ contents ];
- };
- configJson = let
- pure = writeText "${baseName}-config.json" (builtins.toJSON {
- inherit created config;
- architecture = buildPackages.go.GOARCH;
- os = "linux";
- });
- impure = runCommand "${baseName}-standard-dynamic-date.json"
- { nativeBuildInputs = [ jq ]; }
- ''
- jq ".created = \"$(TZ=utc date --iso-8601="seconds")\"" ${pure} > $out
- '';
- in if created == "now" then impure else pure;
- bulkLayers = mkManyPureLayers {
- name = baseName;
- closures = [ contentsEnv configJson ];
- # One layer will be taken up by the customisationLayer, so
- # take up one less.
- maxLayers = maxLayers - 1;
- inherit configJson;
- };
- customisationLayer = mkCustomisationLayer {
- name = baseName;
- contents = contentsEnv;
- baseJson = configJson;
- inherit uid gid extraCommands;
- };
- result = runCommand "docker-image-${baseName}.tar.gz" {
- nativeBuildInputs = [ jshon pigz coreutils findutils jq ];
- # Image name and tag must be lowercase
- imageName = lib.toLower name;
- baseJson = configJson;
- passthru.imageTag =
- if tag == null
- then lib.head (lib.splitString "-" (lib.last (lib.splitString "/" result)))
- else lib.toLower tag;
- # Docker can't be made to run darwin binaries
- meta.badPlatforms = lib.platforms.darwin;
- } ''
- ${if (tag == null) then ''
- outName="$(basename "$out")"
- outHash=$(echo "$outName" | cut -d - -f 1)
- imageTag=$outHash
- '' else ''
- imageTag="${tag}"
- ''}
- find ${bulkLayers} -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 | sort -t/ -k5 -n > layer-list
- echo ${customisationLayer} >> layer-list
- mkdir image
- imageJson=$(cat ${configJson} | jq ". + {\"rootfs\": {\"diff_ids\": [], \"type\": \"layers\"}}")
- manifestJson=$(jq -n "[{\"RepoTags\":[\"$imageName:$imageTag\"]}]")
- for layer in $(cat layer-list); do
- layerChecksum=$(sha256sum $layer/layer.tar | cut -d ' ' -f1)
- layerID=$(sha256sum "$layer/json" | cut -d ' ' -f 1)
- ln -s "$layer" "./image/$layerID"
- manifestJson=$(echo "$manifestJson" | jq ".[0].Layers |= . + [\"$layerID/layer.tar\"]")
- imageJson=$(echo "$imageJson" | jq ".history |= . + [{\"created\": \"$(jq -r .created ${configJson})\"}]")
- imageJson=$(echo "$imageJson" | jq ".rootfs.diff_ids |= . + [\"sha256:$layerChecksum\"]")
- done
- imageJsonChecksum=$(echo "$imageJson" | sha256sum | cut -d ' ' -f1)
- echo "$imageJson" > "image/$imageJsonChecksum.json"
- manifestJson=$(echo "$manifestJson" | jq ".[0].Config = \"$imageJsonChecksum.json\"")
- echo "$manifestJson" > image/manifest.json
- jshon -n object \
- -n object -s "$layerID" -i "$imageTag" \
- -i "$imageName" > image/repositories
- echo "Cooking the image..."
- # tar exits with an exit code of 1 if files changed while it was
- # reading them. It considers a change in the number of hard links
- # to be a "change", which can cause this to fail if images are being
- # built concurrently and the auto-optimise-store nix option is turned on.
- # Since the contents of these files will not change, we can reasonably
- # ignore this exit code.
- set +e
- tar -C image --dereference --hard-dereference --sort=name \
- --mtime="@$SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH" --owner=0 --group=0 \
- --mode=a-w --xform s:'^./':: --use-compress-program='pigz -nT' \
- --warning=no-file-changed -cf $out .
- RET=$?
- if [ $RET -ne 0 ] && [ $RET -ne 1 ]; then
- exit $RET
- fi
- set -e
- echo "Finished."
- '';
+ stream = streamLayeredImage args;
- result;
+ runCommand "${name}.tar.gz" {
+ inherit (stream) imageName;
+ passthru = { inherit (stream) imageTag; };
+ buildInputs = [ pigz ];
+ } "${stream} | pigz -nT > $out";
# 1. extract the base image
# 2. create the layer
@@ -739,6 +518,11 @@ rec {
layerClosure = writeReferencesToFile layer;
passthru.buildArgs = args;
passthru.layer = layer;
+ passthru.imageTag =
+ if tag != null
+ then lib.toLower tag
+ else
+ lib.head (lib.strings.splitString "-" (baseNameOf result.outPath));
# Docker can't be made to run darwin binaries
meta.badPlatforms = lib.platforms.darwin;
} ''
@@ -774,20 +558,22 @@ rec {
configName="$(cat ./image/manifest.json | jq -r '.[0].Config')"
baseEnvs="$(cat "./image/$configName" | jq '.config.Env // []')"
+ # Extract the parentID from the manifest
+ if [[ -n "$fromImageName" ]] && [[ -n "$fromImageTag" ]]; then
+ parentID="$(
+ cat "image/manifest.json" |
+ jq -r '.[] | select(.RepoTags | contains([$desiredTag])) | rtrimstr(".json")' \
+ --arg desiredTag "$fromImageName:$fromImageTag"
+ )"
+ else
+ echo "From-image name or tag wasn't set. Reading the first ID."
+ parentID="$(cat "image/manifest.json" | jq -r '.[0].Config | rtrimstr(".json")')"
+ fi
# Otherwise do not import the base image configuration and manifest
chmod a+w image image/*.json
rm -f image/*.json
- if [[ -z "$fromImageName" ]]; then
- fromImageName=$(jshon -k < image/repositories|head -n1)
- fi
- if [[ -z "$fromImageTag" ]]; then
- fromImageTag=$(jshon -e $fromImageName -k \
- < image/repositories|head -n1)
- fi
- parentID=$(jshon -e $fromImageName -e $fromImageTag -u \
- < image/repositories)
for l in image/*/layer.tar; do
ls_tar $l >> baseFiles
@@ -904,4 +690,139 @@ rec {
+ streamLayeredImage = {
+ # Image Name
+ name,
+ # Image tag, the Nix's output hash will be used if null
+ tag ? null,
+ # Files to put on the image (a nix store path or list of paths).
+ contents ? [],
+ # Docker config; e.g. what command to run on the container.
+ config ? {},
+ # Time of creation of the image. Passing "now" will make the
+ # created date be the time of building.
+ created ? "1970-01-01T00:00:01Z",
+ # Optional bash script to run on the files prior to fixturizing the layer.
+ extraCommands ? "",
+ # We pick 100 to ensure there is plenty of room for extension. I
+ # believe the actual maximum is 128.
+ maxLayers ? 100
+ }:
+ assert
+ (lib.assertMsg (maxLayers > 1)
+ "the maxLayers argument of dockerTools.buildLayeredImage function must be greather than 1 (current value: ${toString maxLayers})");
+ let
+ streamScript = writePython3 "stream" {} ./stream_layered_image.py;
+ baseJson = writeText "${name}-base.json" (builtins.toJSON {
+ inherit config;
+ architecture = buildPackages.go.GOARCH;
+ os = "linux";
+ });
+ contentsList = if builtins.isList contents then contents else [ contents ];
+ # We store the customisation layer as a tarball, to make sure that
+ # things like permissions set on 'extraCommands' are not overriden
+ # by Nix. Then we precompute the sha256 for performance.
+ customisationLayer = symlinkJoin {
+ name = "${name}-customisation-layer";
+ paths = contentsList;
+ inherit extraCommands;
+ postBuild = ''
+ mv $out old_out
+ (cd old_out; eval "$extraCommands" )
+ mkdir $out
+ tar \
+ --owner 0 --group 0 --mtime "@$SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH" \
+ --hard-dereference \
+ -C old_out \
+ -cf $out/layer.tar .
+ sha256sum $out/layer.tar \
+ | cut -f 1 -d ' ' \
+ > $out/checksum
+ '';
+ };
+ closureRoots = [ baseJson ] ++ contentsList;
+ overallClosure = writeText "closure" (lib.concatStringsSep " " closureRoots);
+ # These derivations are only created as implementation details of docker-tools,
+ # so they'll be excluded from the created images.
+ unnecessaryDrvs = [ baseJson overallClosure ];
+ conf = runCommand "${name}-conf.json" {
+ inherit maxLayers created;
+ imageName = lib.toLower name;
+ passthru.imageTag =
+ if tag != null
+ then tag
+ else
+ lib.head (lib.strings.splitString "-" (baseNameOf conf.outPath));
+ paths = referencesByPopularity overallClosure;
+ buildInputs = [ jq ];
+ } ''
+ ${if (tag == null) then ''
+ outName="$(basename "$out")"
+ outHash=$(echo "$outName" | cut -d - -f 1)
+ imageTag=$outHash
+ '' else ''
+ imageTag="${tag}"
+ ''}
+ # convert "created" to iso format
+ if [[ "$created" != "now" ]]; then
+ created="$(date -Iseconds -d "$created")"
+ fi
+ paths() {
+ cat $paths ${lib.concatMapStringsSep " "
+ (path: "| (grep -v ${path} || true)")
+ unnecessaryDrvs}
+ }
+ # Create $maxLayers worth of Docker Layers, one layer per store path
+ # unless there are more paths than $maxLayers. In that case, create
+ # $maxLayers-1 for the most popular layers, and smush the remainaing
+ # store paths in to one final layer.
+ #
+ # The following code is fiddly w.r.t. ensuring every layer is
+ # created, and that no paths are missed. If you change the
+ # following lines, double-check that your code behaves properly
+ # when the number of layers equals:
+ # maxLayers-1, maxLayers, and maxLayers+1, 0
+ store_layers="$(
+ paths |
+ jq -sR '
+ rtrimstr("\n") | split("\n")
+ | (.[:$maxLayers-1] | map([.])) + [ .[$maxLayers-1:] ]
+ | map(select(length > 0))
+ ' \
+ --argjson maxLayers "$(( maxLayers - 1 ))" # one layer will be taken up by the customisation layer
+ )"
+ cat ${baseJson} | jq '
+ . + {
+ "store_layers": $store_layers,
+ "customisation_layer", $customisation_layer,
+ "repo_tag": $repo_tag,
+ "created": $created
+ }
+ ' --argjson store_layers "$store_layers" \
+ --arg customisation_layer ${customisationLayer} \
+ --arg repo_tag "$imageName:$imageTag" \
+ --arg created "$created" |
+ tee $out
+ '';
+ result = runCommand "stream-${name}" {
+ inherit (conf) imageName;
+ passthru = { inherit (conf) imageTag; };
+ buildInputs = [ makeWrapper ];
+ } ''
+ makeWrapper ${streamScript} $out --add-flags ${conf}
+ '';
+ in result;