use crate::{ Status, Ticket, TicketV0, }; use anyhow::{ bail, Result, }; use chrono::prelude::*; use log::*; use rand::prelude::*; use shared::find_root; use std::{ convert::TryInto, fs, path::{ Path, PathBuf, }, }; use uuid::{ v1::{ Context, Timestamp, }, Uuid, }; pub fn get_all_tickets() -> Result> { let mut tickets = get_open_tickets()?; tickets.extend(get_closed_tickets()?); Ok(tickets) } pub fn get_open_tickets() -> Result> { get_tickets(&open_tickets()?) } pub fn get_closed_tickets() -> Result> { get_tickets(&closed_tickets()?) } fn get_tickets(path: &Path) -> Result> { let mut out = Vec::new(); debug!("Looking for ticket."); for entry in fs::read_dir(&path)? { let entry = entry?; let path = entry.path(); trace!("Looking at entry {}.", path.display()); if path.is_file() { trace!("Entry is a file."); match toml::from_slice::(&fs::read(&path)?) { Ok(ticket) => out.push(ticket), Err(e) => { error!("Failed to parse ticket {}", path.canonicalize()?.display()); error!("Is the file an old ticket format? You might need to run `ticket migrate`."); bail!("Underlying error was {}", e); } } } } out.sort_by(|a, b|; Ok(out) } pub fn ticket_root() -> Result { Ok(find_root()?.join(".dev-suite").join("ticket")) } pub fn closed_tickets() -> Result { Ok(ticket_root()?.join("closed")) } pub fn open_tickets() -> Result { Ok(ticket_root()?.join("open")) } // Old version ticket code to handle grabbing code pub fn get_all_ticketsv0() -> Result> { let mut tickets = get_open_ticketsv0()?; tickets.extend(get_closed_ticketsv0()?); Ok(tickets) } pub fn get_open_ticketsv0() -> Result> { get_ticketsv0(&open_tickets()?) } pub fn get_closed_ticketsv0() -> Result> { get_ticketsv0(&closed_tickets()?) } fn get_ticketsv0(path: &Path) -> Result> { let mut out = Vec::new(); debug!("Looking for ticket."); for entry in fs::read_dir(&path)? { let entry = entry?; let path = entry.path(); trace!("Looking at entry {}.", path.display()); if path.is_file() { trace!("Entry is a file."); if let Ok(ticket) = toml::from_slice::(&fs::read(&path)?) { out.push(ticket); } } } out.sort_by(|a, b| a.number.cmp(&b.number)); Ok(out) } pub fn uuid_v1() -> Result { Ok(Uuid::new_v1( Timestamp::from_unix( Context::new(random()), Utc::now().timestamp().try_into()?, 0, ), &[random(), random(), random(), random(), random(), random()], )?) } pub fn save_ticket(ticket: &Ticket) -> Result<()> { fs::write(ticket_path(&ticket)?, toml::to_string_pretty(&ticket)?)?; Ok(()) } pub fn ticket_file_name(ticket: &Ticket) -> String { let mut name = ticket .title .split_whitespace() .collect::>() .join("-"); name.push_str(".toml"); name = name.to_lowercase(); name } pub fn ticket_path(ticket: &Ticket) -> Result { Ok( match ticket.status { Status::Open => open_tickets()?, Status::Closed => closed_tickets()?, } .join(ticket_file_name(&ticket)), ) }