<<<<<<< HEAD {% extends "base.html" %} {# Define what html head we include #} {% block head %} {% with type='home' %} {% include "components/html_head.html" %} {% endwith %} {% endblock head %} {% block wrapped %} {% with type='home' %} {% include "components/navbar_generator.html" %} {% endwith %} {% with title_type='title' %} {% include "components/title_text.html" %} {% endwith %} {% include "components/super_gay.html" %}

Hi – Welcome to my dusty internet hangout place.

My name is Katharina Fey and I'm a software developer from Berlin. I like taking photos, writing stories and starting way too many personal projects.




To get in touch with me, you can also send an e-mail to kookie@spacekookie.de

{% endblock %} ======= {% block head %} {% block title %}{{ SITENAME }}{% endblock title %} {% endblock head %}

# fun memory violations _

Hi – Welcome to my dusty internet hangout place.

My name is Katharina Fey and I'm a software developer from Berlin. I like taking photos, writing stories and starting way too many personal projects.

>>>>>>> 6386c12fc0e606829d2b5bfea31d647852f2b491