path: root/home-manager/README.md
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+Home Manager using Nix
+This project provides a basic system for managing a user environment
+using the [Nix][] package manager together with the Nix libraries
+found in [Nixpkgs][]. Before attempting to use Home Manager please
+read the warning below.
+For a more systematic overview of all the options Home Manager
+provides please see the [Home Manager manual][configuration options].
+Words of warning
+This project is under development. I personally use it to manage
+several user configurations but it may fail catastrophically for you.
+So beware!
+In some cases Home Manager cannot detect whether it will overwrite a
+previous manual configuration. For example, the Gnome Terminal module
+will write to your dconf store and cannot tell whether a configuration
+that it is about to be overwrite was from a previous Home Manager
+generation or from manual configuration.
+Home Manager targets [NixOS][] unstable and NixOS version 19.09 (the
+current stable version), it may or may not work on other Linux
+distributions and NixOS versions.
+Also, the `home-manager` tool does not explicitly support rollbacks at
+the moment so if your home directory gets messed up you'll have to fix
+it yourself. See the [rollbacks](#rollbacks) section for instructions
+on how to manually perform a rollback.
+Now when your expectations have been built up and you are eager to try
+all this out you can go ahead and read the rest of this text.
+You can chat with us on IRC in the channel [#home-manager][] on
+[freenode][]. The [channel logs][] are hosted courtesy of
+Currently the easiest way to install Home Manager is as follows:
+1. Make sure you have a working Nix installation. If you are not
+ using NixOS then you may here have to run
+ ```console
+ $ mkdir -m 0755 -p /nix/var/nix/{profiles,gcroots}/per-user/$USER
+ ```
+ since Home Manager uses these directories to manage your profile
+ generations. On NixOS these should already be available.
+ Also make sure that your user is able to build and install Nix
+ packages. For example, you should be able to successfully run a
+ command like `nix-instantiate '<nixpkgs>' -A hello` without having
+ to switch to the root user. For a multi-user install of Nix this
+ means that your user must be covered by the
+ [`allowed-users`][nixAllowedUsers] Nix option. On NixOS you can
+ control this option using the
+ [`nix.allowedUsers`][nixosAllowedUsers] system option.
+2. Add the appropriate Home Manager channel. Typically this is
+ ```console
+ $ nix-channel --add https://github.com/rycee/home-manager/archive/master.tar.gz home-manager
+ $ nix-channel --update
+ ```
+ if you are following Nixpkgs master or an unstable channel and
+ ```console
+ $ nix-channel --add https://github.com/rycee/home-manager/archive/release-19.09.tar.gz home-manager
+ $ nix-channel --update
+ ```
+ if you follow a Nixpkgs version 19.09 channel.
+ On NixOS you may need to log out and back in for the channel to
+ become available. On non-NixOS you may have to add
+ ```shell
+ export NIX_PATH=$HOME/.nix-defexpr/channels${NIX_PATH:+:}$NIX_PATH
+ ```
+ to your shell (see [nix#2033](https://github.com/NixOS/nix/issues/2033)).
+3. Install Home Manager and create the first Home Manager generation:
+ ```console
+ $ nix-shell '<home-manager>' -A install
+ ```
+ Once finished, Home Manager should be active and available in your
+ user environment.
+3. If you do not plan on having Home Manager manage your shell
+ configuration then you must source the
+ ```
+ $HOME/.nix-profile/etc/profile.d/hm-session-vars.sh
+ ```
+ file in your shell configuration. Unfortunately, in this specific
+ case we currently only support POSIX.2-like shells such as
+ [Bash][] or [Z shell][].
+ For example, if you use Bash then add
+ ```bash
+ . "$HOME/.nix-profile/etc/profile.d/hm-session-vars.sh"
+ ```
+ to your `~/.profile` file.
+If instead of using channels you want to run Home Manager from a Git
+checkout of the repository then you can use the
+`programs.home-manager.path` option to specify the absolute path to
+the repository.
+Home Manager is typically managed through the `home-manager` tool.
+This tool can, for example, apply configurations to your home
+directory, list user packages installed by the tool, and list the
+configuration generations.
+As an example, let us expand the initial configuration file from the
+installation above to install the htop and fortune packages, install
+Emacs with a few extra packages enabled, install Firefox with the
+IcedTea plugin enabled, and enable the user gpg-agent service.
+To satisfy the above setup we should elaborate the
+`~/.config/nixpkgs/home.nix` file as follows:
+{ pkgs, ... }:
+ home.packages = [
+ pkgs.htop
+ pkgs.fortune
+ ];
+ programs.emacs = {
+ enable = true;
+ extraPackages = epkgs: [
+ epkgs.nix-mode
+ epkgs.magit
+ ];
+ };
+ programs.firefox = {
+ enable = true;
+ enableIcedTea = true;
+ };
+ services.gpg-agent = {
+ enable = true;
+ defaultCacheTtl = 1800;
+ enableSshSupport = true;
+ };
+ programs.home-manager = {
+ enable = true;
+ path = "…";
+ };
+To activate this configuration you can then run
+$ home-manager switch
+or if you are not feeling so lucky,
+$ home-manager build
+which will create a `result` link to a directory containing an
+activation script and the generated home directory files.
+Documentation of available configuration options, including
+descriptions and usage examples, is available in the [Home Manager
+manual][configuration options] or offline by running
+$ man home-configuration.nix
+While the `home-manager` tool does not explicitly support rollbacks at
+the moment it is relatively easy to perform one manually. The steps to
+do so are
+1. Run `home-manager generations` to determine which generation you
+ wish to rollback to:
+ ```console
+ $ home-manager generations
+ 2018-01-04 11:56 : id 765 -> /nix/store/kahm1rxk77mnvd2l8pfvd4jkkffk5ijk-home-manager-generation
+ 2018-01-03 10:29 : id 764 -> /nix/store/2wsmsliqr5yynqkdyjzb1y57pr5q2lsj-home-manager-generation
+ 2018-01-01 12:21 : id 763 -> /nix/store/mv960kl9chn2lal5q8lnqdp1ygxngcd1-home-manager-generation
+ 2017-12-29 21:03 : id 762 -> /nix/store/6c0k1r03fxckql4vgqcn9ccb616ynb94-home-manager-generation
+ 2017-12-25 18:51 : id 761 -> /nix/store/czc5y6vi1rvnkfv83cs3rn84jarcgsgh-home-manager-generation
+ …
+ ```
+2. Copy the Nix store path of the generation you chose, e.g.,
+ /nix/store/mv960kl9chn2lal5q8lnqdp1ygxngcd1-home-manager-generation
+ for generation 763.
+3. Run the `activate` script inside the copied store path:
+ ```console
+ $ /nix/store/mv960kl9chn2lal5q8lnqdp1ygxngcd1-home-manager-generation/activate
+ Starting home manager activation
+ …
+ ```
+Keeping your ~ safe from harm
+To configure programs and services Home Manager must write various
+things to your home directory. To prevent overwriting any existing
+files when switching to a new generation, Home Manager will attempt to
+detect collisions between existing files and generated files. If any
+such collision is detected the activation will terminate before
+changing anything on your computer.
+For example, suppose you have a wonderful, painstakingly created
+`~/.config/git/config` and add
+ # …
+ programs.git = {
+ enable = true;
+ userName = "Jane Doe";
+ userEmail = "jane.doe@example.org";
+ };
+ # …
+to your configuration. Attempting to switch to the generation will
+then result in
+$ home-manager switch
+Activating checkLinkTargets
+Existing file '/home/jdoe/.gitconfig' is in the way
+Please move the above files and try again
+Graphical services
+Home Manager includes a number of services intended to run in a
+graphical session, for example `xscreensaver` and `dunst`.
+Unfortunately, such services will not be started automatically unless
+you let Home Manager start your X session. That is, you have something
+ # …
+ services.xserver.enable = true;
+ # …
+in your system configuration and
+ # …
+ xsession.enable = true;
+ xsession.windowManager.command = "…";
+ # …
+in your Home Manager configuration.
+[Bash]: https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/
+[Nix]: https://nixos.org/nix/
+[NixOS]: https://nixos.org/
+[Nixpkgs]: https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/
+[nixAllowedUsers]: https://nixos.org/nix/manual/#conf-allowed-users
+[nixosAllowedUsers]: https://nixos.org/nixos/manual/options.html#opt-nix.allowedUsers
+[Z shell]: http://zsh.sourceforge.net/
+[configuration options]: https://rycee.gitlab.io/home-manager/options.html
+[#home-manager]: https://webchat.freenode.net/?url=irc%3A%2F%2Firc.freenode.net%2Fhome-manager
+[freenode]: https://freenode.net/
+[channel logs]: https://logs.nix.samueldr.com/home-manager/
+[samueldr]: https://github.com/samueldr/