
fun memory violations

This is my website, running at https://spacekookie.de. It's built with Pelican and uses my own theme, called crumbs (because kookies...).

The theme itself is pretty easy, only implementing the bits that I need, and using some components to deduplicate template code.

There's a "permadraft" folder of articles that never quite made it. Some of them are farely fleshed out but either the time to publish them passed or I otherwise thought it'd be a bad idea ot put them on the blog.

Their HTML pages are still being built and published, but not included in any index page (like blog). If you can find one, feel free to hot-link to it.

How to build

The easiest way to build the website is with nix. Simply run nix-shell in this directory to install require dependencies. Then you can use make to get access to a whole bunch of website commands, such as build, or devserver. The dev server is hosted on port 8000.

Manual install

If you don't use nix, you need to install python3 and pip. The python dependencies are pelican, markdown and webassets. Please for the love of god use a virtualenv 😬.

pip install pelican markdown webassets
pelican content
make devserver

How to contribute

This repository has recently moved from Github to sourcehut. And while I will still (infrequently) mirror the repository to github, I don't want to accept contributions there anymore.

I have a meta issue tracker, where you can post issues about any of my projects, in theory, without requiring registration. Alternatively, you can send me a patch via e-mail either to my personal address, or to my public-inbox.


This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.