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3 files changed, 306 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/date_locale.rb b/date_locale.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6cc43a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/date_locale.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+#Make a 'localization' for Date, DateTime and Time.
+#This is not using locale, but if you use locale, it is detected and locale sensitive.
+#The output is in iso-8859-1, other encodings can be set with Date_locale.set_target_encoding.
+require 'iconv'
+require 'date'
+#Adaption for a localized Date-class
+#Solution based on discussion at ruby-forum.de
+module Date_locale
+ #Constant/Hash with the supported languages.
+ #
+ #Initial definitions are taken from localization_simplified.
+ #
+ #Changes:
+ #* added de_at
+ #* adapted :pt to pt_br (original :pt was French).
+ :ca => {
+ :monthnames => [nil] + %w{gener febrer març abril maig juny juliol agost setembre octubre novembre desembre},
+ :abbr_monthnames => [nil] + %w{gen feb mar abr mai jun jul ago set oct nov des},
+ :daynames => %w{diumenge dilluns dimarts dimecres dijous divendres dissabte},
+ :abbr_daynames => %w{dmg dll dmt dmc djs dvn dsb},
+ },
+ :cf => {
+ :monthnames => [nil] + %w{Janvier Février Mars Avril Mai Juin Juillet Août Septembre Octobre Novembre Décembre},
+ :abbr_monthnames => [nil] + %w{Jan Fev Mar Avr Mai Jun Jui Aou Sep Oct Nov Dec},
+ :daynames => %w{Dimanche Lundi Mardi Mercredi Jeudi Vendredi Samedi},
+ :abbr_daynames => %w{Dim Lun Mar Mer Jeu Ven Sam},
+ },
+ :cs => {
+ :monthnames => [nil] + %w{Leden Únor Březen Duben Květen Červen Červenec Srpen Září Říjen Listopad Prosinec},
+ :abbr_monthnames => [nil] + %w{Led Úno Bře Dub Kvě Čvn Čvc Srp Zář Říj Lis Pro},
+ :daynames => %w{Neděle Pondělí Úterý Středa Čtvrtek Pátek Sobota},
+ :abbr_daynames => %w{Ne Po Út St Čt Pá So},
+ },
+ :da => {
+ :monthnames => [nil] + %w{januar februar marts april maj juni juli august september oktober november december},
+ :abbr_monthnames => [nil] + %w{jan feb mar apr maj jun jul aug sep okt nov dec},
+ :daynames => %w{søndag mandag tirsdag onsdag torsdag fredag lørdag},
+ :abbr_daynames => %w{søn man tir ons tors fre lør},
+ },
+ :de => {
+ :monthnames => [nil] + %w{Januar Februar März April Mai Juni Juli August September Oktober November Dezember},
+ :abbr_monthnames => [nil] + %w{Jan Feb Mrz Apr Mai Jun Jul Aug Sep Okt Nov Dez},
+ :daynames => %w{Sonntag Montag Dienstag Mittwoch Donnerstag Freitag Samstag},
+ :abbr_daynames => %w{So Mo Di Mi Do Fr Sa},
+ },
+ :de_at => {
+ :monthnames => [nil] + %w(Jänner Feber März April Mai Juni Juli August September Oktober November Dezember),
+ :abbr_monthnames => [nil] + %w(Jan Feb Mrz Apr Mai Jun Jul Aug Sep Okt Nov Dez),
+ :daynames => %w(Sonntag Montag Dienstag Mittwoch Donnerstag Freitag Samstag),
+ :abbr_daynames => %w(So Mo Di Mi Do Fr Sa),
+ },
+ :en => {
+ :monthnames => [nil] + %w{January February March April May June July August September October November December},
+ :abbr_monthnames => [nil] + %w{Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec},
+ :daynames => %w{Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday},
+ :abbr_daynames => %w{Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat},
+ },
+ :es => {
+ :monthnames => [nil] + %w{enero febrero marzo abril mayo junio julio agosto septiembre octubre noviembre diciembre},
+ :abbr_monthnames => [nil] + %w{ene feb mar abr may jun jul ago sep oct nov dic},
+ :daynames => %w{domingo lunes martes miércoles jueves viernes sábado},
+ :abbr_daynames => %w{dom lun mar mié jue vie sáb},
+ },
+ :es_ar => {
+ :monthnames => [nil] + %w{enero febrero marzo abril mayo junio julio agosto septiembre octubre noviembre diciembre},
+ :abbr_monthnames => [nil] + %w{ene feb mar abr may jun jul ago sep oct nov dic},
+ :daynames => %w{domingo lunes martes miércoles jueves viernes sábado},
+ :abbr_daynames => %w{dom lun mar mié jue vie sáb},
+ },
+ :fi => {
+ :monthnames => [nil] + %w{tammikuu helmikuu maaliskuu huhtikuu toukokuu kesäkuu heinäkuu elokuu syyskuu lokakuu marraskuu joulukuu},
+ :abbr_monthnames => [nil] + %w{tammi helmi maalis huhti touko kesä heinä elo syys loka marras joulu},
+ :daynames => %w{sunnuntai maanantai tiistai keskiviikko torstai perjantai lauantai},
+ :abbr_daynames => %w{su ma ti ke to pe la},
+ },
+ :fr => {
+ :monthnames => [nil] + %w{Janvier Février Mars Avril Mai Juin Juillet Août Septembre Octobre Novembre Decembre},
+ :abbr_monthnames => [nil] + %w{Jan Fév Mar Avr Mai Jui Jul Aoû Sep Oct Nov Déc},
+ :daynames => %w{Dimanche Lundi Mardi Mercredi Jeudi Vendredi Samedi},
+ :abbr_daynames => %w{Dim Lun Mar Mer Jeu Ven Sam},
+ },
+ :it => {
+ :monthnames => [nil] + %w{Gennaio Febbraio Marzo Aprile Maggio Giugno Luglio Agosto Settembre Ottobre Novembre Dicembre },
+ :daynames => %w{ Domenica Lunedì Martedì Mercoledì Giovedì Venerdì Sabato },
+ :abbr_monthnames => [nil] + %w{ Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu Lug Ago Set Ott Nov Dic },
+ :abbr_daynames => %w{ Dom Lun Mar Mer Gio Ven Sab },
+ },
+ :ko => {
+ :monthnames => [nil] + %w{1월 2월 3월 4월 5월 6월 7월 8월 9월 10월 11월 12월},
+ :abbr_monthnames => [nil] + %w{1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12},
+ :daynames => %w{일요일 월요일 화요일 수요일 목요일 금요일 토요일},
+ :abbr_daynames => %w{일 월 화 수 목 금 토},
+ },
+ :nl => {
+ :monthnames => [nil] + %w{Januari Februari Maart April Mei Juni Juli Augustus September Oktober November December},
+ :abbr_monthnames => [nil] + %w{Jan Feb Maa Apr Mei Jun Jul Aug Sep Okt Nov Dec},
+ :daynames => %w{Zondag Maandag Dinsdag Woensdag Donderdag Vrijdag Zaterdag},
+ :abbr_daynames => %w{Zo Ma Di Wo Do Vr Za},
+ },
+ :no => {
+ :monthnames => [nil] + %w{januar februar mars april mai juni juli august september oktober november desember},
+ :abbr_monthnames => [nil] + %w{jan feb mar apr mai jun jul aug sep okt nov des},
+ :daynames => %w{søndag mandag tirsdag onsdag torsdag fredag lørdag},
+ :abbr_daynames => %w{søn man tir ons tors fre lør},
+ },
+ :pt => {
+ :monthnames => [nil] + %w{Janeiro Fevereiro Março Abril Maio Junho Julho Agosto Setembro Outubro Novembro Dezembro},
+ :abbr_monthnames => [nil] + %w{Jan Fev Mar Abr Mai Jun Jul Ago Set Out Nov Dez},
+ :daynames => %w{domingo segunda terça quarta quinta sexta sábado},
+ :abbr_daynames => %w{Dom Seg Ter Qua Qui Sex Sab},
+ },
+ :pt_br => {
+ :monthnames => [nil] + %w{janeiro fevereiro março abril maio junho julho agosto setembro outubro novembro dezembro},
+ :abbr_monthnames => [nil] + %w{jan fev mar abr mai jun jul ago set out nov dez},
+ :daynames => %w{domingo segunda terça quarta quinta sexta sábado},
+ :abbr_daynames => %w{dom seg ter qua qui sex sáb},
+ },
+ :ru => {
+ :monthnames => [nil] + %w{Январь Февраль Март Апрель Май Июнь Июль Август Сентябрь Октябрь Ноябрь Декабрь},
+ :abbr_monthnames => [nil] + %w{Янв Фев Мар Апр Май Июн Июл Авг Сен Окт Ноя Дек},
+ :daynames => %w{Воскресенье Понедельник Вторник Среда Четверг Пятница Суббота},
+ :abbr_daynames => %w{Вск Пнд Втр Сре Чет Пят Суб},
+ },
+ :sv => {
+ :monthnames => [nil] + %w{januari februari mars april maj juni juli augusti september oktober november december},
+ :abbr_monthnames => [nil] + %w{jan feb mar apr maj jun jul aug sep okt nov dec},
+ :daynames => %w{söndag måndag tisdag onsdag torsdag fredag lördag},
+ :abbr_daynames => %w{sön mån tis ons tors fre lör},
+ },
+ :sr => {
+ :monthnames => [nil] + %w{Januar Februar Mart April Maj Jun Jul Avgust Septembar Oktobar Novembar Decembar},
+ :abbr_monthnames => [nil] + %w{Jan Feb Mar Apr Maj Jun Jul Aug Sep Okt Nov Dec},
+ :daynames => %w{Nedelja Ponedeljak Utorak Sreda Četvrtak Petak Subota},
+ :abbr_daynames => %w{Ned Pon Uto Sre Čet Pet Sub},
+ },
+ }
+ #~ puts DATE_TEXTS.to_yaml
+ #Not really necessary.
+ #But I want to avoid later changes.
+ DATE_TEXTS.freeze
+ #
+ #Test if the seleted language is available in Date_locale.
+ def self.locale?( lang )
+ return DATE_TEXTS[lang]
+ end
+ #Set default converter
+ #~ @@encoding_converter = Iconv.new( 'iso-8859-1', 'utf-8' )
+ #
+ #The daynames are encoded in UTF (I hope ;-) ).
+ #With this method you can define a global converter.
+ #
+ #Example:
+ # Date_locale.set_target_encoding( 'iso-8859-1')
+ #
+ def self.set_target_encoding( enc )
+ @@encoding_converter = Iconv.new( enc, 'utf-8' )
+ end
+ #
+ #Get the key for the wanted language.
+ #
+ #Allows the usage (or not to use) locale.
+ def self.get_language_key( lang = nil )
+ #
+ #What's the better solution? Check for locale, or check for the method :language?
+ #
+ if defined?( Locale ) and lang.is_a?(Locale::Object)
+ #~ if lang.respond_to?(:language)
+ Date_locale.set_target_encoding( lang.charset )
+ return lang.language.to_sym
+ end
+ case lang
+ when nil #Undefined default, take actual locale or en
+ return defined?( Locale ) ? Locale.current.language.to_sym : :en
+ #This code require locale (or you get an error "uninitialized constant Date_locale::Locale")
+ #when Locale::Object
+ # return lang.language.to_sym
+ else
+ return lang.to_sym
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ #strftime with the day- and month names in the selected language.
+ #
+ #Lang can be a language symbol or a locale.
+ def strftime_locale(format = '%F', lang = nil )
+ lang = Date_locale.get_language_key(lang)
+ #Get the texts
+ if DATE_TEXTS[lang]
+ daynames = DATE_TEXTS[lang][:daynames]
+ abbr_daynames = DATE_TEXTS[lang][:abbr_daynames]
+ monthnames = DATE_TEXTS[lang][:monthnames]
+ abbr_monthnames = DATE_TEXTS[lang][:abbr_monthnames]
+ else
+ raise "Missing Support for locale #{lang.inspect}"
+ end
+ #Make the original replacements, after....
+ result = self.strftime_orig(
+ #...you replaced the language dependent parts.
+ format.gsub(/%([aAbB])/){|m|
+ case $1
+ when 'a'; abbr_daynames[self.wday]
+ when 'A'; daynames[self.wday]
+ when 'b'; abbr_monthnames[self.mon]
+ when 'B'; monthnames[self.mon]
+ else
+ raise "Date#strftime: InputError"
+ end
+ }
+ )
+ if defined? @@encoding_converter
+ @@encoding_converter.iconv(result)
+ else
+ result
+ end
+ end #strftime_locale(format = '%F', lang = :en )
+end #module Date_locale
+class Date
+ include Date_locale
+ alias :strftime_orig :strftime
+ #Redefine strftime with flexible daynames.
+ #
+ def strftime(format = '%F', lang = nil )
+ return strftime_locale(format, lang )
+ end #strftime
+end #class Date
+#Redefine strftime for DateTime
+class DateTime
+ #No alias! It is done already in class Date.
+ #alias :strftime_orig_date :strftime
+ #Redefine strftime.
+ #strftime_orig is already defined in Date.
+ def strftime( format='%F', lang = nil )
+ return strftime_locale(format, lang )
+ end #strftime
+class Time
+ include Date_locale
+ alias :strftime_orig :strftime
+ #Redefine strftime for locale versions.
+ def strftime(format='%F', lang = nil )
+ return strftime_locale(format, lang )
+ end #strftime
+#Make some quick tests
+if __FILE__ == $0
+ #~ require 'date_locale'
+ d = Date.new(2009,10,21)
+ puts d.strftime("de: %A {%a} {%A} {%W} %w ", :de ) #=> de: Mittwoch {Mi} {Mittwoch} {42} 3 (loc: en)
+ puts d.strftime("en: %A {%a} {%A} {%W} %w ", :en ) #=> en: Wednesday {Wed} {Wednesday} {42} 3 (loc: en)
+ puts "=======Load locale"
+ require 'locale'
+ Locale.current = 'de'
+ puts d.strftime("#{Locale.current}: %A {%a} {%A} {%W} %w") #=> de: Mittwoch {Mi} {Mittwoch} {42} 3
+ Locale.current = 'en'
+ puts d.strftime("#{Locale.current}: %A {%a} {%A} {%W} %w") #=> en: Wednesday {Wed} {Wednesday} {42} 3
+ puts d.strftime("de: %A {%a} {%A} {%W} %w (loc: #{Locale.current})", :de ) #=> de: Mittwoch {Mi} {Mittwoch} {42} 3 (loc: en)
+ puts d.strftime("en: %A {%a} {%A} {%W} %w (loc: #{Locale.current})", :en ) #=> en: Wednesday {Wed} {Wednesday} {42} 3 (loc: en)
+end #if __FILE__ == $0
diff --git a/dudle.rb b/dudle.rb
index 2931528..27db141 100644
--- a/dudle.rb
+++ b/dudle.rb
@@ -28,8 +28,11 @@ require 'gettext/cgi'
include GetText
GetText.output_charset = 'utf-8'
+require "locale"
+require "date_locale"
require "html"
require "poll"
require "config"
diff --git a/timepollhead.rb b/timepollhead.rb
index 61b8b2a..bae1526 100644
--- a/timepollhead.rb
+++ b/timepollhead.rb
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ class TimePollHead
ret = "<tr><th class='invisible'></th>"
year, month = title.split("-").collect{|e| e.to_i}
- ret += "<th colspan='#{count}'>#{Date::ABBR_MONTHNAMES[month]} #{year}</th>\n"
+ ret += "<th colspan='#{count}'>#{Date::DATE_TEXTS[Date_locale.get_language_key(Locale.current)][:abbr_monthnames][month]} #{year}</th>\n"
ret += "<th class='invisible'></th></tr><tr><th class='invisible'></th>"
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ END
ret += "</tr><tr>\n"
- 7.times{|i| ret += "<th class='weekday'>#{Date::ABBR_DAYNAMES[(i+1)%7]}</th>" }
+ 7.times{|i| ret += "<th class='weekday'>#{Date::DATE_TEXTS[Date_locale.get_language_key(Locale.current)][:abbr_daynames][(i+1)%7]}</th>" }
ret += "</tr><tr>\n"
@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ END
ret += "<th class='invisible'></th>"
year,month = title.split("-").collect{|e| e.to_i}
- ret += "<th colspan='#{count}'>#{Date::ABBR_MONTHNAMES[month]} #{year}</th>\n"
+ ret += "<th colspan='#{count}'>#{Date::DATE_TEXTS[Date_locale.get_language_key(Locale.current)][:abbr_monthnames][month]} #{year}</th>\n"
ret += "</tr><tr><th>" + _("Time") + "</th>"