############################################################################ # Copyright 2009 Benjamin Kellermann # # # # This file is part of dudle. # # # # Dudle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # # the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # # (at your option) any later version. # # # # Dudle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY # # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or # # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public # # License for more details. # # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # # along with dudle. If not, see . # ############################################################################ require "time" class LogEntry attr_accessor :rev, :timestamp, :comment def initialize(rev,timestamp,comment) @rev = rev @timestamp = timestamp @comment = comment end def to_html(link = true) ret = "" ret += "" if link ret += "#{@rev}" ret += "" if link ret += "" ret += "#{@timestamp.strftime('%d.%m, %H:%M')}" ret += "#{CGI.escapeHTML(@comment)}" ret += "" ret end end class Log def initialize(a = []) @log = a end def min ret = @log[0] @log.each{|l| ret.rev = l if l.rev < ret.rev } ret end def max ret = @log[-1] @log.each{|l| ret.rev = l if l.rev > ret.rev } ret end def [](revision) if revision.class == Fixnum @log.each{|l| return l if l.rev == revision } raise "No such revision found #{revision}" else min_r, max_r = "","" @log.each_with_index{|l,i| min_r = i if l.rev == revision.min max_r = i if l.rev == revision.max } min_r = @log.index(min) if min_r == "" max_r = @log.index(max) if max_r == "" return Log.new(@log[min_r..max_r]) end end def add(revision,timestamp,comment) @log << LogEntry.new(revision,timestamp,comment) @log.sort!{|a,b| a.rev <=> b.rev} end def to_html(notlinkrevision) ret = "" self.each do |l| ret += l.to_html(notlinkrevision != l.rev) end ret += "
" ret end def each @log.each{|e| yield(e)} end def collect @log.collect{|e| yield(e)} end def comment_matches(regex) Log.new(@log.collect{|e| e if e.comment =~ regex}.compact) end def flatten h = [] minrev = min.rev rev = max.rev while rev > minrev elem = self[rev] prevrev = elem.comment.scan(/^Reverted Poll to revision (\d*)$/).flatten[0] if prevrev rev = prevrev.to_i else h << elem rev += -1 end end h.sort!{|a,b| a.rev <=> b.rev} Log.new(h) end end if __FILE__ == $0 require "test/unit" class Log_test < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_indexes l = Log.new l.add(10,Time.now,"baz 10") 20.times{|i| l.add(i,Time.now,"foo #{i}") unless i == 10 } assert_equal(0,l.min.rev) assert_equal(19,l.max.rev) assert_equal("baz 10",l[10].comment) p = l[9..11] assert_equal([9,10,11],[p[9].rev,p[10].rev,p[11].rev]) assert_equal([10],l.comment_matches(/^baz \d*$/).collect{|e| e.rev}) end end end