path: root/development/libs/barrel/src/backend/pg.rs
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Diffstat (limited to 'development/libs/barrel/src/backend/pg.rs')
1 files changed, 164 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/development/libs/barrel/src/backend/pg.rs b/development/libs/barrel/src/backend/pg.rs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1bea666efa1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/development/libs/barrel/src/backend/pg.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+//! Postgres implementation of a generator
+//! This module generates strings that are specific to Postgres
+//! databases. They should be thoroughly tested via unit testing
+use super::SqlGenerator;
+use crate::types::{BaseType, Type};
+/// A simple macro that will generate a schema prefix if it exists
+macro_rules! prefix {
+ ($schema:expr) => {
+ $schema
+ .map(|s| format!("\"{}\".", s))
+ .unwrap_or_else(|| String::new())
+ };
+/// Postgres SQL generator backend
+pub struct Pg;
+impl SqlGenerator for Pg {
+ fn create_table(name: &str, schema: Option<&str>) -> String {
+ format!("CREATE TABLE {}\"{}\"", prefix!(schema), name)
+ }
+ fn create_table_if_not_exists(name: &str, schema: Option<&str>) -> String {
+ format!("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {}\"{}\"", prefix!(schema), name)
+ }
+ fn drop_table(name: &str, schema: Option<&str>) -> String {
+ format!("DROP TABLE {}\"{}\"", prefix!(schema), name)
+ }
+ fn drop_table_if_exists(name: &str, schema: Option<&str>) -> String {
+ format!("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {}\"{}\"", prefix!(schema), name)
+ }
+ fn rename_table(old: &str, new: &str, schema: Option<&str>) -> String {
+ let schema = prefix!(schema);
+ format!(
+ "ALTER TABLE {}\"{}\" RENAME TO {}\"{}\"",
+ schema, old, schema, new
+ )
+ }
+ fn alter_table(name: &str, schema: Option<&str>) -> String {
+ format!("ALTER TABLE {}\"{}\"", prefix!(schema), name)
+ }
+ fn add_column(ex: bool, schema: Option<&str>, name: &str, tt: &Type) -> String {
+ let bt: BaseType = tt.get_inner();
+ use self::BaseType::*;
+ #[cfg_attr(rustfmt, rustfmt_skip)] /* This shouldn't be formatted. It's too long */
+ format!(
+ "{}{}{}{}{}",
+ match bt {
+ Text => format!("{}\"{}\" {}", Pg::prefix(ex), name, Pg::print_type(bt, schema)),
+ Varchar(_) => format!("{}\"{}\" {}", Pg::prefix(ex), name, Pg::print_type(bt, schema)),
+ Primary => format!("{}\"{}\" {}", Pg::prefix(ex), name, Pg::print_type(bt, schema)),
+ Integer => format!("{}\"{}\" {}", Pg::prefix(ex), name, Pg::print_type(bt, schema)),
+ Float => format!("{}\"{}\" {}", Pg::prefix(ex), name, Pg::print_type(bt, schema)),
+ Double => format!("{}\"{}\" {}", Pg::prefix(ex), name, Pg::print_type(bt, schema)),
+ UUID => format!("{}\"{}\" {}", Pg::prefix(ex), name, Pg::print_type(bt, schema)),
+ Json => format!("{}\"{}\" {}", Pg::prefix(ex), name, Pg::print_type(bt, schema)),
+ Boolean => format!("{}\"{}\" {}", Pg::prefix(ex), name, Pg::print_type(bt, schema)),
+ Date => format!("{}\"{}\" {}", Pg::prefix(ex), name, Pg::print_type(bt, schema)),
+ Binary => format!("{}\"{}\" {}", Pg::prefix(ex), name, Pg::print_type(bt, schema)),
+ Foreign(_, _, _) => format!("{}\"{}\" {}", Pg::prefix(ex), name, Pg::print_type(bt, schema)),
+ Custom(_) => format!("{}\"{}\" {}", Pg::prefix(ex), name, Pg::print_type(bt, schema)),
+ Array(it) => format!("{}\"{}\" {}", Pg::prefix(ex), name, Pg::print_type(Array(Box::new(*it)), schema)),
+ Index(_) => unreachable!(), // Indices are handled via custom builder
+ },
+ match tt.primary {
+ true => " PRIMARY KEY",
+ false => "",
+ },
+ match (&tt.default).as_ref() {
+ Some(ref m) => format!(" DEFAULT '{}'", m),
+ _ => format!(""),
+ },
+ match tt.nullable {
+ true => "",
+ false => " NOT NULL",
+ },
+ match tt.unique {
+ true => " UNIQUE",
+ false => "",
+ },
+ )
+ }
+ fn drop_column(name: &str) -> String {
+ format!("DROP COLUMN \"{}\"", name)
+ }
+ fn rename_column(old: &str, new: &str) -> String {
+ format!("ALTER COLUMN \"{}\" RENAME TO \"{}\"", old, new)
+ }
+ fn create_index(table: &str, schema: Option<&str>, name: &str, _type: &Type) -> String {
+ // FIXME: Implement PG specific index builder here
+ format!(
+ "CREATE {} INDEX \"{}\" ON {}\"{}\" ({})",
+ match _type.unique {
+ true => "UNIQUE",
+ false => "",
+ },
+ name,
+ prefix!(schema),
+ table,
+ match _type.inner {
+ BaseType::Index(ref cols) => cols
+ .iter()
+ .map(|col| format!("\"{}\"", col))
+ .collect::<Vec<_>>()
+ .join(", "),
+ _ => unreachable!(),
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ fn drop_index(name: &str) -> String {
+ format!("DROP INDEX \"{}\"", name)
+ }
+impl Pg {
+ fn prefix(ex: bool) -> String {
+ match ex {
+ true => format!("ADD COLUMN "),
+ false => format!(""),
+ }
+ }
+ fn print_type(t: BaseType, schema: Option<&str>) -> String {
+ use self::BaseType::*;
+ match t {
+ Text => format!("TEXT"),
+ Varchar(l) => match l {
+ 0 => format!("VARCHAR"), // For "0" remove the limit
+ _ => format!("VARCHAR({})", l),
+ },
+ /* "NOT NULL" is added here because normally primary keys are implicitly not-null */
+ Primary => format!("SERIAL PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL"),
+ Integer => format!("INTEGER"),
+ Float => format!("FLOAT"),
+ Double => format!("DOUBLE PRECISION"),
+ UUID => format!("UUID"),
+ Boolean => format!("BOOLEAN"),
+ Date => format!("DATE"),
+ Json => format!("JSON"),
+ Binary => format!("BYTEA"),
+ Foreign(s, t, refs) => format!(
+ "INTEGER REFERENCES {}\"{}\"({})",
+ prefix!(s.or(schema.map(|s| s.into()))),
+ t,
+ refs.0.join(",")
+ ),
+ Custom(t) => format!("{}", t),
+ Array(meh) => format!("{}[]", Pg::print_type(*meh, schema)),
+ Index(_) => unreachable!(), // Indices are handled via custom builder
+ }
+ }