path: root/infra
diff options
authorMx Kookie <kookie@spacekookie.de>2020-12-21 06:08:07 +0100
committerMx Kookie <kookie@spacekookie.de>2020-12-21 06:08:07 +0100
commit1c32b3da4c26d00b83b2dc274a7f445e2a01bf2e (patch)
tree91d639b523ab4a58b4c59c5c2b70aa6e79d5d4a3 /infra
parent4741f73bce20b498f52920eb514672c58575632a (diff)
libkookie: init overlays
This is a one-for-one copy from the old infrastructure repository
Diffstat (limited to 'infra')
16 files changed, 638 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/infra/libkookie/overlays/default.nix b/infra/libkookie/overlays/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f503537d4f5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infra/libkookie/overlays/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+/* Overlays in LIBKOOKIE are split into three parts
+ *
+ * patches: upstream but with cool stuff
+ * staging: things that might become upstream
+ * kookie: scripts and utils that won't leave LIBKOOKIE
+ */
+self: super: {
+ barrel-blog = self.callPackage ./kookie/barrel-blog { inherit (super); };
+ invoice = self.callPackage ./kookie/invoice { inherit (super); };
+ spacekookie-de = self.callPackage ./kookie/spacekookie-de { inherit (super); };
+ nodemcu-uploader = self.callPackage ./staging/nodemcu-uploader { };
+ pleroma = self.callPackage ./staging/pleroma { };
+ foo2zjs = self.callPackage ./staging/foo2zjs { };
+ htop = self.callPackage ./patches/htop { inherit (super) htop; };
diff --git a/infra/libkookie/overlays/kookie/barrel-blog/default.nix b/infra/libkookie/overlays/kookie/barrel-blog/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..15c2e58d5ce1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infra/libkookie/overlays/kookie/barrel-blog/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+{ stdenv, fetchFromGitHub, pythonPackages }:
+ json = with builtins; fromJSON (readFile ./meta.json);
+ master = json.rev;
+ masterSha256 = json.sha256;
+ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
+ name = "barrel-blog";
+ src = fetchFromGitHub {
+ owner = "spacekookie";
+ repo = "barrel";
+ rev = master;
+ sha256 = masterSha256;
+ };
+ buildInputs = with pythonPackages; [ pelican webassets markdown ];
+ installPhase = ''
+ cd docs/
+ pelican content
+ cp -rv output $out
+ '';
+ meta = with stdenv.lib; {
+ description = "A static website running on https://barrel.spacekookie.de";
+ homepage = "https://barrel.spacekookie.de";
+ license = licenses.mit;
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/infra/libkookie/overlays/kookie/barrel-blog/meta.json b/infra/libkookie/overlays/kookie/barrel-blog/meta.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3f1a908d973a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infra/libkookie/overlays/kookie/barrel-blog/meta.json
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ "owner": "spacekookie",
+ "repo": "barrel",
+ "rev": "ee5a17c97ac5315388f015ce59c98da3b6a895ce",
+ "sha256": "0n566x8y87pc3ynxqj7sv7cwsj4fhpz2pwn2mhhyjyqpyrq0khfc"
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infra/libkookie/overlays/kookie/dcutil/default.nix b/infra/libkookie/overlays/kookie/dcutil/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6f8e2bb28649
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infra/libkookie/overlays/kookie/dcutil/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+ *
+ * A tool that makes it easier to deal with decrypting
+ * and re-crypting the datacore storage pool.
+ */
+{ writeShellScriptBin, zfs }: writeShellScriptBin "dcutils" ''
+ set -eo pipefail
+ function open_pool {
+ ${zfs}/bin/zfs load-key datacore
+ ${zfs}/bin/zfs mount datacore
+ ${zfs}/bin/zfs mount datacore/backup
+ ${zfs}/bin/zfs mount datacore/media
+ ${zfs}/bin/zfs mount datacore/sync
+ }
+ function close_pool {
+ ${zfs}/bin/zfs umount datacore
+ ${zfs}/bin/zfs umount datacore/backup
+ ${zfs}/bin/zfs umount datacore/media
+ ${zfs}/bin/zfs umount datacore/sync
+ ${zfs}/bin/zfs unload-key datacore
+ }
+ case "$1" in
+ open*) open_pool ;;
+ close*) close_pool ;;
+ *) echo "Usage: <dcutils> [open|close]"
+ esac
diff --git a/infra/libkookie/overlays/kookie/invoice/README.md b/infra/libkookie/overlays/kookie/invoice/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..500fb5929fed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infra/libkookie/overlays/kookie/invoice/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+# invoice
+A tool that generates invoices with `pandoc`, `xelatex` and `yaml`.
+A descriptor file is required in order to make all of this work.
+These are independent of the tooling and template and should be
+client specific. Following is a small example of what it should
+look like:
+invoice-nr: 2019-1234
+date: 2019-06-09
+author: Alice Anonymous
+city: Metropolis
+- Cyberstreet 69
+- XX51F5 Metropolis
+- alice.anonymous@mail.cyber
+- + 69 (0) 13 37 13 12
+ustid: Your Tax ID here
+bank: Evil Bank (i.e. a bank)
+bank_iban: Your IBAN
+bank_bic: Your Bank BIC
+- Client Name
+- Client Address
+- ...
+VAT: 19 # Depends on the country you live in
+- description: Looking cool
+ price: 255
+ details:
+ - Making all your other employees look silly
+ - Telling really bad jokes
+- description: Being awesome
+ price: 615
+ details: Its in the title!
+currency: EUR
+lang: english
+# Typography and layout
+fontsize: 10pt
+geometry: a4paper, left=43mm, right=43mm, top=51mm, bottom=17mm
+Then point the script at this descriptor:
+$ invoice clients/client_name.yml
+This will then generate `clients/client_name.pdf` as an invoice
diff --git a/infra/libkookie/overlays/kookie/invoice/default.nix b/infra/libkookie/overlays/kookie/invoice/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..cdf0f1537acc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infra/libkookie/overlays/kookie/invoice/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+{ stdenv, makeWrapper, coreutils, findutils,
+ gawk, pandoc, gnumake, texlive }:
+stdenv.mkDerivation {
+ pname = "invoice";
+ version = "0.1.0";
+ src = ./.;
+ nativeBuildInputs = [ makeWrapper ];
+ installPhase = ''
+ mkdir -p $out/{bin,share}
+ cp invoice.sh $out/bin/invoice
+ cp template.tex $out/share/
+ wrapProgram $out/bin/invoice \
+ --set PATH $out/bin:${stdenv.lib.makeBinPath
+ [ coreutils findutils gawk gnumake pandoc texlive.combined.scheme-full ]} \
+ --set TEMPLATE_FILE $out/share/template.tex
+ '';
+ meta = with stdenv.lib; {
+ description = "Generate dynamic invoices based on yaml descriptors";
+ homepage = "https://git.sr.ht/~spacekookie/libkookie/";
+ license = licenses.gpl3;
+ };
diff --git a/infra/libkookie/overlays/kookie/invoice/invoice.sh b/infra/libkookie/overlays/kookie/invoice/invoice.sh
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..ff6a22b1112b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infra/libkookie/overlays/kookie/invoice/invoice.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+set -ueo pipefail
+if [ -z $SOURCE ]; then
+ echo "Usage: invoice <file>"
+ exit 2
+TARGET=$(dirname $SOURCE)
+ACCOUNT=$(basename $SOURCE .yml)
+# The reason behind this awk madness is that we want to be able to write
+# a date as yyyy-mm-dd in the invoice descriptor, but LaTeX needs the
+# date as three elements to fill in a {d}{m}{y} pattern. Thus we replace
+# a simple "date" line with three seperate fields that we can then read
+# from LaTeX
+cat $SOURCE | xargs -d '\n' -L 1 \
+ | awk -F '-' '{ if(match($0, /date/)) { gsub(/date: /,"", $1); \
+ print "date_year: " $1 "\n" "date_month: " $2 "\n" "date_day: " $3 } \
+ else { print $0} }' \
+ | pandoc - -o $TARGET/$ACCOUNT.pdf --template=$TEMPLATE_FILE --pdf-engine=xelatex
diff --git a/infra/libkookie/overlays/kookie/invoice/template.tex b/infra/libkookie/overlays/kookie/invoice/template.tex
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0e04455c0bc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infra/libkookie/overlays/kookie/invoice/template.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+%!TEX TS-program = xelatex
+%!TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode
+\documentclass[$fontsize$, a4paper]{scrartcl}
+% Command required by how Pandoc handles the list conversion
+\providecommand{\tightlist} {
+ \setlength{\itemsep}{0pt}\setlength{\parskip}{0pt}
+\usepackage[xetex, bookmarks, colorlinks, breaklinks]{hyperref}
+ pdfauthor={$author$},
+ pdfsubject=Rechnungs Nr. $invoice-nr$,
+ pdftitle=Rechnungs Nr. $invoice-nr$,
+ linkcolor=blue,
+ citecolor=blue,
+ filecolor=black,
+ urlcolor=blue
+ \textsc{\textbf{$author$}} \\
+ $for(from)$
+ \textsc{$from$} \\
+ $endfor$
+ \textsc{USt-IdNr: $ustid$} \\
+ \vspace{1em}
+\normalsize \sffamily
+ \small
+ $city$, \displaydate{date}
+\section*{\textsc{Rechnung} \textsc{\#$invoice-nr$}}
+\STautoround*{2} % Get spreadtab to always display the decimal part
+$if(commasep)$\STsetdecimalsep{,}$endif$ % Use comma as decimal separator
+\begin{spreadtab}{{tabular}[t t t]{lp{8.2cm}r}}
+ \hdashline[1pt/1pt]
+ @ \noalign{\vskip 2mm} \textbf{Pos.} & @ \textbf{Description} & @ \textbf{Prices in $currency$} \\ \hline
+ $for(service)$ @ \noalign{\vskip 2mm} \refstepcounter{pos} \thepos
+ & @ $service.description$
+ $if(service.details)$\newline \begin{itemize}
+ $for(service.details)$\scriptsize \item $service.details$
+ $endfor$ \end{itemize}
+ $endif$ & $service.price$\\$endfor$ \noalign{\vskip 2mm} \hline
+ $if(VAT)$
+ @ & @ \multicolumn{1}{r}{Subtotal:} & :={sum(c1:[0,-1])} \\ \hhline{~~-}
+ @ & @ \multicolumn{1}{r}{VAT $VAT$\%:} & $VAT$/100*[0,-1] \\ \hhline{~~-}
+ $else$
+ @ & @ \multicolumn{1}{r}{Subtotal:} & :={sum(c1:[0,-1])} \\ \hhline{~~-}
+ @ & @ \multicolumn{1}{r}{USt. Nullregelung:} & 0 \\ \hhline{~~-}
+ $endif$
+ @ & @ \multicolumn{1}{r}{\textbf{Total:}} & \textbf{:={$if(VAT)$[0,-1]+[0,-2]$else$[0,-2]$endif$}} \\ \hhline{~~-}
+bitte überweisen Sie den folgenden Betrag in den nächsten 14 Tagen:
+\strong{Kontoinhaber}: $author$ \\
+\strong{Kreditinstitut}: $bank$ \\
+\strong{IBAN}: $bank_iban$ \\
+\strong{BIC}: $bank_bic$
+Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
diff --git a/infra/libkookie/overlays/kookie/onepass/default.nix b/infra/libkookie/overlays/kookie/onepass/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..47302d0bb7bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infra/libkookie/overlays/kookie/onepass/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+{ stdenv, lib, fetchurl, wine }:
+stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
+ pname = "onepass";
+ version = "";
+ src = fetchurl {
+ url = "https://c.1password.com/dist/1P/win4/1Password-${version}.exe";
+ sha256 = "0p2g1vbz48bjjlxzrwww7gqfsn3c3na98qk019xal5s1j912h1ml";
+ };
+ dontUnpack = true;
+ buildPhase = ''
+ mkdir -p $out/onepass
+ WINE_PREFIX=$out/onepass ${wine}/bin/wine ${src}
+ '';
diff --git a/infra/libkookie/overlays/kookie/spacekookie-de/default.nix b/infra/libkookie/overlays/kookie/spacekookie-de/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..38ac94dbf55f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infra/libkookie/overlays/kookie/spacekookie-de/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+{ lib, stdenv, fetchgit, python3Packages }:
+stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
+ name = "spacekookie.de";
+ src = fetchgit {
+ url = "https://git.sr.ht/~spacekookie/website";
+ rev = "f6ca92954f6b825f933f685cb3c27990b96b1721";
+ sha256 = "0414351da5hy1096lrmmpm2jwdrxb8j5v59ccz6ayzpv1vwxk5qd";
+ };
+ buildInputs = with python3Packages; [ pelican webassets markdown ];
+ installPhase = ''
+ pelican content
+ cp -rv output $out
+ '';
+ meta = with stdenv.lib; {
+ description = "The `about` and `blog` part of spacekookie.de";
+ homepage = "https://spacekookie.de";
+ license = licenses.mit;
+ };
diff --git a/infra/libkookie/overlays/patches/htop/0001-htop-untruncated-username.patch b/infra/libkookie/overlays/patches/htop/0001-htop-untruncated-username.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1456cf043622
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infra/libkookie/overlays/patches/htop/0001-htop-untruncated-username.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+From: Alyssa Ross <hi@alyssa.is>
+Subject: [PATCH v2] Make "spacekookie" fit untruncated as a user name
+Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2019 18:18:22 +0000
+This version of the increases the length of the column header as well as
+the values, so columns after USER don't have misaligned headers.
+ Process.c | 10 +++++-----
+ darwin/Platform.c | 2 +-
+ dragonflybsd/DragonFlyBSDProcess.c | 2 +-
+ freebsd/FreeBSDProcess.c | 2 +-
+ linux/LinuxProcess.c | 2 +-
+ openbsd/OpenBSDProcess.c | 2 +-
+ solaris/SolarisProcess.c | 2 +-
+ unsupported/Platform.c | 2 +-
+ 8 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/Process.c b/Process.c
+index 54c41af..41d30a3 100644
+--- a/Process.c
++++ b/Process.c
+@@ -480,13 +480,13 @@ void Process_writeField(Process* this, RichString* str, ProcessField field) {
+ if (Process_getuid != (int) this->st_uid)
+ attr = CRT_colors[PROCESS_SHADOW];
+ if (this->user) {
+- xSnprintf(buffer, n, "%-9s ", this->user);
++ xSnprintf(buffer, n, "%-11s ", this->user);
+ } else {
+- xSnprintf(buffer, n, "%-9d ", this->st_uid);
++ xSnprintf(buffer, n, "%-11d ", this->st_uid);
+ }
+- if (buffer[9] != '\0') {
+- buffer[9] = ' ';
+- buffer[10] = '\0';
++ if (buffer[11] != '\0') {
++ buffer[11] = ' ';
++ buffer[12] = '\0';
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+diff --git a/darwin/Platform.c b/darwin/Platform.c
+index 1dce8b6..d603fd2 100644
+--- a/darwin/Platform.c
++++ b/darwin/Platform.c
+@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ ProcessFieldData Process_fields[] = {
+ [ST_UID] = { .name = "ST_UID", .title = " UID ", .description = "User ID of the process owner", .flags = 0, },
+ [PERCENT_CPU] = { .name = "PERCENT_CPU", .title = "CPU% ", .description = "Percentage of the CPU time the process used in the last sampling", .flags = 0, },
+ [PERCENT_MEM] = { .name = "PERCENT_MEM", .title = "MEM% ", .description = "Percentage of the memory the process is using, based on resident memory size", .flags = 0, },
+- [USER] = { .name = "USER", .title = "USER ", .description = "Username of the process owner (or user ID if name cannot be determined)", .flags = 0, },
++ [USER] = { .name = "USER", .title = "USER ", .description = "Username of the process owner (or user ID if name cannot be determined)", .flags = 0, },
+ [TIME] = { .name = "TIME", .title = " TIME+ ", .description = "Total time the process has spent in user and system time", .flags = 0, },
+ [NLWP] = { .name = "NLWP", .title = "NLWP ", .description = "Number of threads in the process", .flags = 0, },
+ [TGID] = { .name = "TGID", .title = " TGID ", .description = "Thread group ID (i.e. process ID)", .flags = 0, },
+diff --git a/dragonflybsd/DragonFlyBSDProcess.c b/dragonflybsd/DragonFlyBSDProcess.c
+index dade106..19d075d 100644
+--- a/dragonflybsd/DragonFlyBSDProcess.c
++++ b/dragonflybsd/DragonFlyBSDProcess.c
+@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ ProcessFieldData Process_fields[] = {
+ [ST_UID] = { .name = "ST_UID", .title = " UID ", .description = "User ID of the process owner", .flags = 0, },
+ [PERCENT_CPU] = { .name = "PERCENT_CPU", .title = "CPU% ", .description = "Percentage of the CPU time the process used in the last sampling", .flags = 0, },
+ [PERCENT_MEM] = { .name = "PERCENT_MEM", .title = "MEM% ", .description = "Percentage of the memory the process is using, based on resident memory size", .flags = 0, },
+- [USER] = { .name = "USER", .title = "USER ", .description = "Username of the process owner (or user ID if name cannot be determined)", .flags = 0, },
++ [USER] = { .name = "USER", .title = "USER ", .description = "Username of the process owner (or user ID if name cannot be determined)", .flags = 0, },
+ [TIME] = { .name = "TIME", .title = " TIME+ ", .description = "Total time the process has spent in user and system time", .flags = 0, },
+ [NLWP] = { .name = "NLWP", .title = "NLWP ", .description = "Number of threads in the process", .flags = 0, },
+ [TGID] = { .name = "TGID", .title = " TGID ", .description = "Thread group ID (i.e. process ID)", .flags = 0, },
+diff --git a/freebsd/FreeBSDProcess.c b/freebsd/FreeBSDProcess.c
+index f81fadf..1ed6c2a 100644
+--- a/freebsd/FreeBSDProcess.c
++++ b/freebsd/FreeBSDProcess.c
+@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ ProcessFieldData Process_fields[] = {
+ [ST_UID] = { .name = "ST_UID", .title = " UID ", .description = "User ID of the process owner", .flags = 0, },
+ [PERCENT_CPU] = { .name = "PERCENT_CPU", .title = "CPU% ", .description = "Percentage of the CPU time the process used in the last sampling", .flags = 0, },
+ [PERCENT_MEM] = { .name = "PERCENT_MEM", .title = "MEM% ", .description = "Percentage of the memory the process is using, based on resident memory size", .flags = 0, },
+- [USER] = { .name = "USER", .title = "USER ", .description = "Username of the process owner (or user ID if name cannot be determined)", .flags = 0, },
++ [USER] = { .name = "USER", .title = "USER ", .description = "Username of the process owner (or user ID if name cannot be determined)", .flags = 0, },
+ [TIME] = { .name = "TIME", .title = " TIME+ ", .description = "Total time the process has spent in user and system time", .flags = 0, },
+ [NLWP] = { .name = "NLWP", .title = "NLWP ", .description = "Number of threads in the process", .flags = 0, },
+ [TGID] = { .name = "TGID", .title = " TGID ", .description = "Thread group ID (i.e. process ID)", .flags = 0, },
+diff --git a/linux/LinuxProcess.c b/linux/LinuxProcess.c
+index 5f69707..1288155 100644
+--- a/linux/LinuxProcess.c
++++ b/linux/LinuxProcess.c
+@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ ProcessFieldData Process_fields[] = {
+ [ST_UID] = { .name = "ST_UID", .title = " UID ", .description = "User ID of the process owner", .flags = 0, },
+ [PERCENT_CPU] = { .name = "PERCENT_CPU", .title = "CPU% ", .description = "Percentage of the CPU time the process used in the last sampling", .flags = 0, },
+ [PERCENT_MEM] = { .name = "PERCENT_MEM", .title = "MEM% ", .description = "Percentage of the memory the process is using, based on resident memory size", .flags = 0, },
+- [USER] = { .name = "USER", .title = "USER ", .description = "Username of the process owner (or user ID if name cannot be determined)", .flags = 0, },
++ [USER] = { .name = "USER", .title = "USER ", .description = "Username of the process owner (or user ID if name cannot be determined)", .flags = 0, },
+ [TIME] = { .name = "TIME", .title = " TIME+ ", .description = "Total time the process has spent in user and system time", .flags = 0, },
+ [NLWP] = { .name = "NLWP", .title = "NLWP ", .description = "Number of threads in the process", .flags = 0, },
+ [TGID] = { .name = "TGID", .title = " TGID ", .description = "Thread group ID (i.e. process ID)", .flags = 0, },
+diff --git a/openbsd/OpenBSDProcess.c b/openbsd/OpenBSDProcess.c
+index 70f9653..ed90cf2 100644
+--- a/openbsd/OpenBSDProcess.c
++++ b/openbsd/OpenBSDProcess.c
+@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ ProcessFieldData Process_fields[] = {
+ .flags = 0, },
+ [USER] = {
+ .name = "USER",
+- .title = "USER ",
++ .title = "USER ",
+ .description = "Username of the process owner (or user ID if name cannot be determined)",
+ .flags = 0, },
+ [TIME] = {
+diff --git a/solaris/SolarisProcess.c b/solaris/SolarisProcess.c
+index 31f488e..7452e94 100644
+--- a/solaris/SolarisProcess.c
++++ b/solaris/SolarisProcess.c
+@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ ProcessFieldData Process_fields[] = {
+ [ST_UID] = { .name = "ST_UID", .title = " UID ", .description = "User ID of the process owner", .flags = 0, },
+ [PERCENT_CPU] = { .name = "PERCENT_CPU", .title = "CPU% ", .description = "Percentage of the CPU time the process used in the last sampling", .flags = 0, },
+ [PERCENT_MEM] = { .name = "PERCENT_MEM", .title = "MEM% ", .description = "Percentage of the memory the process is using, based on resident memory size", .flags = 0, },
+- [USER] = { .name = "USER", .title = "USER ", .description = "Username of the process owner (or user ID if name cannot be determined)", .flags = 0, },
++ [USER] = { .name = "USER", .title = "USER ", .description = "Username of the process owner (or user ID if name cannot be determined)", .flags = 0, },
+ [TIME] = { .name = "TIME", .title = " TIME+ ", .description = "Total time the process has spent in user and system time", .flags = 0, },
+ [NLWP] = { .name = "NLWP", .title = "NLWP ", .description = "Number of threads in the process", .flags = 0, },
+ [TGID] = { .name = "TGID", .title = " TGID ", .description = "Thread group ID (i.e. process ID)", .flags = 0, },
+diff --git a/unsupported/Platform.c b/unsupported/Platform.c
+index ba84419..cf5b09d 100644
+--- a/unsupported/Platform.c
++++ b/unsupported/Platform.c
+@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ ProcessFieldData Process_fields[] = {
+ [ST_UID] = { .name = "ST_UID", .title = " UID ", .description = "User ID of the process owner", .flags = 0, },
+ [PERCENT_CPU] = { .name = "PERCENT_CPU", .title = "CPU% ", .description = "Percentage of the CPU time the process used in the last sampling", .flags = 0, },
+ [PERCENT_MEM] = { .name = "PERCENT_MEM", .title = "MEM% ", .description = "Percentage of the memory the process is using, based on resident memory size", .flags = 0, },
+- [USER] = { .name = "USER", .title = "USER ", .description = "Username of the process owner (or user ID if name cannot be determined)", .flags = 0, },
++ [USER] = { .name = "USER", .title = "USER ", .description = "Username of the process owner (or user ID if name cannot be determined)", .flags = 0, },
+ [TIME] = { .name = "TIME", .title = " TIME+ ", .description = "Total time the process has spent in user and system time", .flags = 0, },
+ [NLWP] = { .name = "NLWP", .title = "NLWP ", .description = "Number of threads in the process", .flags = 0, },
+ [TGID] = { .name = "TGID", .title = " TGID ", .description = "Thread group ID (i.e. process ID)", .flags = 0, },
diff --git a/infra/libkookie/overlays/patches/htop/default.nix b/infra/libkookie/overlays/patches/htop/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7550f960aac6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infra/libkookie/overlays/patches/htop/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ *
+ * My nick (spacekookie) is too long to be displayed
+ * in an htop column. This custom patches fixes this
+ *
+ * (<3)
+ */
+{ htop, python3 }:
+htop.overrideAttrs ({ patches ? [], nativeBuildInputs ? [], postConfigure ? "", ... }: {
+ patches = patches ++ [ ./0001-htop-untruncated-username.patch ];
+ nativeBuildInputs = nativeBuildInputs ++ [ python3 ];
+ postConfigure = ''
+ patchShebangs ./scripts/MakeHeader.py
+ '' + postConfigure;
diff --git a/infra/libkookie/overlays/staging/foo2zjs/0001-Removing-the-way-the-Makefile-handles-PREFIX.patch b/infra/libkookie/overlays/staging/foo2zjs/0001-Removing-the-way-the-Makefile-handles-PREFIX.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..95ca34f8d986
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infra/libkookie/overlays/staging/foo2zjs/0001-Removing-the-way-the-Makefile-handles-PREFIX.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+From dfd14d715efd21845132b9aa824fd024785f0e4f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Kaiden Fey <kookie@spacekookie.de>
+Date: Sun, 8 Nov 2020 13:59:19 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] Removing the way the Makefile handles PREFIX
+ Makefile | 5 -----
+ 1 file changed, 5 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
+index 381fd6c..4df0c20 100644
+--- a/Makefile
++++ b/Makefile
+@@ -16,11 +16,6 @@ SYSNAME := $(shell uname -n)
+ # No version number yet...
+-# Installation prefix...
+ # Pathnames for this package...
+ BIN=$(PREFIX)/bin
+ SHAREZJS=$(PREFIX)/share/foo2zjs
diff --git a/infra/libkookie/overlays/staging/foo2zjs/default.nix b/infra/libkookie/overlays/staging/foo2zjs/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b51b4073cf81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infra/libkookie/overlays/staging/foo2zjs/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+{ stdenv, lib, fetchurl, glibc, ghostscript, bc, cups-filters, ... }:
+stdenv.mkDerivation {
+ pname = "foo2zjs";
+ version = "0.0.0";
+ src = fetchurl {
+ url = "http://foo2zjs.rkkda.com/foo2zjs.tar.gz";
+ sha256 = "013793jnlqp21gmsn362zf9yxgi9f9lsmcz20v3db85hcbq91ib3";
+ };
+ nativeBuildInputs = [ ghostscript bc ];
+ patches = [ ./0001-Removing-the-way-the-Makefile-handles-PREFIX.patch ];
+ configurePhase = ''
+ sed -i "s:/usr/include/stdio.h:${glibc.dev.outPath}/include/stdio.h:" Makefile
+ '';
+ buildInputs = [ cups-filters ];
+ installFlags = [ "PREFIX=$(out)" ];
+ # installPhase = ''
+ # mkdir -p $out/bin
+ # '';
diff --git a/infra/libkookie/overlays/staging/nodemcu-uploader/default.nix b/infra/libkookie/overlays/staging/nodemcu-uploader/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..43176a9c890f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infra/libkookie/overlays/staging/nodemcu-uploader/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+{ stdenv, python2, python2Packages, ... }:
+python2.pkgs.buildPythonApplication rec {
+ pname = "nodemcu-uploader";
+ version = "0.4.3";
+ src = python2.pkgs.fetchPypi {
+ inherit pname version;
+ sha256 = "13nlc2gr85pw7kcfirzi3k8rqybmdwhsxnndixvayis1fm80bsrf";
+ };
+ propagatedBuildInputs = with python2.pkgs; [ pyserial wrapt ];
+ doCheck = false;
+ meta = with stdenv.lib; {
+ description = "Lalalala";
+ homepage = https://www.foo.org;
+ license = licenses.mit;
+ platforms = platforms.unix;
+ maintainers = with maintainers; [ spacekookie ];
+ };
diff --git a/infra/libkookie/overlays/staging/pleroma/default.nix b/infra/libkookie/overlays/staging/pleroma/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1e1cc2d58eb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infra/libkookie/overlays/staging/pleroma/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+{ stdenv, lib, pkgs, fetchFromGitLab, ... }:
+stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
+ name = "pleroma-${version}";
+ version = "0.9.0";
+ src = fetchFromGitLab rec {
+ domain = "git.pleroma.social";
+ owner = "pleroma";
+ repo = "pleroma";
+ rev = "v${version}";
+ sha256 = "1k33h3j67ywrmkrjr1hvb53j3zsvszb4rfraak1vsh7jn4j6a0wl";
+ };
+ installPhase = ''
+ cp -r $src $out
+ '';
+ meta = with lib; {
+ description = "A free, federated social networking server built on open protocols";
+ license = licenses.agpl3;
+ maintainers = [ maintainers.spacekookie ];
+ platforms = platforms.all;
+ };