Title: No, I won't work at Google Category: Blog Tags: ethics Date: 2019-07-28 Status: Draft Once in a while (about every 6-9 months or so), I get an e-mail like this in my inbox: > Hi Katherina, > > Hope you are doing well. I'm a tech sourcer with Google working on the > expansion of our Europe software engineering teams. I came across your > linkedin and github profiles and I'm interested in finding more about your > experience. Would you be open having a quick formal chat about our current > teams and projects we have across Europe to see if there's anything that > may interest you? I always send the same polite decline, wishing them a nice day. And a few months later, someone else will e-mail me the exact same question. I know that a few years ago, when Google first reached out to me to ask me if I was interested in working for them, I was quite excited about the idea. Since then a lot of things have changed, including my attitudes towards big companies, and Google in particular.