path: root/apps/cassiopeia/src/format/mod.rs
//! cassiopeia file format

mod gen;
pub(crate) mod ir;
mod lexer;
mod parser;

pub(crate) use lexer::{LineLexer, LineToken, Token};
pub(crate) use parser::LineCfg;

use crate::{
    error::{ParseError, ParseResult},
use ir::{IrItem, IrStream};
use std::{
    fs::{File, OpenOptions},
    io::{Read, Write},

/// A crate internal representation of the IR stream and timefile
pub(crate) struct ParseOutput {
    pub(crate) ir: IrStream,
    pub(crate) tf: TimeFile,

impl ParseOutput {
    fn append(mut self, ir: IrItem) -> ParseResult<Self> {

/// Load a file from disk and parse it into a
/// [`TimeFile`](crate::TimeFile)
pub(crate) fn load_file(path: &str) -> ParseResult<ParseOutput> {
    // Load the raw file contents
    let mut f = File::open(path)?;
    let mut content = String::new();
    f.read_to_string(&mut content)?;

    // Split the file by lines - .cass is a line based format
    let mut lines: Vec<String> = content.split("\n").map(|l| l.to_owned()).collect();

    // Build an iterator over parsed lines
    let parsed = lines
        .map(|line| lexer::lex(line))
        .map(|lex| parser::parse(lex));

    // Generate the IR from parse output, then build the timefile
        .fold(Ok(ParseOutput::default()), |out, ir| match out {
            Ok(mut out) => out.append(ir),
            e @ Err(_) => e,

/// Write a file with the updated IR stream
pub(crate) fn write_file(path: &str, ir: &mut IrStream) -> ParseResult<()> {
    let mut lines = ir.into_iter().map(|ir| gen::line(ir)).collect::<Vec<_>>();
    lines.insert(0, gen::head_comment());

    // let mut f = OpenOptions::new()
    //     .write(true)
    //     .create(true)
    //     .truncate(true)
    //     .open(path)
    //     .ok()?;
    // f.write_all(lines.join("\n").as_bytes()).ok()?;