path: root/nixpkgs/nixos/tests/acme.nix
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Diffstat (limited to 'nixpkgs/nixos/tests/acme.nix')
1 files changed, 243 insertions, 119 deletions
diff --git a/nixpkgs/nixos/tests/acme.nix b/nixpkgs/nixos/tests/acme.nix
index fc41dc1eb5f..64193ed8498 100644
--- a/nixpkgs/nixos/tests/acme.nix
+++ b/nixpkgs/nixos/tests/acme.nix
@@ -1,29 +1,43 @@
commonConfig = ./common/acme/client;
- dnsScript = {writeScript, dnsAddress, bash, curl}: writeScript "dns-hook.sh" ''
- #!${bash}/bin/bash
+ dnsServerIP = nodes: nodes.dnsserver.config.networking.primaryIPAddress;
+ dnsScript = {pkgs, nodes}: let
+ dnsAddress = dnsServerIP nodes;
+ in pkgs.writeShellScript "dns-hook.sh" ''
set -euo pipefail
echo '[INFO]' "[$2]" 'dns-hook.sh' $*
if [ "$1" = "present" ]; then
- ${curl}/bin/curl --data '{"host": "'"$2"'", "value": "'"$3"'"}' http://${dnsAddress}:8055/set-txt
+ ${pkgs.curl}/bin/curl --data '{"host": "'"$2"'", "value": "'"$3"'"}' http://${dnsAddress}:8055/set-txt
- ${curl}/bin/curl --data '{"host": "'"$2"'"}' http://${dnsAddress}:8055/clear-txt
+ ${pkgs.curl}/bin/curl --data '{"host": "'"$2"'"}' http://${dnsAddress}:8055/clear-txt
+ documentRoot = pkgs: pkgs.runCommand "docroot" {} ''
+ mkdir -p "$out"
+ echo hello world > "$out/index.html"
+ '';
+ vhostBase = pkgs: {
+ forceSSL = true;
+ locations."/".root = documentRoot pkgs;
+ };
in import ./make-test-python.nix ({ lib, ... }: {
name = "acme";
meta.maintainers = lib.teams.acme.members;
- nodes = rec {
+ nodes = {
+ # The fake ACME server which will respond to client requests
acme = { nodes, lib, ... }: {
imports = [ ./common/acme/server ];
- networking.nameservers = lib.mkForce [
- nodes.dnsserver.config.networking.primaryIPAddress
- ];
+ networking.nameservers = lib.mkForce [ (dnsServerIP nodes) ];
+ # A fake DNS server which can be configured with records as desired
+ # Used to test DNS-01 challenge
dnsserver = { nodes, pkgs, ... }: {
networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 8055 53 ];
networking.firewall.allowedUDPPorts = [ 53 ];
@@ -39,106 +53,111 @@ in import ./make-test-python.nix ({ lib, ... }: {
- acmeStandalone = { nodes, lib, config, pkgs, ... }: {
- imports = [ commonConfig ];
- networking.nameservers = lib.mkForce [
- nodes.dnsserver.config.networking.primaryIPAddress
- ];
- networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 80 ];
- security.acme.certs."standalone.test" = {
- webroot = "/var/lib/acme/acme-challenges";
- };
- systemd.targets."acme-finished-standalone.test" = {};
- systemd.services."acme-standalone.test" = {
- wants = [ "acme-finished-standalone.test.target" ];
- before = [ "acme-finished-standalone.test.target" ];
- };
- services.nginx.enable = true;
- services.nginx.virtualHosts."standalone.test" = {
- locations."/.well-known/acme-challenge".root = "/var/lib/acme/acme-challenges";
- };
- };
- webserver = { nodes, config, pkgs, lib, ... }: {
+ # A web server which will be the node requesting certs
+ webserver = { pkgs, nodes, lib, config, ... }: {
imports = [ commonConfig ];
+ networking.nameservers = lib.mkForce [ (dnsServerIP nodes) ];
networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 80 443 ];
- networking.nameservers = lib.mkForce [
- nodes.dnsserver.config.networking.primaryIPAddress
- ];
- # A target remains active. Use this to probe the fact that
- # a service fired eventhough it is not RemainAfterExit
- systemd.targets."acme-finished-a.example.test" = {};
- systemd.services."acme-a.example.test" = {
- wants = [ "acme-finished-a.example.test.target" ];
- before = [ "acme-finished-a.example.test.target" ];
- after = [ "nginx.service" ];
- };
+ # OpenSSL will be used for more thorough certificate validation
+ environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.openssl ];
+ # Set log level to info so that we can see when the service is reloaded
services.nginx.enable = true;
+ services.nginx.logError = "stderr info";
- services.nginx.virtualHosts."a.example.test" = {
+ # First tests configure a basic cert and run a bunch of openssl checks
+ services.nginx.virtualHosts."a.example.test" = (vhostBase pkgs) // {
enableACME = true;
- forceSSL = true;
- locations."/".root = pkgs.runCommand "docroot" {} ''
- mkdir -p "$out"
- echo hello world > "$out/index.html"
- '';
- security.acme.server = "https://acme.test/dir";
+ # Used to determine if service reload was triggered
+ systemd.targets.test-renew-nginx = {
+ wants = [ "acme-a.example.test.service" ];
+ after = [ "acme-a.example.test.service" "nginx-config-reload.service" ];
+ };
+ # Cert config changes will not cause the nginx configuration to change.
+ # This tests that the reload service is correctly triggered.
+ # It also tests that postRun is exec'd as root
+ specialisation.cert-change.configuration = { pkgs, ... }: {
+ security.acme.certs."a.example.test".keyType = "ec384";
+ security.acme.certs."a.example.test".postRun = ''
+ set -euo pipefail
+ touch test
+ chown root:root test
+ echo testing > test
+ '';
+ };
- specialisation.second-cert.configuration = {pkgs, ...}: {
- systemd.targets."acme-finished-b.example.test" = {};
- systemd.services."acme-b.example.test" = {
- wants = [ "acme-finished-b.example.test.target" ];
- before = [ "acme-finished-b.example.test.target" ];
- after = [ "nginx.service" ];
+ # Now adding an alias to ensure that the certs are updated
+ specialisation.nginx-aliases.configuration = { pkgs, ... }: {
+ services.nginx.virtualHosts."a.example.test" = {
+ serverAliases = [ "b.example.test" ];
- services.nginx.virtualHosts."b.example.test" = {
- enableACME = true;
+ };
+ # Test using Apache HTTPD
+ specialisation.httpd-aliases.configuration = { pkgs, config, lib, ... }: {
+ services.nginx.enable = lib.mkForce false;
+ services.httpd.enable = true;
+ services.httpd.adminAddr = config.security.acme.email;
+ services.httpd.virtualHosts."c.example.test" = {
+ serverAliases = [ "d.example.test" ];
forceSSL = true;
- locations."/".root = pkgs.runCommand "docroot" {} ''
- mkdir -p "$out"
- echo hello world > "$out/index.html"
- '';
+ enableACME = true;
+ documentRoot = documentRoot pkgs;
+ };
+ # Used to determine if service reload was triggered
+ systemd.targets.test-renew-httpd = {
+ wants = [ "acme-c.example.test.service" ];
+ after = [ "acme-c.example.test.service" "httpd-config-reload.service" ];
- specialisation.dns-01.configuration = {pkgs, config, nodes, lib, ...}: {
+ # Validation via DNS-01 challenge
+ specialisation.dns-01.configuration = { pkgs, config, nodes, ... }: {
security.acme.certs."example.test" = {
domain = "*.example.test";
+ group = config.services.nginx.group;
dnsProvider = "exec";
dnsPropagationCheck = false;
- credentialsFile = with pkgs; writeText "wildcard.env" ''
- EXEC_PATH=${dnsScript { inherit writeScript bash curl; dnsAddress = nodes.dnsserver.config.networking.primaryIPAddress; }}
+ credentialsFile = pkgs.writeText "wildcard.env" ''
+ EXEC_PATH=${dnsScript { inherit pkgs nodes; }}
- user = config.services.nginx.user;
- group = config.services.nginx.group;
- systemd.targets."acme-finished-example.test" = {};
- systemd.services."acme-example.test" = {
- wants = [ "acme-finished-example.test.target" ];
- before = [ "acme-finished-example.test.target" "nginx.service" ];
- wantedBy = [ "nginx.service" ];
+ services.nginx.virtualHosts."dns.example.test" = (vhostBase pkgs) // {
+ useACMEHost = "example.test";
- services.nginx.virtualHosts."c.example.test" = {
+ };
+ # Validate service relationships by adding a slow start service to nginx' wants.
+ # Reproducer for https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/81842
+ specialisation.slow-startup.configuration = { pkgs, config, nodes, lib, ... }: {
+ systemd.services.my-slow-service = {
+ wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" "nginx.service" ];
+ before = [ "nginx.service" ];
+ preStart = "sleep 5";
+ script = "${pkgs.python3}/bin/python -m http.server";
+ };
+ services.nginx.virtualHosts."slow.example.com" = {
forceSSL = true;
- sslCertificate = config.security.acme.certs."example.test".directory + "/cert.pem";
- sslTrustedCertificate = config.security.acme.certs."example.test".directory + "/full.pem";
- sslCertificateKey = config.security.acme.certs."example.test".directory + "/key.pem";
- locations."/".root = pkgs.runCommand "docroot" {} ''
- mkdir -p "$out"
- echo hello world > "$out/index.html"
- '';
+ enableACME = true;
+ locations."/".proxyPass = "http://localhost:8000";
- client = {nodes, lib, ...}: {
+ # The client will be used to curl the webserver to validate configuration
+ client = {nodes, lib, pkgs, ...}: {
imports = [ commonConfig ];
- networking.nameservers = lib.mkForce [
- nodes.dnsserver.config.networking.primaryIPAddress
- ];
+ networking.nameservers = lib.mkForce [ (dnsServerIP nodes) ];
+ # OpenSSL will be used for more thorough certificate validation
+ environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.openssl ];
@@ -149,63 +168,168 @@ in import ./make-test-python.nix ({ lib, ... }: {
# Note, wait_for_unit does not work for oneshot services that do not have RemainAfterExit=true,
# this is because a oneshot goes from inactive => activating => inactive, and never
- # reaches the active state. To work around this, we create some mock target units which
- # get pulled in by the oneshot units. The target units linger after activation, and hence we
- # can use them to probe that a oneshot fired. It is a bit ugly, but it is the best we can do
+ # reaches the active state. Targets do not have this issue.
+ import time
+ has_switched = False
+ def switch_to(node, name):
+ global has_switched
+ if has_switched:
+ node.succeed(
+ "${switchToNewServer}"
+ )
+ has_switched = True
+ node.succeed(
+ f"/run/current-system/specialisation/{name}/bin/switch-to-configuration test"
+ )
+ # Ensures the issuer of our cert matches the chain
+ # and matches the issuer we expect it to be.
+ # It's a good validation to ensure the cert.pem and fullchain.pem
+ # are not still selfsigned afer verification
+ def check_issuer(node, cert_name, issuer):
+ for fname in ("cert.pem", "fullchain.pem"):
+ actual_issuer = node.succeed(
+ f"openssl x509 -noout -issuer -in /var/lib/acme/{cert_name}/{fname}"
+ ).partition("=")[2]
+ print(f"{fname} issuer: {actual_issuer}")
+ assert issuer.lower() in actual_issuer.lower()
+ # Ensure cert comes before chain in fullchain.pem
+ def check_fullchain(node, cert_name):
+ subject_data = node.succeed(
+ f"openssl crl2pkcs7 -nocrl -certfile /var/lib/acme/{cert_name}/fullchain.pem"
+ " | openssl pkcs7 -print_certs -noout"
+ )
+ for line in subject_data.lower().split("\n"):
+ if "subject" in line:
+ print(f"First subject in fullchain.pem: ", line)
+ assert cert_name.lower() in line
+ return
+ assert False
+ def check_connection(node, domain, retries=3):
+ assert retries >= 0
+ result = node.succeed(
+ "openssl s_client -brief -verify 2 -CAfile /tmp/ca.crt"
+ f" -servername {domain} -connect {domain}:443 < /dev/null 2>&1"
+ )
+ for line in result.lower().split("\n"):
+ if "verification" in line and "error" in line:
+ time.sleep(1)
+ return check_connection(node, domain, retries - 1)
+ def check_connection_key_bits(node, domain, bits, retries=3):
+ assert retries >= 0
+ result = node.succeed(
+ "openssl s_client -CAfile /tmp/ca.crt"
+ f" -servername {domain} -connect {domain}:443 < /dev/null"
+ " | openssl x509 -noout -text | grep -i Public-Key"
+ )
+ print("Key type:", result)
+ if bits not in result:
+ time.sleep(1)
+ return check_connection_key_bits(node, domain, bits, retries - 1)
- acme.wait_for_unit("default.target")
+ client.wait_for_unit("default.target")
- 'curl --data \'{"host": "acme.test", "addresses": ["${nodes.acme.config.networking.primaryIPAddress}"]}\' http://${nodes.dnsserver.config.networking.primaryIPAddress}:8055/add-a'
- )
- client.succeed(
- 'curl --data \'{"host": "standalone.test", "addresses": ["${nodes.acmeStandalone.config.networking.primaryIPAddress}"]}\' http://${nodes.dnsserver.config.networking.primaryIPAddress}:8055/add-a'
+ 'curl --data \'{"host": "acme.test", "addresses": ["${nodes.acme.config.networking.primaryIPAddress}"]}\' http://${dnsServerIP nodes}:8055/add-a'
- acmeStandalone.start()
+ webserver.start()
- with subtest("can request certificate with HTTPS-01 challenge"):
- acmeStandalone.wait_for_unit("default.target")
- acmeStandalone.succeed("systemctl start acme-standalone.test.service")
- acmeStandalone.wait_for_unit("acme-finished-standalone.test.target")
- client.wait_for_unit("default.target")
client.succeed("curl https://acme.test:15000/roots/0 > /tmp/ca.crt")
client.succeed("curl https://acme.test:15000/intermediate-keys/0 >> /tmp/ca.crt")
- with subtest("Can request certificate for nginx service"):
+ with subtest("Can request certificate with HTTPS-01 challenge"):
- client.succeed(
- "curl --cacert /tmp/ca.crt https://a.example.test/ | grep -qF 'hello world'"
- )
+ check_fullchain(webserver, "a.example.test")
+ check_issuer(webserver, "a.example.test", "pebble")
+ check_connection(client, "a.example.test")
- with subtest("Can add another certificate for nginx service"):
- webserver.succeed(
- "/run/current-system/specialisation/second-cert/bin/switch-to-configuration test"
- )
- webserver.wait_for_unit("acme-finished-b.example.test.target")
- client.succeed(
- "curl --cacert /tmp/ca.crt https://b.example.test/ | grep -qF 'hello world'"
- )
+ with subtest("Can generate valid selfsigned certs"):
+ webserver.succeed("systemctl clean acme-a.example.test.service --what=state")
+ webserver.succeed("systemctl start acme-selfsigned-a.example.test.service")
+ check_fullchain(webserver, "a.example.test")
+ check_issuer(webserver, "a.example.test", "minica")
+ # Will succeed if nginx can load the certs
+ webserver.succeed("systemctl start nginx-config-reload.service")
+ with subtest("Can reload nginx when timer triggers renewal"):
+ webserver.succeed("systemctl start test-renew-nginx.target")
+ check_issuer(webserver, "a.example.test", "pebble")
+ check_connection(client, "a.example.test")
+ with subtest("Can reload web server when cert configuration changes"):
+ switch_to(webserver, "cert-change")
+ webserver.wait_for_unit("acme-finished-a.example.test.target")
+ check_connection_key_bits(client, "a.example.test", "384")
+ webserver.succeed("grep testing /var/lib/acme/a.example.test/test")
+ with subtest("Can request certificate with HTTPS-01 when nginx startup is delayed"):
+ switch_to(webserver, "slow-startup")
+ webserver.wait_for_unit("acme-finished-slow.example.com.target")
+ check_issuer(webserver, "slow.example.com", "pebble")
+ check_connection(client, "slow.example.com")
+ with subtest("Can request certificate for vhost + aliases (nginx)"):
+ # Check the key hash before and after adding an alias. It should not change.
+ # The previous test reverts the ed384 change
+ webserver.wait_for_unit("acme-finished-a.example.test.target")
+ keyhash_old = webserver.succeed("md5sum /var/lib/acme/a.example.test/key.pem")
+ switch_to(webserver, "nginx-aliases")
+ webserver.wait_for_unit("acme-finished-a.example.test.target")
+ check_issuer(webserver, "a.example.test", "pebble")
+ check_connection(client, "a.example.test")
+ check_connection(client, "b.example.test")
+ keyhash_new = webserver.succeed("md5sum /var/lib/acme/a.example.test/key.pem")
+ assert keyhash_old == keyhash_new
+ with subtest("Can request certificates for vhost + aliases (apache-httpd)"):
+ switch_to(webserver, "httpd-aliases")
+ webserver.wait_for_unit("acme-finished-c.example.test.target")
+ check_issuer(webserver, "c.example.test", "pebble")
+ check_connection(client, "c.example.test")
+ check_connection(client, "d.example.test")
+ with subtest("Can reload httpd when timer triggers renewal"):
+ # Switch to selfsigned first
+ webserver.succeed("systemctl clean acme-c.example.test.service --what=state")
+ webserver.succeed("systemctl start acme-selfsigned-c.example.test.service")
+ check_issuer(webserver, "c.example.test", "minica")
+ webserver.succeed("systemctl start httpd-config-reload.service")
+ webserver.succeed("systemctl start test-renew-httpd.target")
+ check_issuer(webserver, "c.example.test", "pebble")
+ check_connection(client, "c.example.test")
with subtest("Can request wildcard certificates using DNS-01 challenge"):
- webserver.succeed(
- "${switchToNewServer}"
- )
- webserver.succeed(
- "/run/current-system/specialisation/dns-01/bin/switch-to-configuration test"
- )
+ switch_to(webserver, "dns-01")
- client.succeed(
- "curl --cacert /tmp/ca.crt https://c.example.test/ | grep -qF 'hello world'"
- )
+ check_issuer(webserver, "example.test", "pebble")
+ check_connection(client, "dns.example.test")